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  • Thread Starter Fillip


    @ Berg Informatik
    DOH! Boy do I feel dumb. Wrong blocks. It wasn’t Cosmic. It was another Block maker. The problem has been solved. Please accept my apologies.

    By the way. Love the Cosmic blocks you folks have developed. I’m closing this ticket with a smile and marking it resolved.

    Thread Starter Fillip


    @ Kevin & @ Ben
    Thank you both for your reply. I’ve decided to not use the prebuilt library. I instead used a two column layout and then used an image from my photo library for the left column and formated the text on the right column along with a newly formatted button.

    The result: No prolems. The images don’t disappear. And all I need to do is duplicate that ‘two-row column’ for the different images and text I’ll use.

    Sorry to have troubled you. Please consider the problem solved.

    @ben. If in the future I decide to use a prebuilt block I’ll contact you. To answer your question, I was using images from my media library. Please note the three images I used were all the same, they were all opitimized. The problem was the third image wouldn’t stick, only when viewed on Chrome for Mac. The picture showed up using Safari, so I’m thinking the problem might be Chrome related.

    Thread Starter Fillip


    Back to square one. Getting the ‘unexpected or invalid content’notice.
    Tried Rich’s suggestion, switch to 2019 theme. Still getting the notice.
    Problem occurs with ALL block developers: Gute and Kadence etc.

    The good news is that this doesn’t affect the front end. It’s just a bit annoying to see a whole bunch of “Resolve – Convert to HTML windows peppered throughout the block editor.

    For now, I’ll just accept it and hope a future update will cure this “Gute Editor Block snot”. Seriously, that’s what it is.

    Thread Starter Fillip


    UPDATE: Now this is more confusing.
    Chrome for Mac > Developer > Inspect Elements > The missing images will now show up.
    When I do a Republish they disappear.

    Semi Good news: the images show up on Safari even after re-publishng. So I’m thinknig this maybe a Chrome problem, even though I tossed cookies and cache. ;).

    Will continue to figure if Chrome Mac is in fact the problem.

    Thread Starter Fillip


    Hi Rich!
    Problem Solved!!
    All I had to do was click on “Swift Performance Lite” > database optimizer!
    I waited a day, logged in this morning, and a-batta-bing-batta-boom, no more windows telling that that I have “….unexpected or invalid content.”
    Still, thank you for your help because you spirited me on to look and try different things when trouble shooting with one of the FIRST things to do is change themes.
    Much appreciated.
    I’m going to mark this as solved.

    Thread Starter Fillip


    Hi Rich,
    Thank you for getting back to me.
    First: I’m using the WP Gutenbreg core. No third party block plugins are installed.
    Next, I switched to TwentyNineteen, the problem still exists. I tried re-inserting a new “P-block” and I still get the ‘unexpeceted or invalid content” warning. I’m using SWift Performance Lite to clear cache. I even cleared cookies etc with my Google Chrome. I also tried Opera and Safari. I don’t like Firefox.

    My question. Since I can see everything on the front side, can I just ignore this?
    When I go to the site, on both a desktop and my iPod 5G (yeah, I’m a dinosaur! LOL!), the text looks fine.
    Thank you for your help, appreciate your suggestions, feedback and comments.

    Thread Starter Fillip


    Wow! Fast reply. As per your support suggestion…
    Here’s my reply to Jason’s support email… for public record.

    Woo! Hoo! Jason, thank you.
    All I had to do was turn the URL in the shortcode to a link and a-batta-bing-a-batta-boom, the footnote link opens in a new tab with “do-follow”. Nice!

    BUT WAIT! It get’s better! When I hover over the link id number in the pop-up box shows the URL is clickable!

    So good to go. Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Fillip.
    Thread Starter Fillip


    WOW! That’s pretty cool that I can do all this in Brizy! Awesome! Thank you!

    Thread Starter Fillip


    Aloha PeterAloha!
    Ehh! No HuHu Brah! (I graduated from Hilo College many centuries ago) LOL!

    When I use Elementor’s Image Widget you only have the option to make the image the link:

    Edit Widget > Content > under Alignment there’s a Caption box for the image > under the Caption box there’s a “Link to” with drop-down menu (None – Media File – Custom URL) with a box below for the URL. This makes the “Image” a clickable Link NOT the Caption. It would be nice to have an option to make the “Caption” a clickable Link.

    I made this suggestion to Support, they said I should request it at Elementor’s GitHub Feature Request.

    The problem can be solved by using the “Call to action” widget. Here’s the VDO they sent me on how to do this: Making the Caption a ‘Link to’

    I just change the button text “Click Here” to “photo courtesy of ….” Then I go into the styles tab and play around until I get the widget the way I want it and then save it as a template: “Image with Caption Link”. Now, when I want to add Image with Caption Link I a-batta-bing-a-batta-boom add my Image Template.

    Eh! Dis No Ka Oi Brah! \(*<>*)/
    Hope that helps Peter.
    Keneke (really Ken)

    Thread Starter Fillip


    Found it! It’s much easier and faster to type the problem in Google. When I did that it brought up the page I was looking for. Doing the same search in the Yoast Knowledge Support brings up a gazzilion articles. Just a tip for folks who have a hard time finding via the knowledge–try the big “G”.

    Problem solved: Had to go into “Search Appearance” > “Content Type” > Select “Yoast X Meta Box” (X stands for topics: eg, Posts, Pages, etc}

    Thread Starter Fillip


    Thread Starter Fillip


    Nice! Thank you. Will do.

    Thread Starter Fillip


    Ah Tara,
    Enlightment! Thank you for the link. WP 3.7 started only minor updates. I can live with that. So I believe all is well.

    When there’s an update from 4.x.x to 5.x it will not be automatic as I have the Softaculous box unchecked.

    I got it. Thank you Tara. I understand a-whatsa-happenin \(*<>*)/

    It’s custom where I live to show thanks and appreciation with a bow.. m(_ _)m



    How the hell do i unsubsribe???? There’s no unsubsricbe, no support. i’m just marking all notifications as spom. un-checking the “notify…”below doesn’t work.



    Tried Bing…still not working

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