Forum Replies Created
OK, many thanks. Will install WP-Crontrol today and see what happens tomorrow…
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. The scheduled time is now in the future – tomorrow, in fact – but last week’s didn’t send. When I tried to resend the latest digest, nothing happened. Not sure I have any other scheduled events…BDU here. You’d still recommend WP-Crontrol?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Subscribe2] Confirmation email not sendingD’oh. Fixed it by going back to the installation instructions. I didn’t have the S2 form enabled. Sigh.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Subscribe2] Confirmation email not sendingI have the same problem at https://www.traditionaliconoclast.com/.
No confirmation emails go out to new subscribers, although I can send reminders fine.
All 4 preview emails come through fine. Blog-post notifications going fine. But no one new can subscribe.
Using version 8.7 of Subscribe2; WP 3.5; domain email and SMTP plug-in.
Matt – you helped me get through the thing to get subscribers properly confirmed — can you help with this? Dreamhost Security is having fits, because they can’t see how anyone subscribes validly. What the heck am I doing wrong?
Woot! OK, it helps to read *all* the instructions (which I actually teach in my day job, writing proposals, darn it). Anyway, with the filtering, I had the options I needed. Thanks for your patience!
MattyRob – I actually understand that! Hurray! And thank you! I am using 8.6 and can toggle my subscribers – so far, so good. When I send the reminder email, can I send the link that they would have received for confirming if they had subscribed through the widget in the first place? (If so, where the heck is it? I can find the reminder email template, but not the actual link.) Conversely, do they just have to initiate the subscription process by entering their email address and then letting the plug-in do its thing by automatically sending a ‘please confirm’ email?
I did try to figure this out for myself by trying to sign up (on another computer, under a different email account) but Dreamhost servers now appear to be blocking any mail from the plug-in on my site. Have submitted an enquiry/complaint. But in the meantime, I’d like to be ready for when I can talk to the outside world again. Many thanks, Isabel
Mika – Well, I can try that, but it just shows the dates, not the IP addresses from which any were confirmed. Anyway, I can start there and see if I can persuade the powers that be that I am not a mad spammer. Truly, you’d think a quick check of the number/frequency of mailings would show that! Any other ideas, anyone? And thanks much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Notification of comments not workingTerry – I had the same problem and appear to have fixed it by resaving my settings. I checked them to be sure that nothing oddball had happened – my email was still correct, and I had ticked to be notified of new comments – so then I just hit “Save” at the bottom of both pages, and hey, presto! Comment notifications began flowing again. Good luck. Isabel