The WordPress 2.7 admin dashboard is a step back in terms of style. Previous versions of the WP admin had a strong visual style. WordPress is the easiest to use blogging platform out there, tweaking its IA is good and will improve ease of use. However changing the IA doesn’t mean its visual style had to change. I did skim the testing report and can see how the changes will help ease of use. However, why does it need gradients behind the headers, crap icons in the menu.
I really hope the style of the admin goes back to how it was in 2.5-2.6 but is structured like 2.7, please. Get Happy Cog onto it.
@astereo I don’t need to ‘assume’ you know nothing about design, I can see from your website you know nothing. When you get out of high school then give your opinion on others design knowledge.