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  • Hello @courseaddictz

    Let’s break down each of your needs: 1. Product Page URL

    To reclaim the /shop/ URL:

    1. Check for Conflicts: Ensure no other pages, posts, or custom post types are using the /shop/ slug. Sometimes, WordPress can retain the slug in various places. Use a plugin like WP Sweep or WP-Optimize to clean up and ensure there’s no residual data.
    2. Permalinks: Go to Settings > Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard and click Save Changes. This will refresh your permalink structure and might resolve the issue.
    3. .htaccess: If you’re using Apache, check your .htaccess file in the root of your WordPress installation for any redirects or rewrites that might be causing conflicts.
    4. Database Check: Sometimes, database entries can cause issues. Use a plugin like phpMyAdmin to inspect the wp_posts table and ensure there are no lingering entries for /shop/.

    2. Filters

    For a price slider and dropdown filter:

    1. Price Slider: You can use a plugin like WooCommerce Product Filter or FacetWP. They offer customizable sliders and filtering options.
    2. Dropdown Filter: For category dropdowns, WooCommerce Product Filter or WOOF – WooCommerce Products Filter are good options. They allow you to create and manage filters easily.
    3. Customization: If you need to match Tradesmint’s exact look, you might need some custom CSS or JS. Look into the specific styling or scripts they use and adjust yours accordingly.

      You can use this plugin for add product filter we developed this plugin

    3. Mobile Layout

    To match Tradesmint’s mobile layout:

    1. Inspect Tradesmint: Use browser developer tools to inspect how Tradesmint styles their images. Pay attention to CSS rules related to image size, alignment, and container settings.
    2. Custom CSS: Apply similar CSS to your site. You can add custom CSS under Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS. Use media queries to target mobile devices specifically.
    3. Responsive Design: Ensure your theme is fully responsive. Sometimes, tweaking the theme’s existing media queries or adding new ones can resolve layout issues.

    4. Security Enhancements

    To improve site security:

    1. Security Plugins: Install a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri Security. These plugins offer comprehensive protection and monitoring.
    2. Regular Updates: Ensure WordPress, themes, and plugins are always up-to-date to protect against vulnerabilities.
    3. Backups: Use a plugin like UpdraftPlus to keep regular backups of your site.
    4. User Permissions: Review and adjust user roles and permissions to ensure only necessary users have admin access.
    5. Strong Passwords: Enforce strong passwords for all user accounts.

    5. Speed Optimization

    To speed up your site:

    1. Caching: Use a caching plugin like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache to reduce load times.
    2. Image Optimization: Compress images using a plugin like Smush or Imagify.
    3. Minification: Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML using plugins like Autoptimize.
    4. Database Optimization: Regularly clean and optimize your database using WP-Optimize.
    5. Hosting: Ensure your hosting provider offers good performance. Sometimes upgrading your plan or switching to a more optimized host can make a big difference.

    If you need more details on any of these points or specific instructions, just let me know!
    We are web development company. we working in wordpress development.

    Hello @jimmi61
    It looks like you’re trying to adjust the indent space for the page list block in a WordPress theme using the theme.json file. However, the "indent" property doesn’t exist in the context of the theme.json configuration for the core/page-list-item block.

    To achieve this, you would typically need to add custom CSS to your theme. You can target the .wp-block-page-list__item class, which is used by the Page List block items, and adjust the padding or margin to change the indentation.

    Here’s how you can do it:

    1. Add Custom CSS in theme.json:You can use the styles section of the theme.json to add custom CSS. Here’s how you can modify the indent:
    "styles": {
    "blocks": {
    "core/page-list-item": {
    "spacing": {
    "padding": "0 1rem"

    If this doesn’t work as expected, you can use custom CSS directly in your style.css file.

    Add Custom CSS in style.css:

    In your theme’s style.css, you can add something like this:

    .wp-block-page-list__item {
    padding-left: 1rem; /* Adjust this value to change the indentation */

    This CSS will decrease the indent space for the page list items.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Creating user form

    Hello @barnabasbloementaal
    You need to added plugin for create custom register form.
    Here i list out some plugin so it will be create custom registration form.

