Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Three] Access to Theme EditorI found it!
Under Tools now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Manager] file editor adds slashes to quotations marksthis just broke 2 of my sites while editing wp-config.php as I added a line and when saving the file all quotes were escaped with a \ causing a 500 error..
I had to go in and search and replace the \ to delete it to recover the sites…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PressForward] ERROR: Are you sure you want to do this?Looks like this is not the place to get this resolved, as no-one is picking this up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PressForward] ERROR: Are you sure you want to do this?My reported error is
Are you sure you want to do this?
Please try again.
when running an import
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PressForward] ERROR: Are you sure you want to do this?Hi,
I have same error, disabled all other plugins except for PressForward and WordPress Importer and retried, on a Twenty Sixteen theme install, WP V4.7.3, PressForward V4.2.2, WodrPress Importer v 0.6.3.
Error disappears when disabling PressForward, changing theme makes no difference.
Hope we can get to the bottom of this as I’d like to export some articles to a new install and this stops me doing it as without PF installed it does not recognise the post type to import.
I would be interested in the PRO version when it is released,
Hi Joachim,
thanks for getting back to me on this issue.
I seem to have it working now, the only pages I am left with no replacement capability on are individual BuddyPress groups, I can’t see them in the list, whereas individual Forums are shown under Forums, so is there a way to get to individual BP Group pages..?
The issue reported seems to be related to the AND/OR logic within Condition groups. I noticed that when I use add to group from the left hand side items it “AND”s the selected items into the current group, whereas if I add a new Group on right hand side it “OR”s the new group so can you explain the AND / OR aspects here..? if a group has AND in it will this affect when the sidebars are replaced..?
I tried this with BuddyPress elements and they only show when added in a new Group using OR, if they are selected in to an existing group with AND they do not pick up the sidebar and that seems to be the issue as that was how I was adding them before…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Variable Product SKU Displayinteresting – possibly..:-) I changed my theme to twentytwelve and the product variation skus work just fine, so I assume it is a theme issue… so what needs done..?
Even with twentytwelve I am not seeing the sku passed through to the cart though…which is something that is required for order processing..the colour variaition is coming through but not the sku.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Variable Product SKU DisplayGuys,
I am not seeing product variation skus on a Woocommerce 2.0.12 install, I tried the earlier version code fix posted, but that just killed the product option drop-down, so is there a fix to make product variation skus show up on product display and also pass through into cart/order details for this latest version..?
However, I must say that this seems a bit odd to have to be messing with code to fix..? surely it’s a basic requirement for Woocommerce to have this working..?
thanks for advice..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AIO Cache & Performance] Why BuddyPress tag?sent you a donation, so hope you can send on the pro version…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AIO Cache & Performance] Why BuddyPress tag?Hi Adam,
please tell me this plugin is going all the way. WordPress is brilliant but any size of site and a multisite, or membership with buddy on it etc and any number of great plugins becomes a very slow and very poorly rated beast.
I have spent a day breaking my site with WP Cache, Super Cache, WP Minify etc, so I’m hoping you have the answer here. How do I get my hands on the Pro version for a trial…? In the meantime I ‘ll go try the std version and see what happens.
I have been running GT Metrix and watching as nothing changes and I still have loads of external files etc. I am on a Bluehost shared server with this site and cannot get gzip working, despite all the htaccess hacks etc.
There has to be an easy way to get all this performance stuff done without resorting to hacking into all the plugins css and js files manually – that’s a nightmare.
Like you I want to fix this because WordPress, BuddyPress and all those great plugins are the way forward, so some way to put it all together and avoid all these calls and waste of space etc is totally required.
I’m surprised it doesn’t bother more people, but perceived wisdom is go for W3 Total cache and a good server, but it simply breaks my site and I am not sure about all the options and what to set and wheat not to, to see if I can un-break it. Some say leave the css, some say leave the js, some say – it works great for me, and many don’t – same for supercache – it just does nothing.
I’m also thinking about Amazon S3 not just for CDN but for hosting my site, need to work that all out, but a good working solution which just does what is says on the tin and lets people get it working on a shared environment would open this up to more people.
Ok, off my chest there, but I’m still running in circles here…
Help would be most appreciated..
the site I am trying this all out on is a development sub domain. It has Tersus theme on it and quite a few plugins. It’s image heavy with sliders. The images were optimised using ewww optimmizer plugin, and offline optimised also, but the big issue is the gzip (can’t seem to get it on) and all the external css/js and it’s not really a large site apart from that, certainly not like a full blown membership site. Using the same testing stuff I have seen that really any WP site with new sliders and images, optimised or not is slow, and again plugin load factor is a huge part of it, so this is pretty standard picture emerging – imho
It appears to happen when you create a group using the Create a group on groups list. It gives a choice to assign that new group to a parent group, but that doesn’t appear to happen, or at least the new groups still appears on level 1 listing. If you create the group within a single group using create a member group it seems to work ok. Still not sure on this one as it worked fine on another site.
Here’s another suggestion – I tried the remove flat list check box but the group tree sometimes doesn’t explode, so I switched it back off. I understand it’s experimental.
I would like an option to make Group Tree the default view and move All Groups to the end of the menu, so groups link goes to Group Tree, with My Groups 2nd and All Groups at end as an option – is that do-able..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP Group Organizer] [Plugin: BP Group Organizer] admin link brokenand yes, it’s a multisite install. The other site has bp 1.2.8 and it’s multisite too.
I loaded group organizer on a single site buddypress and the url is wp-admin/admin.php?page=group_organizer which takes you to the drag and drop interface ok.
I then took this wp-admin/admin.php?page=group_organizer and tried it on my multisites and it also took me through to the group organizer ok, so I hope that helps you fix the issue of the wrong url…
great plugins – hierarchy and organizer, thanks..!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP Group Organizer] [Plugin: BP Group Organizer] admin link brokensite 1 wp 3.2.1 bp 1.2.9 only plugins activared are buddypress and bp group organizer, and the organizer url on the back-end buddypress menu is../wp-admin/network/group_organizer which gets the page not found