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Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?Hello again,
I am trying to achieve same task via WordPress Custom page template. I tried same thing:
add_action( ‘wp_title’, ‘AR_seo_head’ );
function AR_seo_head($seotitle){ echo $seotitle; }but this time it does not work at all…
Please guide.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?I didn’t get this to be honest.
There are two files and we they use MVC technology for this plugin. now my variable resides at View file and I believe add_action is at controller or maybe model. What I need to do is to pass value from view. And its just not working.Forum: Hacks
In reply to: pagination isshu with showing posts from custom post types categoryThis might help:
https://codex.www.ads-software.com/PaginationForum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?ok so I am doing this in the view:
global $AR_seo_title; $AR_seo_title = $SyndContent->title;
and this in parent plugin file:
AR_seo_head($AR_seo_title); add_action( 'wp_title', 'AR_seo_head' ); function AR_seo_head($x){ return $x; }
and when I do var_dump($AR_seo_title); on same page it returns NULL
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?Even when i do global, my plugin.php file does not read it still..
What am I missing tho ?
its getting exhausted now.Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?ok I understand what you are saying, this would be my next step. I am actually moved forward from my last mentioned post but little behind what you suggested. (Sorry, this is first time I am working on WP plugin)
Here is how it looks like now:
add_action( 'wp_title', 'AR_seo_head' ); function AR_seo_head($seotitle){ echo $seotitle; }
Now this code exists at myplugin.php and I want to pass the value from [plugin_dir]/views/postfile.phtml
problem is myplugin.php is not communicating with that file.
I think I did not made myself clear enough, as I am confused myself too.
should I make SEOTITLE a global variable, or actual variable which contains the value of actual title ? Or what else I could do to make it work ?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?ok that works. but here is another problem. It has globally overwritten the title.
I mean it had replaced title tag on all pages.. How can I fix that ? I only want it to change title to the page that has my plugin content.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?Okay now I tried this:
add_action('wp_title', 'my_head'); function my_head(){ echo ' $MyVar->title; '; }
and it is still adding a new title tag, and not replacing the existed one…
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?I have used this
add_action('wp_head', 'my_head'); // function my_head(){ echo '<title> $MyVar->title; </title> '; }
but that adds another <title>. does not replace the value of current <title> value.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to edit tags in head via plugin?So how can I edit header.php file via plugin ? I would have no power to make manual changes to user’s theme manually.
Isn’t there a function or method where you just say “Hey, replace the value of title tag in <head> with following.” ?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: how to add interstitial page?I have managed to create it by added url/%%post-url##/?id=####
now I am having other like, how to edit title tag and other meta tags in head.Thanks a lot for your help so far. ??