Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Max Mega Menu] Mobile Menue not activated but it shows upThanks,
It works well
Cheers Josef
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Product Site Reihenfolge der Elemente festlegenHab gefunden. Dankeincludes/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Product Site Reihenfolge der Elemente festlegenDas hilft schon mal. Danke
Wie sin den die Anzeigenpriorit?ten eingestellt bei den Hooks? Das steht in der Hook PHP nicht drin.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Product Site Reihenfolge der Elemente festlegenHier der Link zur Seite:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Auf formelle Anrede stellen (Sie)Hallo Zusammen,
Gute Diskussion.
Ich habe mich gestern tierisch ge?rgert, nachdem ich das neue Update von Woocommerce eingespielt habe und wieder alle Email Templates anpassen musste. Der Text ist einfach nicht passend für deutsches Gesch?ftsgebaren.
Ich würde mir auch einen Emailgenartor wünschen, wo ich meine Deutschen Texte so eingeben kann, dass ich nicht jedesmal die Texte im Cod im Childtheme ?ndern muss.Habt ihr da was geplant?
Gru? Josef
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Max Mega Menu] CSS in childtheme not workingHi Tom,
If I use the style css in the upload folder, it works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH WooCommerce Compare] Not all contend is not shownHi Support Team,
please have a look in to the shop.
It is not a custom attribute and others are working.
It’s a free version.Login is send via Mail.
Thanks a lot
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH WooCommerce Compare] Popup Window is emptyThanks that works now.
But I must say great and quick support.
Thank you so much.Cheers Josef
Wass a stupid question sorry. I had colored the header box – new order in white. I was not aware, that the header letters also were then in white. This is really not a optimal solution. May you consider to divide this in the next version.
Yes you was right. How can I change it?
were you able to download it?
I did not changed anything also not in the emails-addresses.php.
How can I send you the screenshot or a pdf?