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Hi Donncha,
I have the new dev. version and I disable the GET requests and it caused the problem immediately.So I need to put the string back in
/page/.*/\? /.*\?
So it fixes the problem.
Hi feliped3,
Yes I did for about 5 days and didn’t have any trouble at all. ??
But now what I’m going to test is downloading the new development version of WP Super Cache and disabling the “GET requests” and I will report back to let you know how that works out.
Kind Regards,
MicheleHi Donncha,
The Dev. version that I was using didn’t have that, but I just downloaded the newest version and I found that. I will keep you updated.Thank you again for your help, I appreicate it.
Hi Donncha,
I’m using the dev. version, but I don’t know how to disable “Get requests”Thank you in advance.
Hi bolonki and Donncha,
Over on the Page Navi forum I found the below and added it to the “Add here strings (not a filename) that forces a page not to be cached.” section in Super Cache. This has seemed to fix the problem as I have not been able to replicate it after this was added.
/page/.*/\? /.*\?
Prior to adding this I was able to replicate the issuse all the time.
Hi Donncha,
We run a Genesis theme and I’m not sure if the theme does anything to the $wp_query?If you could point me in the right direction on how check the theme I could do that.
I will do anything I can to help you pin point this problem.
Thanks again for all your help and time,
MicheleHi Donncha,
It’s still happeing, but just a bit different. The first page I go to 2,3 etc are fine and show the proper page, any pages after that return the “Search” result.I do have the development version installed.
I just now put in the development version.Thanks so much for all of your help and time, I really appreciate it.
I have a quick question for you. I have been working back and forth with my hosting company to make a few performance tweaks. Here’s what happened over the weekend I was running PHP 5.2.17 with your wp-cache-phase2.php fix/update and had no issues with the original problem.
We have now updated to PHP 5.3.8 and they noticed that we had a large number Crons running, which was causing the site to bog down. So they installed WP-Cron Control plugin. Now I am the having the very random page redirect again when WP Super Cache is enabled.This is what is happening if you go to page 3 first, then go to page 2 you will see the “Search Result” in there.
I’m working on getting a De-bug report.
Hi Donncha,
Like feliped3 I am also getting the same Error trying to add the development version.Again I can’t thank you enough for your fix! It’s been working amazing!
Warm Regards,
MicheleI noticed this happend less frequently when I was running version 5.3.8 PHP. Then the hosting company switched me back to 5.3.6 and this is when the problem would happen all the time.
What version of PHP5 would you recommend?I will keep you updated with this. And if there is anything I could do to help more just let me know.
Thank you again,
MicheleHi Donncha,
Thank you so much I just now added that line of code.Do you think this could be a result of how PHP and Apache is setup on my server?
Again I can’t thank you enough for your help and time.
Hi Donncha,
I just wanted to give you an update. I did what you said and so far I have not had the problem at all!! I will keep testing the site just be sure it’s 100% okay, but so far so good.I can’t thank you enough for your help, you are a Godsend.
Kindest Regards,
MicheleHi Again,
My bad I over wrote the PHP file. I will let you know what happens.Thanks again for all your help.
Hi Donncha,
Where do I download this from? Or do I just copy this after I open the page?Thank you!