Forum Replies Created
Hi @bycrik ,
- How can I make it possible with CSS? Because I’ve tried simply to remove “display:none;” , but the issue is that Active option total is copied on all options >
Meaning, when user selects and option, all other options copy that Total amount and displays it as its own. Not sure how’s working but somehow the total gets updated on user click action. - Ok, noted.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SamedayCourier Shipping] Eroare la generarea AWBScuzati-ma va rog pentru ca revin cu un mesaj atat de tarziu,
Totusi doresc sa updatez acest ticket in caz ca cineva pe viitor va intalni aceasta eroare.Pana la urma s-a dovedit ca problema era in API-ul legat de account. Am contactat Sales team si ei au fost foarte receptivi la cerinta mea.
Deci daca intalniti asa eroare se merita sa verificati cu Sales team statutul account-ului dvs.Consider acest ticket inchis.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SamedayCourier Shipping] Eroare la generarea AWBSuper idee,
Multumesc mult, voi plasa intrebarea acolo.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SamedayCourier Shipping] Eroare la generarea AWBDin nou multumesc pentru ajutor @lazarlehel ,
Am incercat functionalul AWB pe un site curat WordPress doar cu Woocommerce, niciun alt plugin, totusi eroarea persista >
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SamedayCourier Shipping] Eroare la generarea AWBMultumesc mult pentru raspunsul promp @lazarlehel ,
Am indeplinit pasii tai, insa eroare persista.Am sters pluginul, am verificat daca nu este un alt plugin clona.
Am instalat pluginul prin panoul Plugins WordPress, ultima versiune >
Am facut o comanda noua, dar eroarea este aceeasi >
Ce altceva as putea incerca? - How can I make it possible with CSS? Because I’ve tried simply to remove “display:none;” , but the issue is that Active option total is copied on all options >