Forum Replies Created
Yeah, it seems so I won’t be with filters for some time…that is, until I find the solution:))
Thanks mate!
I.Hi @angelo_nwl
Yeah…there’s no search and filter by date (for example), this is what I was asking if it’s possible at all..
I.@duisterdenhaag Not having the coffee early in the morning is a scary thing…luckily I didn’t add more to the non-sense I said before:))) (I was trying to edit Events page, not the actual one with the shortcodes, where there was actually A LIMIT FOR 5 PER PAGE :))))
Anyhow, problem resolved, coffee drank, all’s good.
Thank you for your support!Have a great day:)
I.Disregard the message, the issue has been resolved, sorry:))) Sometimes it’s just in front of your eyes, yet….
Thanks guys!
I.Hey @angelo_nwl
Thanks for your answer!
Adding the limit=6 to the shortcode didn’t work either ??
What else can I do?
Thank you for your support!
I.@duisterdenhaag Thank you Patrick, you’re a star, worked like charm!
Warm regards,
I.Yeah, true, sorry:)
The website is still not live, but you can enter and see the Calendar at the footer at: @duisterdenhaag Patrick!
I.Hi @moaschtr
Thanks for your reply!
No, I don’t have it orange, and even after inserting the above code and changing it into my branding color, the calendar didn’t change at all…maybe it’s the theme?
I am not sure, but I cannot change it..Did it, disregard the message!
Thank you!
I.Angelo Hi again,
I hit again the same issue, as I’ve started my website from scratch, so Events is being reinstalled…
Which page should be set as my Edit page? No matter which one I put (except the current one, where they actually see all the events, but then the map is gone and I only see list of events) there’s no Edit event button on any of them?
Help plz, which page is the page for edit??
Thank you…
I.Thanks Angelo. I did it, I can see all the events and I can edit/delete them, but now the map is gone…is there a problem generally, or with mine only? I didn’t touch anything regarding this, I only followed your guidelines..
Thank you,
I.Mistake with the bytes, it is resolved now:)