Hi lifeintrips, I checked your page and it seems you made it work. For others who might be having issues, please read this article I wrote on how to make this work (refer the steps under the sub-heading, ‘Steps For Getting Back FB Social Share Counts’):
Here’s a summation of the things you need to do after installing the plugin to make this work:
1. You need to delete cache if you are using a cache plugin.
2. You need to exclude facebook bot from the HTTP to HTTPS redirect. In other words, facebook bot should be able to access the HTTP version of your pages without being redirected. You can do this using HTAccess.
3. You need to wait for 30 days for facebook to rescrape your pages. You can also do this manually by going to facebook debugger tool, but as of now, you will need to do this page by page. There is no bulk rescrape option.
For details on these steps, refer the following article.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by OrbitingWeb.