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  • Thread Starter Jan444


    Hi George, many thanks for the suggestions.

    I went up and down investigating and testing, re-doing the steps to introduce dynamic textes on Woo’s Settings, scan themes and plugins, translate them properly, test emails Subjects and Headings… but couldn’t find the culprit.

    We are using the typical ways in which WooCommerce processes an order. I even tried without any other plugins than the essentials (Woo, Woo Multi, WPML), but nothing.

    On WPML’s Strings area, I can search and find the dynamic strings, they’ll show their context, name, string and status, I translate them, but they’ll be sent empty in any language when the order is processed (the rest of the mail is properly translated though).

    I came up with this code to “force it” (to place on functions.php), but I’m unsatisfied with such a solution, even if it works. Replace TEXTDOMAIN for your theme’s text domain, then re-scan the theme, and translate.

    I’ll mark the thread as resolved but it’s still bugging me as I’m sure I’m missing some small and important thing on all this.


    //Attempt to warrant Subject line and Heading line in mails
    function new_order_subject($subject){
    	$subject= __( 'Vielen Dank für Ihre Zahlung','TEXTDOMAIN');
    	return $subject;
    function new_order_subject2($heading){
    	$heading= __( 'Best?tigung Ihrer Kreditkartenzahlung','TEXTDOMAIN');
    	return $heading;
    function new_order_subject3($subject){
    	$subject= __( 'Vielen Dank für Ihre Zahlung','TEXTDOMAIN');
    	return $subject;
    function new_order_subject4($heading){
    	$heading= __( 'Best?tigung Ihrer Kreditkartenzahlung','TEXTDOMAIN');
    	return $heading;
    function new_order_subject5($subject){
    	$subject= __( 'Neue Einzahlung per Kredit Karte','TEXTDOMAIN');
    	return $subject;
    function new_order_subject6($heading){
    	$heading= __( 'Neue Einzahlung','TEXTDOMAIN');
    	return $heading;
    Thread Starter Jan444


    I have tried to add this, to no avail (taken from here)

    add_filter('woocommerce_email_subject_customer_completed_order', 'change_admin_email_subject', 1, 2);
    function change_admin_email_subject( $subject, $order ) {
    	global $woocommerce;
    	$blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
    	$subject = sprintf( 'Testing', $blogname, $order->id, $order->billing_first_name, $order->billing_last_name );
    	return $subject;

    Thanks for your help.

    The problem was our product is a Virtual Product (which usually needs the admin to approve its orders manually). We installed the “Woocommerce Autocomplete Orders” plugin and our issue is now fixed.

    Thanks for the great community support and this great plugin.


    Hola, aconsejáis cambiarlo en el código?

    En mi caso tenemos https, los pedidos pagados se nos quedan en “pendiente” y no llegan a completarse, y los mails transaccionales no se envían.

    He cambiado esa línea pero sigue todo igual.

    Gracias por cualquier idea.


    Hello, do you recommend to change that line of code?

    In my case we have https enabled, the orders are paid but they are stuck into “pending”, and the transactional mails aren’t sent over.

    I changed that line of code but nothing changes.

    Thanks for any input.

    Thread Starter Jan444


    Era un problema general de WooCommerce, que hemos resuelto cambiando los permisos de .htaccess a 444 “sólo lectura”.
    It was a generic WooCommerce problem, that we solved making our .htaccess 444 “read only”.


    I have the same prob! Please help.

    Hi guys, how did you resolve this issue? I’m experiencing it as well and would like to know any ideas.

    Thanks for any hint,

    Hi Cyberfox, many thanks!

    I added step="any" to the html input, and it accepts decimals with a comma now (the desired behavior!).

    But what if people enter a dot “.”?
    Currently using FireFox it throws a message “please enter a valid number”, because it expects a comma as a separator.

    But is there a way the dot converts into a comma automatically, to make it easy for the people?

    I guess this snippet you mention is part of the solution: str_replace(',', '.');, but I don’t know where to paste it exactly.

    I guess within PHP tags at the top of the file, or maybe somewhere inside the html input itself?
    Could some javascript make this conversion ‘on the fly’ possible as well?

    Many thanks for any guidance.
    I’ll search by my side too and will report any advance.

    Hi Varun,

    I receive this message when trying to enter decimals (for example 90,50€ or 90.50€):

    “Please enter a valid value. The two nearest valid values are 90 and 91”.

    Then I have the arrows to go to up or down 1 unity.

    In FF and Chrome (which accepts a dot as a decimal separator, but not a comma, while FF accepts both) I have that message -in IE it defaults to 90€ directly-.

    In my WooCommerce configuration (WooCommerce > Settings > General) I have:

    – Decimal Separator: ,
    – Number of Decimals: 2

    Do you have any idea what can it be?

    Thread Starter Jan444


    Thanks Destac this was really helpful.

    Here’s an interesting list of tablets User Agents:

    But this still generates some doubts for me:

    – Do you think it’s safe to create a new User Agent Group and paste them on there to target tablets only?

    – Does anybody foresee some conflict between this list and the default User Agents Groups that W3TC provides?

    – Quite a lot of those User Agents have the word “tablet” or even “pad”, “viewpad”, “touchpad”, or “mediapad” on them. If we paste those words alone inside the User Agent box, will that suffice to target those devices?

    Many thanks to bring some light on this!

    I think it’s interesting to be able to generate different caches for desktop, mobiles and tablets separately.


    Thread Starter Jan444


    Hi Destac, currently I’m serving different templates for desktop (normal template) and mobile + tablet (special, simpler template, with the conditionals that the Mobble plugin provides).

    I enabled the High Group in User Agents Group, and I set it to Pass Through.

    So far is working nicely, but again, ideally I’d like to generate three caches (not only two), separating the mobile’s from tablets’ one.

    In the UA High Group, I think (but I’m unsure) that the only tablet listed there is “ipad”.

    How could I collect two different lists of UA, one for tablets and the other for mobile (I’ll google it, but if anyone has a solution or tested lists, it’ll be awesome to know).

    Are we safe doing this, or could the system get eventually confused by some UA (let’s say, a tablet that gets served mobile)?

    Thanks for your comments, I just want to make sure I’m in the good path.

    Looks like enabling the “high” group in User Agents Group will create separate cache pages for mobile and tablet devices (so they won’t generate the same cache than a desktop computer, and, likewise, they will request their own particular cached pages).

    However, what if we want to serve specific cached pages to smartphones only (not tablets)?

    Where can we get a list of mobile/handheld specific user agents?

    Please help with this!

    Aside: another option to tell between desktop / other devices, is pasting a list of mobile / tablets User Agents in Page Cache > Advanced > Rejected User Agents, so they will get the dynamically generated version of the site insead of a generic or specific cache.

    +1 we are facing this issue too!

    I’ll explore a little bit and if I find something interesting I’ll post back. But if someone has already some answer it would be awesome to know!


    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: 3 Free Themes
    Thread Starter Jan444


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