Forum Replies Created
Hi @shivamtyagi it seems that everything is fixed after following the steps in the article. The cron-job is deleted as well.
Thank you very much for the quick response, I appreciate it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP] Deprecated Features-Google WarningsHello @fierevere , we meet again in this post.
I understand that you removed the reply from plugin author, even though I requested their email address so that there is more security regarding my problem.
Just a quick question. What happens if there is indeed a security issue, that’s why someone can’t share his website URL and the only solution would be to contact the plugin author privately? I can’t seem to find a “Make topic private” button here in wordpress…
Because as I undestand it, google warns me that “script-src directive is missing. This can allow the execution of unsafe scripts“. Am I just going to display my website URL so that anyone skilled enough can perform that type of execution of unsafe scripts?
IliasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Uncaught ReferenceError: Cookies is not definedThank you @fierevere , I kinda understand your point, because it also states in the link “Unless it’s a legal or security issue“, so I thought I might fall under that category…
Anyway, so, isn’t it even possible to edit my post and remove my url and the image but keep the rest?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Uncaught ReferenceError: Cookies is not definedExcuse me, for security reasons, would it be possible to remove my url and the image I uploaded please (I can’t edit my post)?
I reported it so that a mod can have a look.
Thanks.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Uncaught ReferenceError: Cookies is not definedSure Frank, you deserve it, your plugin is awesome!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Uncaught ReferenceError: Cookies is not defined@optimizingmatters that exclusion solved the error, thank you very much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Uncaught ReferenceError: Cookies is not defined@fierevere Thank you for your answer. But my issues are related to autoptimize (which is a free plugin). Am I getting something wrong?
Sorry to chime in, just a question @magmlinares are you sure you haven’t selected any setting at Autoptimize->Extra->Google Fonts? Because in my case, I have to enable “Remove Google Fonts” setting so that the ugly default font becomes the one I love as well ??
I increased wp_memory_limit to 256M and that seems to have fixed the issue.
Και απ? την τελευτα?α συναλλαγ?, φ?νηκε ?τι λειτουργο?ν π?λι ?λα σωστ?.
Σα? ευχαριστ? πολ? για τον χρ?νο σα?, αν παρατηρηθε? κ?τι στο μ?λλον θα σα? ενημερ?σω.Κατ?λαβα.
Αλλι??, ε?δατε κ?ποιο ?λλο error στο access log που σα? ?στειλα;Μ?λι? πραγματοποι?σαμε δοκιμαστικ? αγορ? (επιτυχημ?νη), η παραγγελ?α π?ρασε αυτ?ματα σε “Σε επεξεργασ?α” και λ?βαμε ?λα τα σχετικ? e-mails (και σαν κατ?στημα και σαν πελ?τε?).
Ο προγραμματιστ?? μου μου ε?χε αναφ?ρει ?τι ?κανε ?να update στα wordpress urls (πριν 1-2 ημ?ρε?) και δεν γνωρ?ζω αν ευθ?νεται αυτ? (πλεον το γ?ρισε στα παλι? urls).
Παρ’?λα αυτ?, βλ?πω αρκετ? errors στο access log και σα? τα προωθ?.
Σα? ευχαριστ?.
Καλησπ?ρα σα?, μ?λι? λ?βαμε την δοκιμαστικ? (αποτυχημ?νη) συναλλαγ? σα?.
Επικοινων?σαμε σ?μερα με το [email protected], μα? αν?φεραν ?τι τα βλ?πουν ?λα σωστ? και ?τι θα πρ?πει να επικοινων?σουμε με του? δημιουργο?? του plugin (εσ??).
Σχετικ? με τα access logs, επειδ? ?ντω? βλ?πω error στην συναλλαγ? σα?, μπορ? απλ? να τα κ?νω paste εδ? (μην περι?χουν ευα?σθητα στοιχε?α).Σα? ευχαριστ?.