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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple Post Thumbnails] Is it possible to use the new media uploader?Would it be possible to see the patch, even if it’s not reviewed yet?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple Post Thumbnails] Is it possible to use the new media uploader?Also interested in the outcome.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: facebook] Invalid argument supplied for foreach()…I have the exact same situation. Anyone with a solution?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to sort posts alphabetically by alphabet other than english?My current solution: get the posts, store their IDs and sort keys (in this case the title) in an array, sort that array by sort key in PHP and use the IDs in this new order as a list for the WP query’s post__in -parameter. Requires a simple filter hooked to ‘posts_orderby’ to make WP respect the post__in order.
This works, but it’s less than elegant solution given all the looping and stuff.
You are right; when looking for a quick fix I arrived to the exactly same best case scenario. There are some smart people cracking these nuts ??
My fix above is still valid for some of us as they seem to be heading for the 3.2 release with the proper remake of the notification settings.
Best to keep it in a plugin, though.I guess I should, but a universal solution is not quite as simple as that;
my fix doesn’t take into account the post author’s capabilities. A proper way of doing this would be to notify the post author of comments held for moderation only in the case that he/she has the capability to moderate comments.^well ok, there we go, somebody should definitely make it like that. Beyond my coding powers, though.
On this particular site I’m not running the latest WP version, so I shall test it with the newest stuff and file a ticket only after that.
Well, can’t be bothered to investigate this any further, the fix is easy enough:
just add this to the wp_notify_postauthor function:
if ( $comment->comment_approved != 1 ) return false;
That takes care of it. A guess the proper way of doing that is to write it into a plugin, so that’s exactly what I did. Works for me.
Oh damn, just tested and found out that
Email me whenever
Anyone posts a comment – Check this box so that every single comment posted will generate an email to the author of that post.…actually means that WP will email both the admin and the author on all comments – including those held for moderation. The author, however, does not even have the right to moderate comments, so this is completely wrong.
The culprit might be somewhere in pluggable.php, namely wp_notify_postauthor.
I’m using the WP-SpamFree plugin, but that doesn’t seem to the aforementioned function.I guess I’ll investigate the plugin directory and if nothing’s found, go on writing a plugin to overwrite wp_notify_postauthor, unless you guys have a better idea?
Sounds like a plan. Should be easy enough to change.
Oh, missed that link by Camu, sorry and thanks for pointing that out. You are right, it does state quite clearly that ‘Please note that the use of “me” refers to either a post author or the administrator’. Now we know. I think I’ll fix that in my translation, though.
Whoa, that IS misleading, I always thought exactly the same as you, Tevya; I thought the ‘me’ the admin, not the author. Did you test this yet?