Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Premature #pagewrap endIt seems this is resolved?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Compatibility with recent WordPress versions ?Hey bastien31, have you figured any of this out? I am struggling to follow what the issue you’re having is. Can you provide a link to your site? Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Cannot Organize vehicles from the cars-for-sale pageIT appears you have gotten some of this figured out. If you wouldn’t mine updating the thread so we know what needs support and what doesn’t we can assist your further.
I did notice you have some CSS issues. You may want to add this to your CSS file.
.inventory_btn {margin-top: 30px;}
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Car Demon, widget sidebarThis sounds like a theme issue not necessarily a Car Demon issue. Can you provide a link to your site?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Car Demon Custom Ribbon ProblemsHey guys, I was just trying to use this feature on my dev build. I am having the same issue. It seems that something may have gotten the hiccups in the latest release. Let me see if I can find it and give you guys some help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Display cars in order of brandAgain, can you be more specific for what you are wanting?
Are you wanting to display ONLY Toyota cars on a page?
Are you wanting all cars display but grouped by brand?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Chage the order of car detail iconsCan you share a little more information on what you’re asking for? I am not sure I understand.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Display cars in order of brandHey Patrick can you explain more what you are trying to do? Are you wanting cars to be displayed by brand (ford, chevy, audi, etc) alphabetically? Are you wanting them separated into blocks?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Cannot Organize vehicles from the cars-for-sale pageHey eprunier, it would seem you have some serious theme issues going on. I am getting all sorts of PHP errors when I view your site.
In regards to the search not showing up on the cars for sale page have you added the search widget to the sidebar?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP RSS Multi Importer] Not Pulling Feeds Anymore Across Multiple SitesSadly no. If I tell it to pull feeds it responds with no new feeds. However the last feed it pulled was days ago and I can see new feeds in the source rss.
Like I said this isn’t site specific as it is across a network of sites. None of them are pulling anymore. And not just the CRON, but they aren’t seeing articles in the rss feeds now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Not Displaying in the right place? Also, click tabs…Hey lolswipe, sorry I forgot to check the notify button on this thread. Catch me up here. What in that car demo are you trying to fix? What are you wanting where?
Now that it is in the template correctly I imagine we can do a lot with CSS to make it appear how you want.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Not Displaying in the right place? Also, click tabs…Ok, you need to duplicate your single.php in your theme folder and name one copy single-cars_for_sale.php
Essentially what we are doing is using your website’s theme and telling it where to display the car demon inventory.
So in your newly created single-cars_for_sale.php try this code. Full copy and paste. Now this may not work… so if it doesn’t post back and I’ll look at what it did and we can go from there.
<?php get_header(); $sidebar_position = tfuse_sidebar_position(); tfuse_shortcode_content('top'); ?> <div <?php tfuse_class('middle'); ?>> <div class="container clearfix"> <?php tfuse_category_ads(); tfuse_hook(); ?> <div class="content"> <?php /** * The Template for displaying all single cars. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage CarDemon * @since CarDemon 1.0 */ $car_demon_pluginpath = CAR_DEMON_PATH; if (isset($_SESSION['car_demon_options']['use_vehicle_css'])) { if ($_SESSION['car_demon_options']['use_vehicle_css'] != 'No') { wp_enqueue_style('car-demon-vin-query-css', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/vin-query/css/car-demon-vin-query.css'); wp_enqueue_style('car-demon-single-car-css', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/theme-files/css/car-demon-single-car.css'); } } else { wp_enqueue_style('car-demon-vin-query-css', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/vin-query/css/car-demon-vin-query.css'); wp_enqueue_style('car-demon-single-car-css', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/theme-files/css/car-demon-single-car.css'); } wp_register_script('car-demon-single-car-js', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/theme-files/js/car-demon-single-cars.js'); wp_localize_script('car-demon-single-car-js', 'cdSingleCarParams', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'car_demon_path' => CAR_DEMON_PATH, 'site_url' => get_bloginfo('wpurl') )); wp_enqueue_script('car-demon-single-car-js'); get_header(); echo car_demon_photo_lightbox(); do_action( 'car_demon_before_main_content' ); if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $post_id = get_the_ID(); $vehicle_vin = rwh(strip_tags(get_post_meta($post_id, "_vin_value", true)),0); $car_title = get_car_title_slug($post_id); $car_head_title = get_car_title($post_id); $car_url = get_permalink($post_id); $vehicle_location = rwh(strip_tags(get_the_term_list( $post_id, 'vehicle_location', '','', '', '' )),0); $vehicle_details = car_demon_get_car($post_id); //=========================Contact Info=========================== $car_contact = get_car_contact($post_id); $contact_trade_url = $car_contact['trade_url']; $contact_finance_url = $car_contact['finance_url']; //=============================================================== $detail_output = '<div class="car_title_div"><h3 class="car_title">'.