Hi Thanks for getting back to me so promptly. This code goes in the tab create the widget
<div id=”leaguetable-widget”
class=”cleanslate crowdscores-widget”
</div> </div>
Then this java script goes in the page header to populate the wiget and update it
f=a.getElementsByTagName(b)[0]; e.src=c; e.id=d; f.parentNode.insertBefore(e,f)
If I put the widget code on the page it populates straight away so it includes the latest data and the shirt images.
when the page loads.
If I put the wiget code within a tab it only haly loads. It only updates the data and displays the shirt images after the next update call, and then only in the selected tab. Every time a different tab is selected I have to wait up to 30 seconds until the next update cycle so that it actually displays correctly.
I have tried it on chrome and ie 9 and also on android browser and it is same on every page. I have also tried it with and without add blocker being enabled.