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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Export WP -> WP

    I created a blog on my laptop, and may continue to do so. My need was to write over the new blog installed on my desktop. After about an hour of trying things, I got a procedure that works.

    It uses phpMyAdmin to export SQL files. Use complete inserts, save as file, replace, and if-not-exists. You may have to use an editor with global search and replace to kill fields if you’re porting mis-matched WordPress versions. I had to kill a bunch of latitude and longitude fields in the exported SQL file. Then use mysql to import the file. Use the source command.

    Port 3 tables – categories, post2cat, and posts. If you’ve dabbled with these tools, that may be enough. If not, pop me an email and I may have a nice pdf instruction document by then — or shoot, I may have it in my new blog by then ??

    Again a reminder, this just writes over existing data. That’s okay with me since I created a virgin database on my new computer to take the old database info.

    BTW, to the developers that are smarter than me: “It would be really nice to have a WP -> WP export and import capability.”

    Thread Starter increa


    Please see Post #48515 for resolution of this issue.

    Thread Starter increa


    Thank-you moshu, eetdcob.

    Actually, my host is me in this case, so I rooted around my Apache config files. In this file:
    C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf,
    I added the last of what is now 3 filenames:

    # DirectoryIndex: Name of the file or files to use as a pre-written HTML
    # directory index. Separate multiple entries with spaces.
    <IfModule mod_dir.c>
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

    All works well, now.

    Arrghh.. The same thing happened to me, but I can’t remember how I fixed it! It was something obtuse, like permissions on the database, or restrictions to the MySQL engine, or directory permissions. I broke through the problem when I compared the behavior dependent on what username I was logging in with (admin or generic user, for example).

    htpeng suggested renaming index.php and rename wp-login.php as index.php (BTW, sfong15’s concern could be fixed by leaving the wp-login.php file named both ways – 2 copies). These ideas provide an escorted approach to the WordPress environment, but can’t anybody still manually load any page in the WordPress file directory? (Knowing the names of all the files there is pretty trivial because they’re the same in each installation, even if you can’t see a listing of the files.)

    Thread Starter increa


    (Reponse to podz, above: phpmyadmin is a great tool, thanks, but I extracted the password by adding my own debugging echo command. But the install script is failing in other ways, per below.)
    After a few days of experimenting I have the problem isolated down to one line inside the WordPress install scripts. install.php calls another file, upgrade-functions.php. Inside that file, execution is dispatched to function upgrade_110. Here’s a code snippet from that function. I’ve added all the echo commands as a debugging aid. Worpress programmers, any clue why this section of code, inside upgrade-functions.php, doesn’t return from the if statement?
    // Convert passwords to MD5 and update table appropriately
    $query = 'DESCRIBE '.$tableusers.' user_pass';
    $res = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    echo "in upgrade_110, just before if.";
    if ($res[0]['Type'] != 'varchar(32)') {
    echo "in upgrade_110, inside if statement.";
    $wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE '.$tableusers.' MODIFY user_pass varchar(64) not null');
    echo "in upgrade_110, just after if";

    Here’s the html output that displays when I click into Step 3 of the install sequence. All output after the “Step 3” is from my own debugging echo commands:
    Step 3
    Just BEFORE upgrade_all with random password: efdfd1
    . Just before upgrade_110, just before if.

    Notice the echo inside the if doesn’t execute. And the echo just after the if doesn’t excute. So where does execution go? It seems the if statement is failing. What’s going on?

    Thread Starter increa


    The hang-up was some bizzarre inability to find .dll files, so php couldn’t talk to MySQL.
    Apache couldn’t find php extensions named in the php.ini file. Well, that’s what’s confusing: it could find some, but not others. For example it found testjunk.dll and reported it was a bad file (which was correct). True also for msql.dll. But when I pointed it to php_mysql.dll, which I had copied into the same directory, Apache complained that it couldn’t find it. Very strange.
    So I continued renaming files and moving them around, and restarting Apache many times. I don’t know which did it but I ended up pulling a copy of php_mysql.dll into two places, and put a copy of libmySQSL.dll into the c:\windows directory. Restarted Apache. And a few more times. And then, all of a sudden, Apached started up with no .dll complaint message. I went back and ran the following php script, and it worked. php could speak to MySQL.
    $connection = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("Couldn't connect.");
    if ($connection) {$msg = "success!";}
    <TITLE>MySQL Connection Test</TITLE>
    Taken from Colin's book page 179-180.
    <? echo "$msg"; ?>

    I went back to WordPress, and got to Step 3 of the install — where there’s another problem. But that’s for the next thread…

    Could you please re-think what else you might have done? Is there anything else you did between tests? Maybe something that seemed small at the time, but set you up for success on the second try?
    A good number of people would love to know how you fixed this, and refreshing index.php doesn’t seem to be the fundamental fix (mine wasn’t edited at all, and nothing changes when I extract another copy from the distributed WordPress zip file).
    The same problem has been discussed over on thread
    This error seems to be common across Linux and Windows platforms, and multiple versions of the software suites.
    Any help surely appreciated!

    Thread Starter increa


    I’m impressed how quickly you found three acute link answers. Did you search and find theses 3 threads via the WordPress website, or go “off-board” with google or something, and then they pointed back to a WordPress thread? I’ll list them again here, because I’m new to WordPress, and I don’t know if there’s a better way to link this thread to the those three.
    Anyhow, It seems many others are having the same trouble as me. I’ve run MySQL and PHP and Apache under Linux Mandrake, so I’m reasonably sure I know how to set things up. The Apache-PHP link seems to be running fine, tested with a few other simple web pages. I’ll run a few more PHP-MySQL tests; as of now, I’ve done testing as a MySQL root, and everything looks good when I manually enter commands at the MySQL command line console.
    This time, the installation is under Windows:
    Windows XP Pro SP 1
    Apache 2.0.50 (apache_2.0.50-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi)
    MySQL 4.0.20a-nt (
    PHP 5.0.1 (
    Tested both with IE 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1622 and Firefox 0.9.3, they do respond slightly differently. Both exhibit a blank web page displayed to the user, but the generated html code is a little bit different. Does this helpy anybody analyze what’s wrong?
    Here’s what I get when I execute the install.php link inside Firefox:
    Here’s what I get when I execute the install.php link inside IE:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN”>
    <META http-equiv=Content-Type content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″></HEAD>
    …very interested in trying out blogging technology inside a technical research organization. I hope someone can help me get this running!

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