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  • Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Yeh, the border is ok, but we decide to keep the dropdowns compact and only let the side bar apply to the original menu items.

    / J

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Closing topic, development team found a maybe conflict with YOAST WOOCOMMERCE plugin. Moving to Yoast support pages as this is a commercial plugin.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Jonas Lundman. Reason: Added reasons
    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    So as we speak as conclusion, I suggest you try your idea of custom template filter, and we can try to adapt our needs from there.

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    The “exposed API wouldn’t be very nice” – true – but the reason is an architecture question, and the method in use, is no good, with placeholders and function calls inside the sprintf. You also getting a lot of tabbed spaces inside the email headers, as the “template” becomes one string from the protocol core-emails.php itself.

    Well/ And, any filter and developers in WordPress can doing it wrong, so it is up to developers to make shure they doing the %s ordering correct.

    Try your idea of a “filter out the whole template”, and see what comes out of that.

    Case study:

    In our case, we cant enter the final html without suggested filter. We need to get rid of everything, and replace it with the $email['content'] only, but only if our added conditional if(!$email['plain']) return $html; is met.

    As we added an extra checkbox to array ('key' => 'field_form_email_plain', ....... INSIDE FILTER af/form/notification_settings_fields

    As the validation on submitted form is done “twice” – first by ACF default ajax API and second by AF actions (and filters), Sending plain text requires more cleanup then expected. When $_POST[‘acf’] is returning to the AF API, there is already a lot of wpautop() and dirt added to the textarea field. There is actually dubbled <p><p> sometimes in the chain but clears out in the end.

    From our developers/ notes / example:

    /* Sanitize outgoing email for textareas */
    /* Used by '_af_render_field_include()' by api-helpers.php */
    /* Replaces the global $output = htmlspecialchars( $rendered_value ); */
    /* Otherwise any html tags will be visible in the messages */
    /* Remark: uses 'strip_tags_content()' PHP extension: */
    /* */
    function advanced_form_validate_textarea($output, $field, $value){
    	if(!$value) return $value;
    	if($field['type'] == 'textarea') return trim(wp_kses_post(wpautop(strip_tags(strip_tags_content($value, '<p>')))));
    		else return $output;
    add_filter('af/field/render_include', 'advanced_form_validate_textarea', 10, 3 );


    /* remove hardcoded 'the_content' filter */
    /* some themes adding front end stuff and we don want them in our emails */
    function advanced_form_email_clean_content($content, $email, $form, $fields){
    	return $email['content'];
    add_filter('af/form/email/content', 'advanced_form_email_clean_content', 10, 4);

    And more…

    So adding a filter to remove the default template string, please provide a lot of arguments from the original func, so we can do stuff…

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman



    I dont think so, as we need the placeholders from the templates, and we also send html to customers, but only plain to admins. The conditionals are therefor done by the filters for each mail as in core-emails.php, but the header output has no filter. Adding this works for us:

    		// Filter each html - needed
    		$html = apply_filters( 'af/form/email/html', $html, $email, $form, $fields, $subject, $style, $content);
    		$html = apply_filters( 'af/form/email/html/id=' . $form['post_id'], $html, $email, $form, $fields, $subject, $style, $content );
    		$html = apply_filters( 'af/form/email/html/key=' . $form['key'], $html, $email, $form, $fields, $subject, $style, $content );

    As a start… But a checkbox “send as plain” for the notification email setup would be great in core version, but There are more functions in your plugin that needs to be fixed/ filtered, so that may be big step for you to do.

    / INtervik

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman



    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Please read. As I already wrote in my first description above:

    The only way is to download and install Yoast Test Helper and press “Reset indexable … “. And then re-index again.

    You answered:

    Does the issue resolve if you do the following?
    1. Install & activate the Yoast Test Helper plugin …

    Read: “Please understand the problem:” in my second answer.

    Do not close before reading the replies.

    Report this to a developer, or test the bug. We cant have bug live and “link to my website” for this matter.

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Thanks for a quick reply!

    We are not using Gutenberg. All sites running Classic Editor. No problema ever before until some weeks ago. Running 12 sites, same started on all some updates ago. (different reported dates by different clients)

    However, It seems like it is the Extension Yoast Woocommerce, with added checkbox “above Yoast default metabox” that messing up custom metabox orders. Remember that many not using Gutenberg when dev plugins! My personal settings are:

    Top (High prio)
    1: Product Short description
    2: Product settings and attributes
    3: Product Long description (editor)
    Mid (old default below)
    1: Custom fields
    2: Custom fields
    3: Custom fields ...
    Below (the new added section)
    1: Yoast SEO
    2: Custom fields ...
    - whatever

    When Yaost Woocommmerce active, The 2: Product settings and attributes moves below Yaost bottom metabox every pageload… It is a javascript listener as we can see the “jump”.

    Well, Read this – and mark as resolved – as this is a PRO paid BUG support issue

    We discovered this same day we wrote the ticket here…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Jonas Lundman. Reason: spelling

    I’m just amazed that this is not a part of the form admin, as Big guns like Hostinger and many many webhosting not allow to smtp from: another mailaccount / mailaddress that not resident on the same domain. You cant have the visitors from: populated in the headers, but as a go-around, the reply-to headers works, and answer your client is possible without “anwer yourself” in your email client.

