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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PayPlug for WooCommerce (Official)] Le paiement Oney ne fonctionne plusBonjour,
Nous avons vu qu’il y avait une nouvelle version du plugin (2.7.4).
Cette version corrige t-elle ce pb ?
En vous remerciant.
Mathieu.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PayPlug for WooCommerce (Official)] Le paiement Oney ne fonctionne plusBonsoir,
Nous avions ouvert un ticket auprès de ONEY, mais la seule solution qu’ils proposent est de ne pas utiliser d’object cache, sauf celui de WP Rocket avec l’option (voir message de ultramega plus haut).
Du coup nous allons tester cela sur le site de notre client, mais c’est contraignant car on ne voulait pas forcément utiliser ce plugin au départ.La solution serait que ONEY corrige le plugin pour ne pas que l’affichage des modes de paiement dépende des transients. Les transients doivent être utilisés pour des données temporaires, pas pour gérer un affichage qui doit être présent qq soit l’état des transients.
Mathieu.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PayPlug for WooCommerce (Official)] Le paiement Oney ne fonctionne plusBonjour,
Nous rencontrons exactement le mm problème.
Les modes de paiement en plusieurs fois ONEY ne s’affichent plus sur le site web (ils sont bien activés dans le back-office).
Cela re-fonctionne lorsqu’on désactive puis réactive le mode de paiement.Nous venons d’effectuer toutes les mises à jour (wordpress et plugins), mais cela ne résoud pas le pb.
Nous avons testé en désactivant le cache fpc, mais à priori le pb ne vient pas de là.
PHP : 8.1
WordPress : 6.4.1
WooCommerce : 8.3.0
Payplug : 2.6.6
NB : Nous venons d’envoyer un message au support.
PHP : 8.1
WordPress : 6.4.1
WooCommerce : 8.3.0
Payplug : 2.6.6
NB : Nous venons d’envoyer un message au support.
EDIT : Je viens de désactiver l’object cache sur WordPress (wp-content/object-cache.php fourni par le plugin wp memcached).A priori cela règle le pb. Cependant, cela reste problématique car l’object cache permet d’améliorer les performances du site. WordPress préconise d’utiliser un object cache.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by ircf.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Booking System - Booking Calendar] regroup multiple calendarHello Roland
Thank you for your answer.
Good day
Désolé, je n’avais pas fait de retour : les identifiants (login/mdp colissimo) n’étaient pas bons… Le pb a disparu dès que le client nous a envoyé les bons accès.
Merci pour votre réponse.
J’ai la même erreur lorsque je tente d’utiliser le widget.Dans la configuration si je coche “utiliser le web service plut?t que le widget” j’ai une autre erreur :
Du coup je ne peux pas utiliser le relais colissimo, notre client souhaiterait l’activer rapidement.
Y a t-il svp une solution ?
En vous remerciant.
Mathieu.Version PHP : 7.4
Version WordPress : 6.1.1
Version WooCommerce : 7.1.1
Version Colissimo shipping methods for WooCommerce : 1.7.3Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Multiple Payment Gateways (WCMPG)] Readme.txt improvementHello Pascal,
The trunk contains the stable version.
We usually commit fixes so you’d better use the latest version.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Multiple Payment Gateways (WCMPG)] Return paymentHello,
First be sure to upgrade to the last current version (1.29).Then you have to copy and send the “URL de retour automatique” to the Monetico support, they have to configure this URL to be called once the payment is done. Once this URL is configured your orders should automatically change their status from “En attente” to “En cours” (= paid).
If your orders still don’t change their status then check your web logs to ensure the URL is called : you should look at “?wc-api=WCMPG_Monetico”. If you don’t find this line then the URL is not called / not configured, if you find this line but you have a “500” return status, then you should activate the debug logs in your wp-config.php :
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, TRUE);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, TRUE);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, FALSE);Then pass another order and check the debug logs.
If you can’t fix this, please contact our support at [email protected] with your Licence number, FTP and WordPress access.Hi,
Thank you for your answer and for the update ??
About the slash bug, I also had to add stripslashes to inc/nmInput.class.php on lines 306 and 308.
I’m not sure it’s the best thing to do, maybe I should just add the stripslashes before the meta update but I didn’t find it.
Thank you very much for your support and your reactivity !
For now we added 301 redirects to nginx vhost config so that only specific websites should be redirected to https and the other ones to http. Hopefully Google will re-index everything as it should soon, we will surely migrate all websites to https in the following months.
It might be great to integrate 301 redirects at PHP level (e.g. header(‘location:…’)) so your plugin would be apache/nginx agnostic, and make both redirects :
if ssl enabled and current url is http then redirect to https
else if current url is https then redirect to httpSo you could keep the non mixed content fixer enabled by default.
Thank you again for your great work ??
- This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by ircf.
I agree this is a completely stupid behaviour from Google, but it is Google…
There is NO 301 redirect, for example :
The .htaccess is not appliable here because we use nginx.
Google DID index the HTTPS websites without any hint, he just tried for it and because de HTTPS page is non mixed content, he decided to index it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] Image upload not workingHello,
we had the same issue here (e.settings.resize) using mailpoet <=2.6.6 and wp 3.9.
We upgraded wp to 3.9.1 and that solved the issue (upgrading mailpoet to 2.6.6 is not enough).
Thank you for this great plugin ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: IO ERROR messageThank you Tanira,
In our case, it ended that our customer had installed a proxy that limited upload to 2MB, but your solution is indeed a good fix in any other case ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: IO ERROR messageMore information about this bug :
– The problem seems to occur on the whole customer’s network (tests done on many machine Linux/Win with the same error).
– The problem doesn’t seem occur on our or other network (as far as we can see…)Ofc, our customer uses a network firewall, but they never had this problem, for example when they use sendit or other file transfert web services…
Also added some .htaccess magic just in case, but I don’t think this will solve anything as our server don’t use the mod_security (not in mods-enabled dir), besides I don’t think this might be a server-side problem :
<IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off </IfModule>
I am gonna try simple HTML form file tests and see what happens…