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  • Plugin Author immonex


    Na das lesen wir doch gerne, vielen Dank für das nette Feedback! ??

    (An der Vereinfachung arbeiten wir noch, versprochen! ??)

    Plugin Author immonex


    The default gallery works with a fixed, uniform height for all images, where the aspect ratio is (roughly) calculated based on the widest image. So if the property images have different sizes or orientations, it’s not possible to display all of them without spaces left and right AND without cropping at the same time.

    (To make this possible, the height of the image section would have to vary on every slide change, which is not the intended behaviour: The thumbnail navigation and the whole page contents below would “jump” up and down on every image change in this case.)

    We would not recommend a slider solution with variable image heights, but if a suitable one exists (image slider plugin), the default gallery could be replaced by that one.

    Plugin Author immonex


    We hope the issues could be resolved based on the information provided. Please feel free to start a new topic or contact us if you have any further questions or problems related to Kickstart!

    Plugin Author immonex


    If the Ken Burns Effect is disabled, there normally shouldn’t be any cropping, that is to say that the whole image should be visible. But this could be a theme-specific issue in this case.

    Anyway… please try the following first, before we investigate the theme topic any further: Disable the filter function mentioned above and instead add this constant definition in the functions.php of the child theme (adjust the minimum pixel size as required).

    define( ‘INX_SKIN_KEN_BURNS_MIN_IMAGE_WIDTH’, 800 ); // Width in px.

    Optionally, you can also define a maximum height, if needed:

    define( ‘INX_SKIN_MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT’, 800 ); // Height in px.

    Plugin Author immonex


    Hi Andrej,

    you can generally disable the Ken Burns Effect animation that (in some cases) forces smaller images (>= 800 px width) to cover the whole container element by adding the following filter function to the functions.php of the child theme or via a PHP Code Snippets plugin:

     * [immonex Kickstart] Disable the "Ken Burns Effect" (animation) in default
     * gallery views.
    add_filter( 'inx_detail_page_elements', 'mysite_disable_ken_burns_effect' );
    function mysite_disable_ken_burns_effect( $page_elements ) {
    	if ( isset( $page_elements['gallery']['enable_ken_burns_effect'] ) ) {
    		$page_elements['gallery']['enable_ken_burns_effect'] = false;
    	return $page_elements;
    } // mysite_disable_ken_burns_effect

    (If required, it would also be possible to specify an alternative minimum width for images to be displayed with the Ken Burns Effect.)

    Plugin Author immonex


    Sorry Haris, leider zu sp?t gelesen! ??

    Der Vollst?ndigkeit halber: Das Problem konnte zwischenzeitlich vom OP selbst gel?st werden, nachdem der Classic Editor deaktiviert und der Shortcode in einen Gutenberg-Block übertragen wurde.

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