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  • Thread Starter iamPariah


    Thanks, Paul, but that isn’t really what I need. The WP-dTree plugin will make a tree view of categories (etc.). What I want is to return just a list of subcategories when viewing the parent.

    For example another WP 2.6.x site I worked on. You can see the second nav bar at the top, showing the sub-pages of “Training”. That second nav bar only appears if the page has child pages, and then only shows the child pages; if you are on a child page, it shows the siblings.

    Obviously I figured out how to do this with a relatively simple query for pages, but I need the same functionality for categories and their children. I just can’t get the right code for it.

    Please help? Anyone?

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    This article depicts you both to a T.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    …someone that suggests that a browser can differentiate between content inserted by wordpress and content inserted, by say, text pattern.. LOL, whatever.

    Really? When did I say that? I don’t see any part of this conversation wherein I typed the phrase “text pattern”.

    I see now how this entire debacle developed. Neither of you can read. You glance over something, pick up a word or phrase, and jump to a conclusion. You don’t read the facts or information, nor did you ask for more. You haven’t the slightest idea how to troubleshoot a technical issue, which is probably why your respective websites and templates never went beyond sophomoric code complexity and aesthetic.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    Root said:

    And it is an odd fact that out of a million plus users here and a fair few CSS gurus, no one but no one uses position absolute for their blog layout. No one is going to help you. Because they will not help you fix something you should not be doing in the first place.

    No, Root, you’re the moron. I NEVER said I was using position: absolute. I said I tried it as one troubleshooting step among many. Again, you reaffirm that you never read what you bitched and moaned about. I told you twice that I don’t use position: absolute. Additionally, the word “absolute” doesn’t appear anywhere in my code, the code you supposedly scrutinized.

    Learn to read English.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    ROFL Neither of you morons knows what the problem actually is. All you did, Whooami, was hit Edit CSS in the Web Dev extension and take a screenshot. I could have told you that just opening the Edit CSS pane jumps the left column div into place–it’s a characteristic of the odd behavior that makes many people believe it’s an FF layout bug.

    As far as my design… I’ve seen your no-talent, no-traffic sites. They respond to your opinions and coding ability far more eloquently than I could.

    I love how small-minded individuals who feel bullied by someone or something else in their lives (lawsuits, maybe?) have found that the anonymity of the Web enables them to rebuild their battered egos by picking on someone else.

    I asked an honest question, looking for help in a community where I’ve helped many over the five years I’ve been a part of it. Neither of you know enough about the subjects in my help request to be of assistance, but you decided it was an opportunity to further your puerile need to appear L33T. Unfortunately, your illusion of advanced coding ability is flimsy and easily seen through by anyone with a little intelligence. Even if you had been more careful in your copious admissions of ignorance in the above replies and rejoinders, your blogs, which are poorly coded with the design sensibility and complexity of kindergarten crayon drawings, speak volumes about your ignorance and lack of ability.


    Is there any known hosts that work?

    That’s not an easy question. In my opinion (I’ve been building or managing Websites professionally since 1994, and I owned a hosting company in the late-90s) sendmail is something that should be available from nearly every hosting company, to nearly every customer. In general, most hosting companies have provided sendmail for their customers’ use. In recent years, though, some hosts have reluctantly limited or completely forbidden script access to sendmail as a matter of security. Spammers can relatively easily exploit vulnerabilities in common scripts like blog and forum software to gain access to sendmail for the purposes of using your or your host’s server to broadcast unsolicited e-mail.

    Sendmail is a VERY commonly used feature of many Websites. Consequently, the questions I advised you to ask your hosting provider are equally VERY common. Find your hosting provider’s tech support forums, FAQ, knowledge base, or (last option) tech support e-mail, and pose my questions (below for reference).

    Is sendmail installed and available for your use? If so, is your site configured to allow scripts to access sendmail? Some servers prevent that as a security precaution.

    You asked:

    Are there any free hosts it works with? (not .org, which is this site) offers free WordPress blogs.

    Kayness87 has an excellent suggestion, Sean1239. If that doesn’t fix it, though, would you please include a link to a screenshot? The site looked fine to me when I visited, so it sounds like you might be having an issue with your browser or computer.

    What browser are you using? What version (you can get that from the Help > About menu item)? Does this site, the WP forums, look OK to you?

    Very cool, NeoconNews. I’m glad I could help. I see it running on your site. Looks good.

    My pleasure. Good luck!

    Permalinks was my first thought, too. Update the permalink structure (which updates the .htaccess) and all should be good.

    Egads, Taprice. I feel your pain.

    Do you have access to PHPMyAdmin (through your site’s control panel)? If so, you can quickly view and delete the spam messages in groups of any size.

    Thread Starter iamPariah


    Can anyone help me figure out this technical issue please?

    Hi, Andresj.

    I do the same thing on my sites–using categories as sections. There are on these forums several ongoing discussions about the default category slug. The short and sweet answer you want, though, is to put “/.” (slash period) in the Category Base field on the Options > Permalinks screen. That will give you instead of .

    PS: There ARE plugins available that enable you to insert and execute PHP code from within posts and pages. In this case, however, you shouldn’t use them. You’re much better off with a hardcoded custom template.

    Moshu’s right, technically, but there is something you can do.

    I assume this is for a particular page? If so, make a custom page template. Put the wp_list_cats (or wp_list_categories depending on your version of WP) inside the template for that page.

    Hmm. You know, it would be easier for you and me both if I just did it and sent it rather than write out all the steps.

    Please download

    Once you download it, rename the file extension from .txt to .php and open the file in your HTML editor. It’s a real barebones template (made from the Default WP page.php template). Inside the page-categories.php you’ll see a comment where I inserted the hard coded content–the category list–right after the dynamic content–whatever you enter into the content field on the Write > Page screen. Make any changes needed in order to make the template match your site.

    Really, all you have to do copy everything from your current page.php template. Just ensure that the hard coded page content remains as does the PHP comment at the top. The latter is necessary to tell WP that it’s a template.

    Upload page-categories.php to your template directory.

    In WP, edit the page you want to use for the category list in the editor. You’ll see a box labeled “Page Template” and a dropdown menu. Inside the dropdown menu you should now have an entry for “Page with Categories,” the new template. Choose that template and save the page. That will put the category list onto that page for your blog.

    If you only want the category list and nothing else on the page, leave the content field empty on the Edit > Page screen.

    Let me know if any of this isn’t clear.

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