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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: list bookmarksThanks to illutic it’s fixed now. For those who are interested here’s the code:
//var_dump($_GET[ ‘cat’ ]);
$_GET[ ‘cat’ ] = substr( $_GET[ ‘cat’ ], strlen(‘linkcat-‘) ); // linkcat- wordt van $_GET[ ‘cat’ ] afgehaald en deze variabele is nu alleen een getal
//var_dump($_GET[ ‘cat’ ]);if ( ( isset( $_GET[ ‘cat’ ] ) ) && ( is_numeric( $_GET[ ‘cat’ ] ) ) ) // $_GET[ ‘cat’ ] is beschikbaar en het is een getal
echo wp_list_bookmarks(‘category=’.$_GET[ ‘cat’ ].’&before=<li class=”link_total”>&after=&title_after=</h3>&title_before=<h3>&show_description=1&between=
echo ‘<p>Op deze pagina vind je bestanden die jou docent voor je op internet heeft gezet. Kies links je leerjaar. Daarna kun je kiezen voor je niveau, je klas of algemene bestanden.</p>
<p>Lukt iets niet of heb je vragen? Neem contact op met je docent!</p>’;
?>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: list bookmarksI was wondering if that should solve the problem, but it doesn’t.
If ik make this:
global $wp_query;
$cat_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
var_dump($cat_obj);Then the output is NULL, while it should be linkcat-16 (where 16 can be anything). So that means that something goes wrong in the frist two lines. But what? I searched some documentation on the functions bu can’t figure out.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Nav bar showing sub pages – want to hide themFirst: Nice site!
Second: You already gave a possible sollution. Just look to the code in Fancy. You will see there some arguments in the list_categories that decide what is or isn’t displayed. Check it in the codex, you’ll find the answer there i gues
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: list bookmarksIllutic, thanks a lot, i’ve got the idea that this should work. But for some reason it doesn’t. I copied it almost exact from your post and it looks like this:
global $wp_query;
$cat_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if ( is_category(”) )
{echo wp_list_bookmarks(‘include=’.$cat_obj->cat_ID.’&before=<li class=”link_total”>&after=&title_after=</h3>&title_before=<h3>&show_description=1&between=
‘);} else {
echo ‘<p>Op deze pagina vind je bestanden die jou docent voor je op internet heeft gezet. Kies links je leerjaar. Daarna kun je kiezen voor je niveau, je klas of algemene bestanden.</p>
<p>Lukt iets niet of heb je vragen? Neem contact op met je docent!</p>’;
?>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Linking to pages in root folderMaybe using something like this may work:
<base href=”” />Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Bookmark catagories as linksOke, so far i found out i could use the following string:
<?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘categorize=1&category_before=
- &category_after=
‘) ?>
But the big question now is: how should the part where $cats is right now look?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Show bookmarks on other pageI solved it by using this post: