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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posting new topicYou can also use the TDO Mini Forms plugin, which enables registered and even unregistered users to submit posts. Their posts go automatically into draft, and WP notifies you of their creation. The plugin info page is here.
As far as putting the login/register links elsewhere, see this other thread that is just below yours on the forum troubleshooting index.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Recent Posts in IEHi. The problem is that you’ve put the link code outside the table that holds the data. That doesn’t work so well with IE and some other popular browsers. Here’s what you have:
<li><a href="https://www.theimageoctopus.net/2007/07/23/9-digital-art/"> <table cellpadding="0"><tr><td><img src="https://www.theimageoctopus.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/911icon.jpg" alt="911icon" height="0" width="0" /></td> <td> 9/!! DiGITAL ART -The Fire Man</td></tr></table></a></li>
Here’s what you need to have to make this work.
<li><a href="https://www.theimageoctopus.net/2007/07/23/9-digital-art/"><img src="https://www.theimageoctopus.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/911icon.jpg" alt="911icon" height="0" width="0" /> 9/!! DiGITAL ART -The Fire Man</a></li>
Notice I took out the table code entirely. You don’t need it. Instead, float your images left and set the mouseover background color in the LI. For instance:
#recent-posts .img { float: left; padding-right: 10px; } #recent-posts li:hover { background-color: #CBFE33; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Nowhere for my Users to RegisterHi, Arranf.
Look in the default theme (wp-content/themes/default) for this code:
<?php wp_register(); ?> <li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
The first line offers the registration link while the second, the wp_loginout, offers registered users the means to login or logout.
You’ll need to add those lines to your theme, to the place you’d like to display the information. Note that the second line is wrapped in list item tags that you may or may not want.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: FireFox Stacks Floated Sidebar and Main ColumnThe stylesheets are here: Main theme CSS and FireFox-only fix CSS.
Thank you in advance.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: FireFox Stacks Floated Sidebar and Main ColumnThe site IS valid (check it).
I’ve gone through all the widths–they’re correct. In fact, there’s empty space between the two columns (a hedge against common browser width/margin/padding problems).
I tried absolute positioning of the main content area, too, but the outer div containers can’t keep up with an absolute positioned variable-height container. I can force FireFox to put the main column where it belongs, but the black background then ends at the bottom of the shorter right navigation column. Worse, the absolute positioned “guts” column then overlaps and hides the footer.
I’m at a total loss, and I could REALLY use some help finding a way to workaround the FireFox issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: site down due to spam commentsIt’s because every comment requires wp_comments_post.php to execute and write to the database. So many comments, so close to one another, demand more CPU cycles and more RAM to make it work.
Spam Karma stops the spam from SHOWING on your site, but it doesn’t defend against spam getting INTO your site. SK only does its thing after the spam is already in the db.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: site down due to spam commentsLet me amend that. You can try installing Bad Behavior (a plug-in). For some sites, it does the trick. It didn’t help my sites against the spam onslaught, however, because, though the spam didn’t get through, Bad Behavior itself overloaded my former hosting company’s servers.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: site down due to spam commentsHilary,
I hope to the sky that someone offers you better suggestions than they had for me when this happened to my WP-powered sites a year ago. Then, I was told my best option was to disable comments entirely.
The only solution I was able to find was to buy my own co-located servers (mucho deniro) so that I had dual-core processor chips and a lot of RAM dedicated solely to running my sites.
Shared hosting providers have to limit each site’s CPU and RAM usage to protect all the other sites on the server. Spammers know how popular WordPress is, how easy it is to automatically attack, and they do it often.
I genuinely wish you the best of luck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: {$lang_window_} not editableI used to know the hack to make the quicktags button bar appear in Safari (not that awful RTE, but the normal quicktags). I can’t recall the hack, however.
Anyone remember this one?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: CSS errors, only happens in WordPressI love how the sheep automatically assume user error when it comes to the Holy FireFox or Sainted WordPress. And, of course, the moment you prove them wrong, the moment even the blinded by faith begin to see the logic of a software error, the sheep run away in fear of the blasphemy.
I don’t know if you ever solved your problem, Frankiejr. I didn’t see it happen on your site, but then, you’ve changed the layout to avoid the scenario in which FireFox breaks the columns.
If you found a solution, I’d love to hear it. I’m experiencing the same problem–100% valid code, columns work in everything (IE 6, IE 7, Opera Win, Opera Mac, Safari, OmniWeb, iCab, Camino) but in FireFox the columns jump around every other page load.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help: Conditional Link_Pages Display (only after first)?Resolved my own issue by figuring out the code–in fact, I made it a plugin. The plugin doesn’t do specifically what I state above (it actually adds page numbers to the_title and the HTML page title on multipage posts), but reusing the code within it does what I needed above.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Add Post Page Number to Title Tag and/or the_title?By the way, I’d LIKE to be able to make
echo ' PAGE '.$page . '';
a variable that can be set by the user when the plugin is called. Specifically, I’d like to let the user choose text to insert before the number (e.g. “[Page “] and the text after the number (“]”) as variables.In other words, I want the user to be able to call:
<?php if(function_exists(‘psb_pagednumber’)) { psb_pagednumber(‘[Page: ‘, ‘]’ ); } ?>
I tried doing that, but I couldn’t get the code to work in the plugin itself; my PHP knowledge isn’t up to the task.
Could someone please help by modifying my plugin code (above) to account for such variables?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Add Post Page Number to Title Tag and/or the_title?Thanks, TSGuitar.
Thank you for figuring that out. I appreciate it. I didn’t try that method because there were two things I didn’t like: First, it isn’t adaptable to anywhere outside the loop; you can’t, say, use it in the page title. Second, I don’t want the current page number linked to itself.
Instead, I put the subject on the back burner for a while and let my subconscious chew on it. Ultimately, the solution came to me, which I turned into a plugin (I’ll release it officially at some point in the near future):
Plugin Name: PSB Paged Posts Number
Plugin URI:
Description: Adds a tag to display the current page number of multi-page posts (for example: in the post title, the page title, or wherever).
Author: Pariah S. Burke
Version: 0.1
Author URI: https://www.iampariah.com
*/function psb_pagednumber()
global $wp_query;if ((($page = $wp_query->get("paged")) || ($page = $wp_query->get("page"))) && $page > 1) {
echo ' PAGE '.$page . '';
With that plugin activated, open single.php and/or index.php, find the following line:
<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
And insert this immediately after it:
<?php if(function_exists('psb_pagednumber')) { psb_pagednumber(); } ?>
Now, if the post is NOT multipage, nothing will happen. If the post IS multipaged, the title will be appended with “Page X”–but only AFTER the first page of the post. So, you’ll never see “My Post Page 1”; just “My Post Page 2,” “My Post Page 3,” and so on.
It’s a great cue to readers who come into a post after the first page, which is pretty common with traffic from search engines.
The plugin call can also be inserted into the HTML page title like so:
<title><?php if(is_single()) { ?><?php wp_title(''); ?><?php if(function_exists('psb_pagednumber')) { psb_pagednumber(); } ?> — <?php } ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comment Quicktags and WP2.0I know this is way out of date, but just in case anyone runs across it during a search as I did: The plugin has been updated to work with WordPress 2.0.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stattraq] Reasons behind Sudden Drop in Visits hitsIt’s not your stats program. You got hit with a lot of bots trolling for the WP 2.03 open registration bug. If you check your logs, you’ll see that your traffic jumped radically within a few days of the announcement of that security hole.