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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Need permission to view full statsCapabilities is a form of permission that in WordPress one can use to performe some tasks. In NewStatPress you can set one of this capabilities to allow ueser to see statistics only if they have that permission.
Choose one capabilities in Option of NewStatPress from the list and then see if it changes the permission foy you.
Insert data by hands is not so easy because I don’t think you have all the informations the plugin collects (ip and url are essentials).
however, this is the structure:
id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, date int(8), time time, ip varchar(15), urlrequested varchar(250), agent varchar(250), referrer varchar(250), search varchar(250), nation varchar(2), os varchar(30), browser varchar(32), searchengine varchar(16), spider varchar(32), feed varchar(8), user varchar(16), timestamp timestamp DEFAULT 0,
date, time, ip and urlrequests are essentials, the others can be compiled by a newstatpress update task and timestamp is only for realtime statistics (e.g. number of users connected actually) so it can be left empty.
These are errors produced when using the plugin’s update option.
WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘spider_nation’]
ALTER TABLE wp_statpress ADD index spider_nation (spider, nation)Those are not true erros, but just that index in DB can be created only one time and they are already up and running.
Visits show exactly 1 visit per day. Today is 1 and yesterday was 1. The stats for pageviews, spiders, and feeds are all correctly reporting. This problem began about 5 days ago.
I have tried deleting the plugin and manually removing the statpress tables from the MYSQL databases. Then reinstalling. This does not help and visits are persistently reported as exactly “1” each day.
Data are saved inside the wp_statpress table. If you have myphpadmin, open the table and see if there is collected data ont that dates (in each rows there is the data of the record).
Using WordPress 3.3.2, and Newstatpress version Version 0.3.8 which I recently performed an update.
For some reason I show stats for June 8th 2012 but NO stats for June 9th 2012 through June 12th 2012. So basically 4 day’s are not showing up. I tried a database repair and optimize and this did not fix this display.
Did the update finish correctly? (in some hosting, PHP scripts are blocked afer 15 seconds and if you have many collected data it can use more times).
Look with phpmyadmin if there are data stored inside wp_statpress with that data.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NewStatPress] [Plugin: NewStatPress] Can't be activatedHave you more information about the fatal error printed onto WordPress screen?
Have you activated other similar plugins (that uses wp_statpress table)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NewStatPress] [Plugin: NewStatPress] Way To See More Referrers?hi,
yes, enter in Option Menu and search for:
Elements in Top Refferer (default 10)
change the values as you want and the overwiew will use it
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NewStatPress] [Plugin: NewStatPress] A warning when postingHi,
Sorry for the replay. Now the fix is added into the new version available.
It was due to terminating chars after PHP tags that could cause problems (unfortunatley not saw in my sistems)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NewStatPress] [Plugin: NewStatPress] Lot of notices are generatedHi,
thanks for the code, now I add it and I’m removing all errors.
A fixed version will come soon.Thanks
No other people have this specific problem.
However, the render is done by a Google api call, so somethimes there can be a problem in Google free service itself.
This features is the same of StatPress as this part of code is not changed until now
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NewStatPress] [Plugin: NewStatPress] Print function %totalpageviews%Hi,
I have add it into my developed version of the plugin, so on next upate you will have it inside without modification.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NewStatPress] [Plugin: NewStatPress] Lot of notices are generatedHi,
where are the notices occuring? I don’t get them in my enviroments, so I cannot help for resolving this issue (maybe I had notices off, but I don’t know where to turn on in case)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NewStatPress] [Plugin: NewStatPress] Locked up my siteDid you were using StatPress plugin before this?
If so you should have lot of data collected and the index creation can take very long time.
In my test 1.000.000 of entries (about 150MB of database) will take about 5 minutes of server computation to make index and update all fields.Let me known if this was you case.