Forum Replies Created
I confirm this is happening in the latest version v2.2.3.
Previously, I used version v2.1.0 and there the file
“classes / Adi / Authentication / SingleSignOn / Service.php” looks different.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Translation – WP 5.6We have released a new version of the plugin (v1.1.2) in which the map call has been moved to a separate js file. This is the solution to the problem of opening the map in custom themes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Translation – WP 5.6We checked the Hestia theme (v3.0.8). Everything is ok, the map opens correctly. Below is a link to the test page (WP 5.6, WooCommerce 4.9.1, Points Map v1.1.1) your Hestia theme been modified? It seems there is no call to the action “wp_body_open” which is responsible for the init of the map.
Perhaps the error is caused by a conflict with another plugin you are using. Try to disable all plugins except Map Points and WooCommerce.
If this does not help, please contact us directly, we will need access to your website to perform the analysis.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Translation – WP 5.6bfaliszek we need to check your WordPress theme to solve this problem. Please contact directly to [email protected].
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Translation – WP 5.6bfaliszek thanks for submitting the error details. We have fixed this bug. Please update the plugin to v1.1.1.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Translation – WP 5.6bfaliszek (@bfaliszek) can you send more details? Does the browser console show any java script error? Can you send the address of your online store?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Brak rozpoznawania adresu kupuj?cegoW najnowszej wersji (v1.1.0) mapa po otwarciu ustawia si? na adresie wysy?ki (wpisanym w formularzu zamówienia).
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Bardzo przydatnaDzi?kujemy za ocen? i cenn? uwag?. Zgodnie z Twoj? sugesti? przygotowali?my now? wersj? wtyczki (v1.1.0). Mapa po otwarciu ustawia si? na adresie wysy?ki (wpisanym w formularzu zamówienia).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Translation – WP 5.6Finally, I found the cause of this issue. We have a problem with the Polish translation at In this case, I used load_plugin_textdomain as suggested by Patryk (@triloworld). Please update the plugin to the new version v1.1.0.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by ilabs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] Translation – WP 5.6Hello,
I tested the plugin again in WP 5.6. The translation works correctly in the Polish and English language versions.
Can you explain exactly what the problem is?
As for your fix
“Since WordPress 4.6 translations now take as priority and so plugins that are translated via do not necessary require load_plugin_textdomain () anymore. If you don’t want to add a load_plugin_textdomain () call to your plugin you have to set the Requires at least: field in your readme.txt to 4.6.” Plugins
In reply to: [ Mapa Punktów] B??d krytyczny przy uruchamianiu wtyczkiPoprawili?my b??d i wydali?my now? wersj? wtyczki (v1.0.1). Czekamy na jej publikacje, do tego czasu paczk? z now? wersj? mo?na pobra? za pomoc? linku ->