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  • Thread Starter idet2


    Dear Evan,

    I had a suspicion that a plugin called “All in One WP Security” might be responsible for this behavior. Therefore, I did schedule a maintenance downtime and disabled that plugin to test again. Unfortunately that didn’t change anything!

    I ‘ve also updated to the latest WordPress version (v.4.5.3) without any change.

    Here are two screenshots taken one from the BackEnd where I put the image on the post announcement at the custom excerpt part and the other of what is actually shown in the Timeline frontend (aka. website).



    Any ideas? Can it be something that hasn’t been enabled on my WordPress settings??


    Thread Starter idet2


    Indeed that was the solution!

    For future reference, changing the “has_joker” value at the “pool_wp_predictions” table to the ones before the activation of the “Golden Game” plugin restored all scores correctly.


    Thread Starter idet2


    A little bit digging revealed that the

    pool_tucfl_predictions table holds the “has_joker” value.

    If I restore these values can I then have it correctly back?

    Thread Starter idet2


    Can you help me a bit further…I am trying to figure out how to do that for different users since different users had used their golden ball in different games and not at the same time.

    All that I have related to your post is this line from the backup:

    INSERT INTO wp_options VALUES(“2713″,”FootballPoolGoldenGamesExtension”,”a:1:{i:0;i:0;}”,”yes”);

    Is that sufficient for all games played so far with golden goals to be recalculated?
    Will that also fix the problem that players that already used the golden ball can play again another ball??

    Where are all these stored? Any help much appreciated!

    All the best!

    Thread Starter idet2


    I ‘ve learned that the hard way! The scores are lost! Any ideas how to recover? I ‘ve tried disabling the golden game plugin but recalculation didn’t help! Any ideas? I can check a recent db backup if necessary….but on which field in the db are the golden balls defined? If I can redefine for every user and recalculate will it work ???


    Thread Starter idet2


    OK! I understand!

    If I disable the golden ball what happens with the already calculated points due to the golden ball?? Do they remain or are they lost??

    All the best!

    Thread Starter idet2


    Dear Evan,

    sorry for the late response but it was a busy day today.

    I ‘ll try a few things tomorrow that I will have more time and get back to you!

    Thank you very much for everything!

    Thread Starter idet2


    Here you are!

    * Timeline Express Add Custom Metabox
    * @param array $options Array of options for Timeline Express.
    function define_custom_excerpt_metabox( $options ) {$announcement_custom_metabox = new_cmb2_box( array(
    ‘id’ => ‘custom_meta’,
    ‘title’ => __( ‘Announcement Custom Excerpt’, ‘text-domain’ ),
    ‘object_types’ => array( ‘te_announcements’ ), // Post type
    ‘context’ => ‘advanced’,
    ‘priority’ => ‘high’,
    ‘show_names’ => true, // Show field names on the left
    ) );
    // Container class
    $announcement_custom_metabox->add_field( array(
    ‘name’ => __( ‘Custom Excerpt’, ‘text-domain’ ),
    ‘desc’ => __( ‘Enter the custom excerpt for this announcement in the field above.’, ‘text-domain’ ),
    ‘id’ => ‘announcement_custom_excerpt’,
    ‘type’ => ‘wysiwyg’,
    ) );
    add_action( ‘timeline_express_metaboxes’, ‘define_custom_excerpt_metabox’ );

    * Replace the default excerpt with our new custom excerpt
    * @param string $excerpt The original announcement excerpt.
    * @param integer $post_id The announcement post ID
    * @return string Return the new excerpt to use.
    function replace_default_timeline_express_excerpt( $excerpt, $post_id ) {
    if ( timeline_express_get_custom_meta( $post_id, ‘announcement_custom_excerpt’, true ) ) {
    return apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘announcement_custom_excerpt’, true ) );
    } else {
    return $excerpt;
    add_filter( ‘timeline_express_frontend_excerpt’, ‘replace_default_timeline_express_excerpt’, 10, 2 );

    * Filter the Timeline Express query ‘orderby’ param & add a date fallback
    * Timeline Express sorts by the announcement date by default.
    * Use this function to fallback to the published date when two
    * or more announcements are using the same announcement date.
    * This allows for manual control over the order of announcements.
    * Reference:
    * Source Code:
    function timeline_express_sort_by_published_date_fallback( $args, $post, $atts ) {
    $args[‘orderby’] = $args[‘orderby’] . ‘ date’;
    return $args;
    add_filter( ‘timeline_express_announcement_query_args’, ‘timeline_express_sort_by_published_date_fallback’, 10, 3 );

    Thread Starter idet2


    Do you think that it may conflicts with the addition for the sort of posts using the publication time stamp that we have discussed previously ?

    Thread Starter idet2


    I am using the “visual” editor and I am attaching the image using the “add media” option.

    Thread Starter idet2



    I am using the free version on both the theme and the plugin itself (for the moment)

    Thread Starter idet2


    I see!

    I’ve to find a maintenance window not to have visitors on the site to test it then.

    For reference the theme that I am using is the “Customizr” (

    Thread Starter idet2


    Hi Evan!

    Indeed I have problems since I had already enabled the HTML excerpts because I wanted to have the link appearing on the announcement.

    My problem is that if I add an image as media in the new “Custom excerpt” box instead of showing the image itself (as it should according to the post of HTML excerpts that you ‘ve send me) it just shows a clickable link to it.

    Any ideas???

    Many thanks!

    Thread Starter idet2


    Oh!!! I see!

    I ‘ve bumped onto that post but didn’t understand that it was the same issue.

    I ‘ll try the suggested solution.

    Many thanks!

    Thread Starter idet2


    Sure thing!

    Just did!
    Thank you very much once again!

    All the best!

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