Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need help with “wp_nonce_url()” function keep getting same URLthe plugin im using with my code in it;
<?php /* Plugin Name: GD Broken Report Plugin URI: Description: Add report broken post to preset email address using templates. Version: 1.2.2 Author: Milan Petrovic Author URI: */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/code/defaults.php"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/gdragon/gd_debug.php"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/gdragon/gd_functions.php"); if (!class_exists('GDBrokenReport')) { class GDBrokenReport { var $plugin_url; var $plugin_path; var $admin_plugin; var $is_bot; var $o; var $default_options; var $default_shortcode_gdposttable; function GDBrokenReport() { $gdd = new GDBrokenReportDefaults(); $this->default_options = $gdd->default_options; $this->default_shortcode_gdposttable = $gdd->default_shortcode_gdposttable; $this->plugin_path_url(); $this->install_plugin(); $this->actions_filters(); } function detect_bot() { $str = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $spiders = array("Teoma", "alexa", "froogle", "Gigabot", "inktomi", "looksmart", "URL_Spider_SQL", "Firefly", "NationalDirectory", "Ask Jeeves", "TECNOSEEK", "InfoSeek", "WebFindBot", "girafabot", "crawler", "", "Googlebot", "Scooter", "Slurp", "msnbot", "appie", "FAST", "WebBug", "Spade", "ZyBorg", "rabaz", "Baiduspider", "Feedfetcher-Google", "TechnoratiSnoop", "Rankivabot", "Mediapartners-Google", "Sogou web spider", "WebAlta Crawler"); foreach($spiders as $spider) { if (ereg($spider, $str)) { $this->is_bot = true; return true; } } $this->is_bot = false; return false; } function plugin_path_url() { $this->plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/gd-broken-report/'; $this->plugin_path = dirname(__FILE__)."/"; define('GDBROKENREPORT_URL', $this->plugin_url); define('GDBROKENREPORT_PATH', $this->plugin_path); } function install_plugin() { $this->o = get_option('gd-broken-report'); if ($this->o["build"] < $this->default_options["build"]) { } if (!is_array($this->o)) { update_option('gd-broken-report', $this->default_options); $this->o = get_option('gd-broken-report'); } else { $this->o = gdFunctionsGDBR::upgrade_settings($this->o, $this->default_options); $this->o["version"] = $this->default_options["version"]; $this->o["date"] = $this->default_options["date"]; $this->o["status"] = $this->default_options["status"]; $this->o["build"] = $this->default_options["build"]; update_option('gd-broken-report', $this->o); } } function actions_filters() { add_action('init', array(&$this, 'init')); add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'admin_init')); add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'admin_head')); add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'admin_menu')); add_filter('the_content', array(&$this, 'the_content')); add_shortcode(strtolower("gdbrokenreport"), array(&$this, "shortcode_gdbrokenreport")); add_shortcode(strtoupper("gdbrokenreport"), array(&$this, "shortcode_gdbrokenreport")); } function shortcode_gdbrokenreport($atts = array()) { $s = shortcode_atts($this->default_shortcode_gdposttable, $atts); if ($s["post_id"] == 0) { global $post; $post_id = $post->ID; } else $post_id = $s["post_id"]; return $this->prepare_report($post_id); } function admin_init() { $this->l = get_locale(); if(!empty($this->l)) { $moFile = dirname(__FILE__)."/languages/gd-broken-report-".$this->l.".mo"; if (@file_exists($moFile) && is_readable($moFile)) load_textdomain('gd-broken-report', $moFile); } } function the_content($content) { global $post; if (is_admin() || $this->is_bot) return $content; if (!is_feed()) { if ((is_single() && $this->o["auto_insert_single"] == 1) || (is_page() && $this->o["auto_insert_page"] == 1) || (is_home() && $this->o["auto_insert_front"] == 1) || (is_archive() && $this->o["auto_insert_archive"] == 1) || (is_search() && $this->o["auto_insert_search"] == 1) ) { if ($this->o["exclude_categories"] != "") { $cats = explode(",", $this->o["exclude_categories"]); if (in_category($cats)) return $content; } if ($this->o["exclude_posts"] != "") { $posts = explode(",", $this->o["exclude_posts"]); if (is_single($posts)) return $content; } if (is_page() && $this->o["exclude_pages"] != "") { $pages = explode(",", $this->o["exclude_pages"]); if (is_page($pages)) return $content; } $content .