Hi Janillyn
I did exactly what you wrote in the first place. But despite all my efforts it did not change a thing.
I have made a screenshot from the setting as I us now https://prnt.sc/gPIF3yXMNvW9
If you look at the website ( https://all4diving.nl/product/cressi-ac25-master-compleet/) you will see that just after the price indication there’s the global rule who says In case of backorder de livery time etc..
This is indeed a global rule as I will find it on every product with stock, out of stock, on backorder, or on overide
Further down you will see after the variation price the rule available on backorder.
Just go to the site choose for the first variation INT for the second its all the same just pick one.
The Backorder rule uses an other days setting as the global rule or any other rule that I use.
So whatever i do it does not give any reaction on the front end.
I hope you have a solution for me