$car_head_title.'</h3>'; $detail_output .= '<ul>'; $detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Condition:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['condition'].'</li>'; $detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Mileage:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['mileage'].'</li>'; $detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Stock#:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['stock_number'].'</li>'; $detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('VIN#:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['vin'].'</li>'; $detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Color:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['exterior_color'].'/'.$vehicle_details['interior_color'].'</li>'; $detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Transmission:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['decoded_transmission_long'].'</li>'; $detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Engine:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['decoded_engine_type'].'</li>'; $detail_output .= get_vehicle_price($post_id); $detail_output .= '</ul></div>'; echo car_demon_email_a_friend($post_id, $vehicle_details['stock_number']); ?> <div id="imgbox"></div> <div id="demon-post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" class="car_content"> <div class="start_car"> </div> <div class="car_buttons_div"> <?php if (!empty($contact_finance_url)) { if ($car_contact['finance_popup'] == 'Yes') { ?> <div class="featured-button"> <p><a onclick="'<?php echo $contact_finance_url .'?stock_num='.$vehicle_details['stock_num']; ?>&sales_code=<?php echo $car_contact['sales_code']; ?>','finwin','width=<?php echo $car_contact['finance_width']; ?>, height=<?php echo $car_contact['finance_height']; ?>, menubar=0, resizable=0')"><?php _e('GET FINANCED', 'car-demon'); ?></a></p> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="featured-button"> <p><a href="<?php echo $contact_finance_url .'?stock_num='.$vehicle_details['stock_num']; ?>&sales_code=<?php echo $car_contact['sales_code']; ?>"><?php _e('GET FINANCED', 'car-demon'); ?></a></p> </div> <?php } } if (!empty($contact_trade_url)) { ?> <div class="featured-button"> <p><a <?php echo 'href="'.$contact_trade_url .'?stock_num='.$vehicle_details['stock_num']; ?>&sales_code=<?php echo $car_contact['sales_code']; ?>"><?php _e('TRADE-IN QUOTE', 'car-demon'); ?></a></p> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="email_a_friend"> <a href="<?php echo $car_url; ?>&t=<?php echo $car_head_title; ?>" target="fb_win"> <img title="<?php _e('Share on Facebook', 'car-demon'); ?>" src="<?php echo $car_demon_pluginpath; ?>theme-files/images/social_fb.png" /> </a> <a target="tweet_win" href=" out this <?php echo $car_head_title; ?>" title="<?php _e('Click to share this on Twitter', 'car-demon'); ?>"> <img title="<?php _e('Share on Twitter', 'car-demon'); ?>" src="<?php echo $car_demon_pluginpath; ?>theme-files/images/social_twitter.png" /> </a> <img onclick="email_friend();" title="<?php _e('Email to a Friend', 'car-demon'); ?>" src="<?php echo $car_demon_pluginpath; ?>theme-files/images/social_email.png" /> </div> </div> <div class="car-demon-entry-content"> <?php echo car_photos($post_id, $detail_output, $vehicle_condition); ?> <?php echo car_demon_display_similar_cars($vehicle_details['decoded_body_style'], $post_id); ?> <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-link">' . __( 'Pages:', 'car-demon' ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?> </div><!-- .car-demon-entry-content --> <?php echo car_demon_vehicle_detail_tabs($post_id); ?> </div><!-- #post-## --> <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?> <?php do_action( 'car_demon_after_main_content' ); do_action( 'car_demon_vehicle_sidebar' ); ?> </div><!--/ content --> <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'left' || $sidebar_position == 'right') : ?> <div class="sidebar"> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> </div><!--/ .sidebar --> <?php endif; ?> </div><!--/ .container --> </div><!--/ middle --> <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom1'); ?> <?php tfuse_header_content('content'); ?> <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom'); ?> <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom2'); ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Not Displaying in the right place? Also, click tabs…Double post
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] Not Displaying in the right place? Also, click tabs…This is most definitely a theme issue. What you need to do is copy your single.php theme file and rename it single-cars_for_sale.php
You’ll need to copy the Car Demon loop into your theme file. I can help you with this but I’ll need you to post your single.php.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Car Demon] List all with permalink – not workingWhat is your site URL?