Forum Replies Created
Also, forgot to report another issue related to Kosovo in the Phone field:
Some area codes are not recognized, even though they are valid. For example, 048 (or +383 48…) is a valid prefix but the plugin does not recognize it.
Any idea where to find the phone area codes to have them updated?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Google Analytics for WordPress] how to remove jquerySince magonzalez987 didn’t write back how he fixed this, I would like to add this info:
* Open up file “googleanalytics.php”
* Find lines:if ( yoast_ga_do_tracking() && isset( $yoast_ga_options["trackcommentform"] ) && $yoast_ga_options["trackcommentform"] && ( 'open' == $post->comment_status ) ) wp_enqueue_script('jquery');
* Comment out the lines above and you’re good.
Since WordPress upgrade 3.4, the presence of 2 jQuery libraries messed up my site for a good few hours until I figured out it was Google Analytics plugin.
Take care everyone, share the knowledge.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flash MP3 Player] [Plugin: Flash MP3 Player] "Plugin has no active header"Yeah, forget this plugin. Grab the official JW Player plugin made for WP:
It works without problems and it’s integrated into Multimedia Manager.
I’m guessing the Flash MP3’s author abandoned this plugin.
I cannot upvote this enough. All other “top level category” plugins failed when used with the paging plugins, except for the “WP No Category Base” plugin.
If you’re having a hard time getting WP-PageNavi to work with category archives while using the “Top Level Cats” plugin, please try “WP No Category Base” and you’ll see miracle right away!
Author of “Top Level Cats” should redirect his plugin to the working one to save people trouble.
Is there anyone from WordPress team looking into this? This is a very lacking feature of the WordPress navigation component.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FAQ Manager] [Plugin: FAQ Manager] Using own templates for single/archive?Hello Norcross, thank you for a great plugin!
How would I change the “question” slug of the URL to something else? I don’t mind that you used “question” but my blog is in a different language and this doesn’t help at all.
Also, the option “Desired page slug for archiving (all lower case, no capitals or spaces)” — what does this do?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Post Type UI] Making custom posts work with categories?Looking for same functionality on a different plugin. Still, having the same problem: I have a FAQ custom post type and I want different categories. However the custom post type doesn’t show posts under different categories I have setup.
If anyone knows how to fix this, it would be very helpful.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp-admin login pageThis is because PHP is configured to be used with SUphp instead of DOS. I use WHM/Cpanel so I just modified this in my WHM and it works beautifully now.
Hope this helps someone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Ads Manager] [Plugin: Simple Ads Manager] Doesn't workhanimausi: mind telling us how you got it to work?
Wow! You posted this 5 hours ago and it showed up on Google.
I will use this. Plugin owner should update because this is causing errors on IE6 and crew.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Grid / List View on PostThis is CSS-related, it can be done and it’s relatively easy to do…
Quick idea:
Happy Pressing!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Tracking in Google AnalyticsThe confirmation box disappears after adding the on_sent_ok call.
There has to be a solution for this.
Please someone find out what it is ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP] how to smush all imagesThank you, Dimadin! Your suggestion worked like a charm.
I wish the WP-SmushIt plugin author would update his plugin to fix the out of /wp-content/ bug and add this functionality. Oh well, it’s free so can’t complain.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP] error – must be within the content directoryThank you ka-ri-ne, your solution worked.
Here’s the code snippet for wp-smushit.php, from lines 127 to 135:
// check that the file is within the WP_CONTENT_DIR $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $wp_upload_dir = $upload_dir['basedir']; $wp_upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl']; if ( 0 !== stripos(realpath($file_path), realpath($wp_upload_dir)) ) { $msg = sprintf(__("<span class='code'>%s</span> must be within the content directory (<span class='code'>%s</span>)", WP_SMUSHIT_DOMAIN), htmlentities($file_path), $wp_upload_dir); return array($file, $msg); } // determine the public URL $file_url = str_replace( $wp_upload_dir, $wp_upload_url, $file );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP] Not Smushing it!Getting the same error even with the latest version. I think this plugin is hard-coded to assume the /uploads/ dir is within /wp-content (which is wrong, goddamnit).
Anyway, are there any hopes to fix this for blogs that have a different uploads dir configured?