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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: IO ERROR message


    We have the same problem on a Windows XP desktop. Here are some “clues” we gathered but we still have this error and no solution :

    – The IO error happens only on some Win XP installations (worked on a Windows XP 2002 SP3 but not on the customer desktop, unknown XP version at the moment of writing this post)
    – Using IE or Firefox doesn’t change anything
    – Disabling Windows firewall or antivirus doesn’t change anything
    – Using browser or flash method doesn’t change a lot : browser method returns a 205 Reset Content error, flash method returns an I/O Error (likely to be the same…)
    – Error happens only on files larger/around 3 MB (pdf/images/anything)
    – Uploading using any method works great using Ubuntu
    – There is no log of this error in access_log nor in error_log

    The problem is this error happens on one of our customers’ desktop so he can’t use WordPress…

    Does anyone have a hint to solve that please ?


    Here is the AIOSEO filter approach to allow front page translations. Just paste this in your theme functions.p?p or create a aioseo-fix plugin :

    /* AIOSEO hack : If using a static front page then use title, description and keywords from page meta instead of AIOSEO config */
    /* Please AIOSEO developpers, could you modify the plugin so that this dirty hack would be useless ? */
    function custom_aioseop_home_page_title($home_title){
    	global $post,$aiosp;
    	if ($aiosp->is_static_front_page() && $aiosp->internationalize(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_aioseop_title", true))){
    		$home_title = $aiosp->internationalize(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_aioseop_title", true));
    	return $home_title;
    function custom_aioseop_description($description){
    	global $post,$aiosp;
    	if ($aiosp->is_static_front_page() && $aiosp->get_post_description($post)){
    		$description = $aiosp->get_post_description($post);
    	return $description;
    function custom_aioseop_keywords($keywords){
    	global $post,$aiosp;
    	if ($aiosp->is_static_front_page() && $aiosp->internationalize(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_aioseop_keywords", true))){
    		$keywords = $aiosp->internationalize(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_aioseop_keywords", true));
    	return $keywords;

    We have made a request on AIOSEO forum so that authors modify the plugin…

    Thread Starter ircf


    As this is a WP more general issue, i solved it using a filter on the_content in functions.php :

    function custom_fix_paragraph($content){
    	$content = str_replace ('<p><div','<div',$content);
    	$content = str_replace ('</div></p>','</div>',$content);
    	return $content;
    add_filter('the_content', 'custom_fix_paragraph');

    For this to work with postlists, i had to remove the author comment (sorry), because it was added between the p and the div opening tags.

    Hello Heitarosd,

    I know this is not an issue, but you can achieve the same thing without hacking WordPress. Just put the next code to your theme functions.php :

    class custom_walker_category extends Walker_Category {
    	// Copy here your functions you want to override (like your hacked start_el function)
    function custom_list_categories($args = array() ) {
    	$args = wp_parse_args( $args );
    	$args['walker'] = new custom_walker_category;
    	wp_list_categories( $args );

    And then replace in your templates :


    by :


    Hope this helps.

    Mathieu at IRCF.

    Hi Kasparsd,

    Widget Context is a great plugin, but lately, after upgrading plugin and WordPress 3.0 RC2, display/hide widgets by URL didn’t worked (anymore ?)

    The function get_current_url() (line 226) returned “https://…&#8221; instead of “https://&#8221;, while my site DOESN’T use https at all…

    I just replaced line 233 :
    $url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']))
    by this :
    $url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"]=="on")

    Note : My web server handle https but for other sites…

    Thank you for your work.

    Mathieu at IRCF.

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