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### Server Server architecture: Linux 5.4.0-1069-gcp x86_64 Web server: Apache MySQL version: 8.0.36-28 PHP Version: 8.2.19 PHP Memory Limit: 512M PHP Max Input Vars: 10000 PHP Max Post Size: 100M PHP Time Limit: 3600 Max Upload Size: 50M Allow URL-aware fopen Wrappers: Yes Loaded Extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, json, random, Reflection, SPL, session, standard, sodium, apache2handler, mysqlnd, newrelic, PDO, xml, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dba, dom, mbstring, FFI, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, iconv, igbinary, imagick, imap, intl, ldap, exif, msgpack, mysqli, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, readline, redis, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sqlite3, ssh2, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, memcached, Zend OPcache ### WordPress Version: 6.5.5 Multisite: No Memory Limit: 40M Total Attachments: 162 Image Sizes: thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large, 1536x1536, 2048x2048, mailpoet_newsletter_max, woocommerce_thumbnail, woocommerce_single, woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail Theme: Astra Child 1.0.0 Parent Theme: Astra 4.7.2 Active Plugins: Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce 3.5.3, Antispam Bee 2.11.6, Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro 5.4.0, Code Snippets, Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce, Jetpack 13.6, LoginPress 3.1.0, MailPoet 4.54.0, Smush 3.16.5, Spectra 2.13.8, WooCommerce 9.0.2, Update Manager 1.0.2, WooCommerce PayPal Payments 2.8.1, WooCommerce Shipping & Tax 2.6.1, WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping 4.3.11, WooPayments 7.8.1, WP-Stateless 4.0.4, WP Mail Logging 1.12.0 ### WP-Stateless Version: 4.0.4 Database Version: 1.0 Mode: Stateless File URL Replacement: Disabled Supported File Types: jpg jpeg png gif pdf Bucket: Set Bucket Accessible: Yes Service Account JSON: Set Cache-Control: Default: public, max-age=36000, must-revalidate Delete GCS File: Enable Folder: 2024/06 Domain: Not set Cache-Busting: Enable Dynamic Image Support: Enable Use Post Meta: Disable Total Files: 0 Total File Sizes: 0 Compatibility Files: 0
I was able to figure out that changing the File URL setting to custom and then making the folder 2024/06 changes ALL of the media links. So the site is back up and running, but that means that all of my future files will be in one directory.
Isn’t there a way to use dynamic directories based on upload time and have the plugin remember multiple directories?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Product Bundles - Bulk Discounts] error price discount in cartThis is a known bg according to woocommerce tech support
“I have done some testing and found out that the Product Bundles – Bulk Discounts?is not compatible with the latest version of the Product Bundles?extension.
Please note that the Product Bundles – Bulk Discounts?is an experimental plugin that has been created to validate and refine a feature that may be rolled into WooCommerce Product Bundles — or dropped! — in the future. Also, support for this plugin is provided via on a voluntary basis only.
Therefore, you will need to report the issue to the support forum. I see that this has already been mentioned here??????, and I recommend that you add your comment there as well so that the development team can take a look. I will also notify them internally.
If you wish to continue using the Product Bundles – Bulk Discounts?plugin, you can continue using the older version of the Product Bundles extension.”That worked.
Is there a way to put an “add new blog post” link in the blog profile tab?
- This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by idougal.
Thanks. The registration magic password reset settings did not link to the password reset page as you suggested.
I really wish profile grid could create its own cookies to remember people so that I don’t have to learn two different plugins and know all of the ins and outs of how they relate.
Saving the permalinks allowed me to view the blog without an error.
It would be nice if the user blogs was inside the profile grid menu on the dashboard because it is associated with Profile Grid. I had no idea that it had been created or to look for it there.
Here are list of ALL of the fields that were available to be exported from Profilegrid 5.2.8.
User name and email address are not included in the export.
First Name,Last Name,About You,Public Email Address,Facebook ID,Twitter Handle,Instagram,City,YouTube Account,Website,Favorite kind of pie,Rank,Title,Chapter,
Alternately, here are the first two fields exported from the import export users and customers plugin from the same database, notice the first two fields in this export are NOT included above
I updated to 5.2.8 and created a field with:
Add to Filters = Yes
Remove from Filter = No
Privacy settings = Only Group Manager,
I want the Group Manager to be able to search with this field on the front end and expected it to be invisible to non-group managers.
However, a normal user can see it in the filters pull down list on th egroup page and in th efilters on the search page. I expected it to work like the Admin Only fields where admins can see and srt with these fields but no one else can..
Thank you for the clarification. Removing spaces fixed the problem
Thanks. There appears to be a new setting in the field that lets me remove the field from the filter box.
I just went back to a backup from Jan 6 with just profile grid installed and the username was included in the download.
Perfect. Thanks
I can see all of the fields that I selected to be searchable.
My question was about sorting. The only options appear to be First and or last name or wordpress default. I’d like to sort by the other fields.