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  • Thread Starter igroykt


    Problem solved with help of applixir tech support.
    The link for documentation is still actual, but it has terms mismatch where:
    dev id is account id
    game id is wp id
    zone id is zone id
    Also after setup, you have to request tech support in order to enable ads for your account.
    There is some problem with firefox, but this is the browser’s problem. It has issues even with google ads. So it would better to use google chrome for tests.

    Thread Starter igroykt


    Ok. I think I made it according to this post but at the site, I see account id, zone id, game id, and plugin requires dev id, zone id, wp id. If I right then account id is dev id and game id is wp id.
    After setup, I see the button “watch ad”, but if I click it ad shows black for a few seconds in modal window then it kicks out and I not able to read the post.

    Thread Starter igroykt


    Hi @rankmath
    I turned this option off right now and it helped ??
    I confirm that “Usage tracking” option causes an error.

    Thread Starter igroykt


    Imposter solved a problem with monolog, but broke guzzlehttp. So I decided just downgrade monolog. It looks like all other packages compatible with monolog 1.25.1.

    Thread Starter igroykt


    Thread Starter igroykt


    Hi @rankmath
    Thank for the reply. I made some investigation and looks like rank math conflicting with my plugin goauth that uses google API client to login user. Problem appears when plugin try to retrieve user information:

    $google_oauthV2 = new Google_Service_Oauth2($this->client);
    $this->profile = $google_oauthV2->userinfo->get();

    This return object “Google_Service_Oauth2_Userinfoplus” that contains correct information about user profile, but somehow it triggers error in rank math.
    Can you confirm that rank math compatible with mongolog…oh….my plugin has monolog 2:

    firebase/php-jwt v5.0.0 A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec.
    google/apiclient v2.4.0 Client library for Google APIs
    google/apiclient-services v0.121 Client library for Google APIs
    google/auth v1.6.1 Google Auth Library for PHP
    guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.4.1 Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
    guzzlehttp/promises v1.3.1 Guzzle promises library
    guzzlehttp/psr7 1.6.1 PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
    monolog/monolog 2.0.1 Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
    phpseclib/phpseclib 2.0.23 PHP Secure Communications Library – Pure-PHP implementations of RSA, AES, SSH2, SFTP, X.509 etc.
    psr/cache 1.0.1 Common interface for caching libraries
    psr/http-message 1.0.1 Common interface for HTTP messages
    psr/log 1.1.2 Common interface for logging libraries
    ralouphie/getallheaders 3.0.3 A polyfill for getallheaders.
    sonata-project/google-authenticator 2.2.0 Library to integrate Google Authenticator into a PHP project

    Looks like that causing problem.

    LDAP Directory User: CN=LDAP\, SERVERNAME,OU=Service Accounts,DC=institution,DC=edu
    strange config for active directory.
    i have configured plugin for active directory and it work well. let’s say if your domain is “” then it will look like this:

    ldap host: domain controller ip address
    ldap port: 389
    use tls: no (“yes” if your servers connected via public network)
    ldap search base: cn=Users,dc=institution,dc=edu (don’t know why microsoft uses cn instead of ou)
    ldap attribute containing username: sAMAccountName
    ldap attribute containing email address: mail
    ldap directory user: cn=username with read rights,cn=Users,dc=institution,dc=edu
    ldap attribute containing first name: givenName
    ldap attribute containing last name: sN

    path like “cn=Users,dc=institution,dc=edu” your system administrator can always view in adsiedit utility on windows server.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by igroykt.
    Thread Starter igroykt


    Confirmed. There was an issue with ntp daemon and looks like it was broken for a long time that means previous plugin wasn’t check time )
    Thank for help ??

    Thread Starter igroykt


    looks like problem with php google oauth client in function verifyIdToken.
    added exception echo:

                            // Verify this is a successful Google authentication
                            try {
                                    $ticket = $client->verifyIdToken( $token->id_token, $auth_settings['google_clientid'] );
                            } catch ( Google_Auth_Exception $e ) {
                                    // Invalid ticket, so this in not a successful Google login.
                                    echo $e->getMessage(); //echo exception
                                    return new WP_Error( 'invalid_google_login', __( 'Invalid Google credentials provided.', 'authorizer' ) );

    and i see this message:
    Token used too late, 1516253985 > 1516078538: {“azp”:”my_client_id”,”aud”:”my_client_id”,”sub”:”103060978562462449281″,”hd”:””,”email”:””,”email_verified”:true,”at_hash”:”FGg9YbzRqXpyfCObKOwzlg”,”exp”:1516078238,”iss”:””,”iat”:1516074638}
    looks like certificate or id_token not refreshed.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by igroykt.
    Thread Starter igroykt


    deactivated all plugins but problem still exist.
    accounts of users sync via ldap but my own account created in internal database of wordpress and affected too.
    hour ago i was able to login but then i got message “your session has expired” and now i can’t login from my workstation but able to login from my personal computer at home with the same credentials.

    Thread Starter igroykt


    new detail: problem appears when session expires.
    ok. will try to disable plugins and see if it helps.

    Confirm. Have same issue with editor.
    This fix helped ??

    Thread Starter igroykt


    All users in the same domain and no other domains allowed.
    Ok. I will check logs on next week.
    Wordpress version 4.9.1–ru_RU.
    Active plugins list:
    amo team
    better notification for wordpress
    easy google fonts
    emoji reactions
    fv gravatar cache
    fv player
    gallery by bestwebsoft
    instagram feed
    native emoji
    ninja forms
    regenerate thumbnails
    resize image after upload
    tinymce advanced
    updrafts plus – backup/restore
    local avatars

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by igroykt.
    Thread Starter igroykt


    Thread Starter igroykt


    отправил 4к (по 1к за каждый хелп)
    на пивко )

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