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Hi, The parent for a product is: a taxonomy term, like “/Seating/” for the product “Roly Poly Arm Chair”. Yes, all taxomoies – or if you prefer the word parent – are cleared for current post id (or product id) update. Same as tags or whatever taxonomy term in use. BUT NOT the post type archive.

    is_tax() – is_tag() – is_cat() = taxonomies
    is_singular() = pageload by id (post, page, product)
    Shortcuts built in archives are is_date(), is_author(), is_home() = Not by id, by slug
    and then finally you also have:
    is_post_type_archive() = post type archive

    is_home() is “built in” conditional for post type archive for “post”, just like is_category() is for the built in taxonomy ‘category’, still it should meet is_tax() as true, and blog index page should meet is_post_type_archive(‘post’) as true. Instead, WP pick them out with unique conditionals.

    But all other custom post types is using is_post_type_archive(), if archive is activated when register_post_type is called.

    So, A lot of custom post types have their own archive = is_post_type_archive() like events, products, locations and more. They usally comes with a placeholder redirect, like a page, that carries the title. Just like “blog” setting page.

    In Woocommerce the default is ‘shop’.

    Fastest cache is caching the correct archive index and creates the index.html

    It seem that WFC using paths from the url and creates the folder from that. Install Woocommerce and you will see that te folder ‘shop’ will never have a product category inside. Taxonomies seems to be recursive by the top parent term url.

    The correct way to get the path should be get_post_type_archive_link('product') or get_post_type_archive_link('post') = (same as is_home()).

    You should use: get_post_type_archive_link(get_post_type($post_id));

    public function singleDeleteCache(
        $archive_path = get_post_type_archive_link(get_post_type($post_id));
       if(preg_match("/https?:\/\/[^\/]+   .... $archive_path ...
       clear this index.html as well....
    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Yes, everytime a product is updated, we need to remove the cache for the post type archive page (woocommerce shop ‘page’) as well. For that, we need to trigger an action when a product is updated/ created, that @unlink the /wp-content/cache/all/shop/ index.html

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Hi, this is not plugin related. We had te same issue with no plugins installed, on pages filtered by wordpress standard hooks. (Another tread some month ago)

    We of cource testing on latest enviroments, different scenarios before asking support here. There are many cases, not only “one www to point and show issues to”. And broken breadcrumbs is not something we keep live… We always fix with the reset Yoast plugin tool…

    Please understand the problem:

    If you have a category set up like “Travel” -> “Greece” -> “Athens” and a permalink structure the same in breadcrumbs, with “blog” as base (or without), then go to “Categories” Rename the slug “Greece” to “mediterranean”, the Yoast breadcrumb will still serve the old slug.

    Or if you delete a category so the old becomes “Travel” -> “Athens”, the breadcrumb does not pickup this.

    etc etc

    There are more scenarios, like moving a dev to live server. There is always critical changes even live, on ex permalink setup, when client starts to add products, categories or whatever.

    A button on Tools “Clear index and do it again” would solve a lot, as we DO EXPECT that moving around slugs needs to manually “flush”, just like WP core, recount terms, WPML, and many other plugins.

    /Great cleanup by the way with 14.x, and the new approach is really nice

    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    Hi, thanks for a quick answer.

    So, the answer is You cant. The link you provide only clearing by id. Post type archives has no id.

    It seems like deleteing manually the index.html file renew the cache. This can be done by @unlink but there is no do_action-hook in your code for by id, just an action if ALL cache is cleared.

    I can see in your code that there are different conditions LIKE EXAMPLE “public function delete_author_page_cache”. If you provide a hook on each condition, like do_action('wpfc_delete_cache_of_term', $term_taxonomy_id) and provide any data as second argument, The Plugin “WP FASTEST CACHE” will be o good choice for developers to implement as standard for their clients projects.

    Note, the argument must also provide the getWpContentDir("/cache/all/") and or $path (or $out[0]) like:

    do_action('wpfc_delete_cache_of_term', $term_taxonomy_id, $this->getWpContentDir("/cache/all/"), $path)

    or a complete example:

    public function delete_author_page_cache($post_id){
    	$author_id = get_post_field ('post_author', $post_id);
    	$permalink = get_author_posts_url($author_id);
    	if(preg_match("/https?:\/\/[^\/]+\/(.+)/", $permalink, $out)){
    		$path = $this->getWpContentDir("/cache/all/").$out[1];
    		$mobile_path = $this->getWpContentDir("/cache/wpfc-mobile-cache/").$out[1];
    		/* hook */
    		do_action('wpfc_delete_author_page_cache', $post_id, $author_id, $path, $mobile_path);
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Jonas Lundman.
    Thread Starter Jonas Lundman


    We solved the problem by remove all Yoast options and re-index again did the trick on old installs. We cant reproduce the problem anymore on new installs. Marking this as solved for now.


    add_action('contextual_help' ...


    add_action('current_screen', ...

    Remove all arguments, as for 3.3 it is not “filtered in” by adding anymore. It works as same as like adminbar->add by calling the current screen object:

    $screen = get_current_screen();
    $help_content = '<p>Hallo world</p>';
    	'id'  => 'my-contextual-screen-id',
    	'title' => 'Screen information',
    	'content' => $help_content,
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