= $this->prepare_report($post->ID); } } return $content; } function prepare_report($post_id) { $report = ""; $report_status = get_post_meta($post_id, "gd_broken_report", true); if ($report_status == "reported") { $report = file_get_contents($this->plugin_path."integrate/already_reported.txt"); } else { $report_url = add_query_arg("report", $post_id); $report = file_get_contents($this->plugin_path."integrate/report_broken.txt"); $report = str_replace('%URL%', $report_url, $report); } return $report; } function init() { if (is_admin() && isset($_GET["page"])) { if ($_GET["page"] == "gd-broken-report/gd-broken-report.php") { $this->admin_plugin = true; } } if (isset($_GET["report"])) { $post_id = $_GET["report"]; update_post_meta($post_id, "gd_broken_report", "reported"); $email = file_get_contents($this->plugin_path."templates/report_email.txt"); $email = str_replace('%POST_ID%', $post_id, $email); $email = str_replace('%POST_URL%', get_permalink($post_id), $email); $email = str_replace('%POST_EDIT%', trailingslashit(get_bloginfo("wpurl"))."wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=".$post_id, $email); /* WRONG RIGHT */ if (current_user_can('edit_post', $post->ID)){ $POST_DEL= trailingslashit(get_bloginfo("wpurl")).wp_nonce_url("wp-admin/post.php?action=delete&post=$post_id",'delete-post_'.$post->ID); $POST_DEL=str_replace('&','&',$POST_DEL); $email=str_replace('%POST_DEL%',$POST_DEL,$email); } wp_mail($this->o["report_email"], $this->o["report_email_subject"], $email, 'From: '.get_option('blogname').' <'.get_option('admin_email').'>'); $url = remove_query_arg("report"); wp_redirect($url); exit; } $this->detect_bot(); } function admin_head() { if ($this->admin_plugin) { wp_admin_css('css/dashboard'); echo('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$this->plugin_url.'css/admin.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />'); } } function admin_menu() { add_options_page('GD Broken Report', "GD Broken Report", 10, __FILE__, array(&$this, "admin_menu_front")); } function admin_menu_front() { $options = $this->o; include($this->plugin_path.'admin/settings.php'); } } $gdbr_debug = new gdDebugGDBR(GDBROKENREPORT_LOG_PATH); function wp_gdbr_dump($msg, $obj, $block = "none", $mode = "a+") { if (GDBROKENREPORT_DEBUG_ACTIVE) { global $gdbr_debug; $gdbr_debug->dump($msg, $obj, $block, $mode); } } $gdbr = new GDBrokenReport(); /** * Render broken report block. Can be used for manual integration. * * @global object $post current post object within the loop * @global object $gdbr main plugin object * @param int $post_id id of the post to use * @param bool $echo echo results or return it as a string * @return string html with rendered contents */ function gd_broken_report($post_id = 0, $echo = true) { global $post, $gdbr; if ($post_id == 0) $post_id = $post->ID; if ($echo) echo $gdbr->prepare_report($post_id); else return $gdbr->prepare_report($post_id); } } ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need help with “wp_nonce_url()” function keep getting same URLi suspect there is something wrong with the;
Also i dont understand the line;
if (current_user_can('edit_post', $post->ID))
I dont know what $post is or ID.
I should also say that the link and code works inside a WordPress theme for example but in this plugin something wrong.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do i move or change a posts category?Im looking for a way to either;
1) assign a post im reading a certain tag
2)assign a post im reading a certain categoryAnyone know how to do so?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Very basic question on how to modify templateUsually theme images locations are located in the style.css file of the theme in question.
Design->Edit theme->style.css
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: ‘delete post’ on front end, but only for specific category?Just posting to say thanks for that code was just waht i was looking for.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Convert Category to Tag-How do you undo it?Yes ive done that it restored the database but it seems my backup copies of the database are not complete due to some problem with the plugin:(
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Convert Category to Tag-How do you undo it?hmm seems the backup plugin i was using failed to backup the category tables so im screwed. Im asking my web hosting company now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Convert Category to Tag-How do you undo it?I have a backup before the conversion but its didnt seem to restor the categories..maybe i did it wrong. i restored a week old backup and the categories were still gone