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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Animated Typed JS Shortcode] Last update (2.1) breaks functionI am having the same issue. Tested it on a second website and it doesn’t work either.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cron unschedule event error for hookI have zillions of cron error messages in my error log which makes it difficult to debug other stuff. I have duplicate core wp cron jobs for 4 different hooks. Each one has an event stuck in 2018. I cannot delete them because they are protected and if I pause one, it pauses all the duplicates as well. So I thought, “I will outsmart it and change the frequency on one to annually so that at least it will quit filling up my log.”… well that just created an additional duplicate. Sigh.
My short fix has been to comment out lines 129-139 and 156-165 of wpcron.php. That at least cleans up my log file. But I don’t want all these duplicates running or even listed. Any ideas for getting rid of them? I am not experienced enough to know how they are getting in there in the first place. The ones I am having trouble with are:
- wp_version_check
- wp_update_themes
- wp_update_plugins
- wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Connection via pop3 to office 365 failedJust to put this on your radar, I would connect Postie to an Office365 account if it worked. I **LOVE** this plugin, it was huge in creating a feature I couldn’t figure out how to do any other way. So I am just using one of my own email addresses on Hostmonster instead of my client’s email address.
The feature I was able to build with this plugin:
Client sends SMS notifications to employees using AlertMedia. They want to display the recent alerts on the employee portal on their website. That SMS provider doesn’t play with anyone else like Zapier. But they do have email notifications as well. So I’m having the send alerts to a special email address, then Postie empties and makes posts in a certain category, and I have a page which displays the posts from that category. I strip out the messy beginning and end of the messages with Postie and format the posts with CSS. They LOVE it! Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Tickets and Registration] Apply for an event before registeringAnother way I have thought of is to make a custom checkbox field for events such as “Application Required”. Then write a function to add CSS to hide the ticketing section on any event if that field is checked. Then on the event page itself, I’ll include the application form (using a shortcode).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Page –. Social –> Facebook image being IGNOREDIt is working now on my end, too! I think there is a caching setting on the HOST that I didn’t flush because the other website is working now as well, now that it has been 24 hours. Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Page –. Social –> Facebook image being IGNOREDThe meta tags were updated when I made my updates just now, EXCEPT for the og:image.
<!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v19.7.2 - --> <title>Empowered Through Counseling | Troy, MO</title> <meta name="description" content="Professional licensed counselors at Empowered through Counseling in Troy, Missouri are ready to empower you to get control of your life."> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:title" content="Empowered Through Counseling | Troy, MO"> <meta property="og:description" content="Professional licensed counselors at Empowered through Counseling in Troy, Missouri are ready to empower you to get control of your life."> <meta property="og:url" content=""> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Empowered through Counseling"> <meta property="article:modified_time" content="2022-10-12T21:33:02+00:00"> <meta property="og:image" content="">
Now I’m responding to my own solution because it didn’t actually work!
I had this issue as well and it was because I had checked Discourage Search Engines when I cloned the site from another using ManageWP. I had to uncheck it from the ManageWP account.
A newer version of Elementor does not help. I actually have TWO websites experiencing the same issue: Event Tickets causes a Fatal Error which does not let an admin login: They are both using the OceanWP theme
#3 …/public/wp-content/themes/oceanwp/partials/page/article.php(20): the_content() #4/public/wp-includes/template. in …/public/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets/src/Tribe/Editor/Compatibility/Tickets.php on line 39
These are the versions I have tested
Elementor 3.6.7 or 3.6.8
Elementor Pro 3.7.2
Event Tickets or
Event Tickets Plus 5.5.2Elementor just came out with an update, should I run it?
3.6.8 – 2022-07-27
Fix: Align-self set to stretch is not working as expected in Container (#17052)
Fix: Bad request error is being thrown when trying to import a templateI tried adding this to my functions.php but the admin login still had the same error.
I also tried adding it to the tickets.php, to no avail. This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by IntegriTivity.
I reverted back to but still had the same problem. I tried reverting back further to 5.3.2 but I am also using Event Tickets Pro and Events Calendar Pro and they are all on higher versions and won’t play with 5.3.2 any more.
Is there a modification I can make to my tickets.php that will fix this for now?
I am on Event Tickets and am having the same issue. If I disable it, I can log into WordPress again.
1. WP 6.7.0
2. PHP 7.3.33
3. Event Tickets
4. OceanWPForum: Plugins
In reply to: [iQ Block Country] DBVERSION Undefined in Version 1.2.15I am having the same problem on two websites today where the plugin was updated. Going to deactivate on all my other sites… I know this plugin has not been listed on for a while now, but I kept using it because I liked the functionality and could make it work. Until now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Need to click twice on the login button.I do use Wordfence, but do not have 2FA enabled for anyone.
AHA! I do, however, have this on and if I turn it off, just one click works to log in!
Enable reCAPTCHA on the login and user registration pages