    Hello @ganchor
    There is many reason of line expire issue
    Here i show list maybe helpful to you.

    1. Increase PHP Limits

    • Memory Limit: Increase the PHP memory limit by editing your wp-config.php file. Add or modify the following line:

      define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
    • Upload Size and Execution Time:
      Increase the maximum upload size and execution time in your php.ini file:
      upload_max_filesize = 64M
      post_max_size = 64M
      max_execution_time = 300
      max_input_time = 300

    2.Permalinks and Rewrite Rules

    • Go to Settings > Permalinks and click “Save Changes” without making any changes. This will refresh the rewrite rules and might resolve.

    3. Session Timeout

    • The error might also be related to a session timeout. Try logging out and logging back in before creating a new site. If the issue persists, clear your browser cache and cookies, or try a different browser.

    4. Check .htaccess File

    • Ensure that your .htaccess file has the correct rewrite rules for multisite. It should look something like this:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]

    # Add the following lines for Multisite
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $2 [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
    Plugin Contributor iFlair Web Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


    Hello @adobehills
    Thank you for your interest in to get more information regarding our current plugin question and future plan

    Please find comment below in regards to your question :

    # Is PWA App by iFair a free software or is it planned to release a pro version later, where features that are free today will no longer be available in the free version?
    iFlair: All current features will continue to be available for free. We may introduce a range of new pro features to provide additional value.

    # Do you also support push messages? If so, with which providers?
    iFlair: Yes, the feature is already scheduled and included in the roadmap for an upcoming release. Our development team has thoroughly planned its implementation, and it will be available in a future update.

    # Is it possible to do a page refresh or do I have to reload the page for new content every time?
    iFlair: There’s no need to refresh the page; the latest updates from the backend will automatically appear for you.

    # Are there any problems with woocommerce?
    iFlair: It works seamlessly with the latest version of WooCommerce

    # Is there the possibility of a navigation menu with a back_button?
    iFlair: Absolutely, it has been scheduled to be included in one of our upcoming releases in the near future.

    If the email change is pending and the confirmation email isn’t received, you can update the email address directly in the WordPress database. Here’s how:
    Access phpMyAdmin:
    Log in to your web hosting control panel (like cPanel) and open phpMyAdmin.
    Select Your Database:
    Select the database associated with your WordPress installation from the left-hand sidebar.
    Find the Options Table:
    Look for the table named wp_options. Note that the prefix (wp_) might be different depending on your setup.

    Thehre is a two options

    One : Update the Admin Email:

    Search for the option name admin_email.
    Click on the Edit button next to it.
    Replace the current email address with your new email address.
    Save the changes.

    Two : Update by adminhash

    Search for the option name adminhash.
    Click on the Edit button next to it.
    You can find hash value next as below example

    mailto:a:2:{s:4:”hash”;s:32:”a151c9f6c1fab500fcc649c220223faa“;s:8:”newemail”;s:28:”[email protected]”;}
    mailto:a:2:{s:4:”hash”;s:32:”a151c9f6c1fab500fcc649c220223faa“;s:8:”newemail”;s:28:”[email protected]”;}

    Replace your website url next to & replace hash value with exact match your admin hash value.

    Hello @leidylaplenie
    I see your site and it’s work perfectly in both view(desktop,mobile).
    Also the menu is also clickable and goto same page.

    Hello @jkb0t
    if you want to call elementor template in another page
    so you can do with using elementor widget “template”.
    for that you need to go to page where you want to show this template and edit page with elementor
    than search for “template” widget than you can call your template
    You can use this shortcode
    [elementor-template id=”your_template_id”]
    may be it’s help to you.

