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    Hacking away over the last couple of days, I’ve manage to make progress, as follows:

    • Moved the Joomla installation to /oldsite/ (updated it’s configuration and htaccess base accordingly). Joomla running fine from there.
    • Renamed the WP installation folder to /site/ (previously /wordpress/). Changed the htaccess rewrite base accordingly, and changed the General Settings with the new site location. WP is working fine
    • Have implimented numerous RewriteRules to handle the main incoming links that are looking for Joomla content. Working fine. More to do though.
    • Installed Redirection and 404 Redirected to monitor 404s and automated some of the 301 loose ends until I get to them. Working fine.

    My last step is to hide the /site/ folder and have everything load as though it is coming from

    Hello Spiff06,
    Amazingly, it’s July 4th and I am just now completing the migration! When I started this (back in Jan 2012) I have a lot of spare time (holiday period) but it took more time than I had available. So it’s now June/July and I am back on the task.

    There is one thing I am not sure about, and I’d greatly appreciate your advice. I found your help invaluable back in January.

    As mentioned in #3 of my OP… I had the Joomla site on ( would redirect to

    I have my wordpress install located at

    I would actually like my site to load from

    I am going to use the .htaccess (as suggested by you) to handle the 301 redirects from my old joomla posts to the wordpress ones.

    What I am wondering is how I go about moving the WordPress install to in such a way that nothing breaks. I’d like to ensure that all articles previously at 301 redirect to the same article at

    I am aware I can change the home directory for the WP install from /worpress to / fairly easily. I think I just move all the files, and then plug the new home dir details into the WP config. Correct?
    But I want to make sure I get the 301 redirects right. I’d hate to mess up my search engine status and incoming links from the engines.

    Any tips would be very helpful.

    I had the same issue. Just now activated the Jetpack Comments, and on some posts comments vanished entirely (both the existing comments and the comment submission form). On other posts there was not issue.

    Clearing the cache (WP Super Cache, in my case) fixed the issue.

    Happy it was an easy solution.



    Here is a link to this as a feature idea for WordPress. Please vote for it, by giving it a high star rating (5 stars, ideally)



    Thanks for this workaround T-P.

    And to reiterate what Dennis has said, we’d still like this most basic of features to be implemented in a future WP release.

    I will track down where to submit this feature request, as this discussion is obviously not the place for it.



    @nuangel, as far as I can tell, the issues addressed on that thread relate specifically to people hosting with the free godaddy service. As far as I can tell this thread is no related to godaddy issues… although the issue itself produces similar behaviour on WP.

    @all – I have this issue on 2.8.4
    It ONLY occurs when I activate the “WP Events Calendar” plugin. Drag and drop on the dashboard and on the widgets page dies. Also the mouseover drop downs on the admin menus (on the left) die, somewhat randomly depending on what page I am viewing (BTW I use Fluency Admin). So for now I have to have this plugin disabled.
    Can anyone else confirm whether or not you have this issue AND you are/were using the “WP Events Calendar” plugin?


    Hi folks,
    I see that the above hack/solution requires the use of Register Plus. I note that RP is considered compatible only to WP v.2.6
    Is anyone using it successfully on WP 2.8.x ?

    @arena: Are you implying that this latest release resolves this custom fields issue? Or are you just randomly posting that info to a non-related thread? If 4.01 sorts this issue out (provides this feature) I’ll be very happy.

    Tried everything suggest here. None of it worked unfortunately.

    I don’t even have a js_cache folder — and I’d love to know why and what that means if I don’t have one.

    The I tried the solution from bonheddwr over on another thread (here) just above here by about two comments.

    I had this problem, and tried everything suggested above, then noticed that chmod for the following file was 644 instead of 755 wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_config.php

    This was the answer for me
    THIS WORKED… Nice… which I tried that first.

    Thanks heaps to everyone that has posted their replies to this thread. Team work works.

    Tried everything suggest here. None of it worked unfortunately.

    I don’t even have a js_cache folder — and I’d love to know why and what that means if I don’t have one.

    The I tried the solution from bonheddwr just above here by about two comments.

    I had this problem, and tried everything suggested above, then noticed that chmod for the following file was 644 instead of 755 wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_config.php

    This was the answer for me
    THIS WORKED… Nice… which I tried that first.

    Thanks heaps to everyone that has posted their replies to this thread. Team work works.

    I am also interested to know what the answer is to this important questions.


    Hi there,
    I have read through many posts regarding how to modify narchives.php in various ways. But I not managed to figure out how I can :
    1) Get it to sort by Category by default
    2) Get it to sort Ascending by default

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?


    I’d also like to be able to do this.
    The only useful information I have found on this so far is that there is a plug-in by Kittin called SHOWCATS but I could not find any way to get hold of the files as they have been moved to the plug-in repository and don’t actually appear to be there.

    Anyway help on this is appreciated.



    I’d like to know this also. Still searching through the forum for a way to do it.



    Does anyone know how I can get hold of this plugin? (showcats)
    Kitten has moved her plugins over to the respository yet that system is not providing any files for me to download.



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