    Here i share code.
    If you want this functionality you need to do custom jquery.
    Check this code maybe it’s help to you

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    // Map image URLs to their corresponding variation IDs
    var imageVariationMap = {};

    $('.variations_form').on('found_variation', function(event, variation) {
    if (variation && variation.image && variation.image.src) {
    imageVariationMap[variation.image.src] = variation.variation_id;

    // Handle image click event
    $('.woocommerce-product-gallery__image img').on('click', function() {
    var clickedImageSrc = $(this).attr('src');

    // Find the corresponding variation ID
    var variationID = imageVariationMap[clickedImageSrc];

    if (variationID) {
    // Change the selected variation

    // Trigger WooCommerce variation change events

    Hello @nycinsider
    When working with the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg), each block, pattern, or reusable block is referenced by a unique identifier, often an ID number. Unfortunately, this ID number is what is used to reference the block internally, and there isn’t a direct way to reference blocks by name in the raw HTML comment format.

    However, you can use the following approaches to make your workflow easier:1. Finding the Block ID

    1. Create the block/pattern in the Block Editor: First, create the block or pattern you want to reuse in the visual Block Editor.
    2. Save the Block/Pattern: Save it as a reusable block or pattern.
    3. Inspect the Block ID: Switch to the code editor view and note down the unique ID (e.g., 8635) for the reusable block/pattern.

    2. Using Custom Comments for Reference

    While you can’t change the actual block ID to a name, you can add custom comments around the block to help identify it. For example:

    <!-- Start of: Test Pattern 1 -->
    <!-- wp:block {"ref":8635} /-->
    <!-- End of: Test Pattern 1 -->

    This way, while working in the code editor, you can see the descriptive name alongside the actual block code.3. Adding Inline Documentation

    Adding comments within the code can help you remember which block is which:

    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>This is a paragraph block.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

    <!-- This is a test pattern block -->
    <!-- wp:block {"ref":8635} /-->

    4. Using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) or Other Plugins

    If you’re comfortable using plugins, you can explore using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) or similar plugins that can help manage and insert custom blocks with more flexibility and control.Example with Custom Comments

    If you have a block with an ID 8635 that you want to refer to as “Test Pattern 1,” your code would look like this:

    <!-- This block is Test Pattern 1 -->
    <!-- wp:block {"ref":8635} /-->

    By using custom comments, you create a more readable and maintainable code base while still adhering to the requirements of the Block Editor’s internal referencing system.

    Hello @0aq0
    You need to implement ajax based load more functionality. set by default show only 12 images at time
    Here i share basic logic of ajax base load more functionality

    This functionality is help to improved page speed and page is also not refresh every time.

    When you update wordpress than it will also update index.php file that why your code is deleted from index.php file.
    if you take backup than check backup files and get code.
    but if you want to work in wordpress you need to understand wordpress working process.
    First you need to create child theme from parent theme
    download this plugin and create child theme
    than follow this video

    Hello @rpmtl22
    No need to update network when you update wordpress it will also updated.

    Hello @arlinaite

    Please check this points. maybe it’s helpful to you

    1. Permalink Settings: Ensure that your permalink settings are correctly configured in WordPress. Go to Settings > Permalinks and choose a structure that suits your needs.
    2. 301 Redirects: If you’re changing the URL of an existing post or page, set up 301 redirects from the old URL to the new one to maintain SEO rankings and ensure users can still find the content. You can use plugins like Redirection to manage these.
    3. Internal Links: Update any internal links pointing to the old URL to point to the new URL. This includes links in your content, menus, and widgets.
    4. Search Engine Indexing: Submit the updated sitemap to search engines like Google to help them re-index your site with the new URLs.
    5. External Links: If there are external sites linking to your old URLs, try to update those links if possible. This might involve reaching out to site owners to inform them of the change.
    6. Broken Links: After making the changes, run a broken link checker to ensure there are no broken links on your site due to the URL changes.
    7. Cache and CDN: Clear your site’s cache and any CDN cache to ensure the changes take effect immediately for all users.

    Hello @naloos
    I checked your site and it’s working perfectly

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