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  • Thread Starter irwinrouch


    Thank you for the answer. Very clear. I was hoping for a free workaround as for now, I have no visibility or future purchase, But I will manage manually first until volume gets too high.


    Thread Starter irwinrouch


    found the option to achieve this, below componets part inside !

    Thread Starter irwinrouch



    So I removed the shortcode in the modal box and it did not modify the URL.

    I also removed the modalbox widget as well and it was the same.

    I commented the two lines indicated and the slugs are still there.

    (I desactived the plugins again to double check and it still solves the issue, just to be sure !)

    Thank you again so much for taking the time to look into this.

    Thread Starter irwinrouch


    I have some Dropbox lists but the items in it are not dynamic, juste a list hard written. I use conditional fields though.

    here is the full code in case it helps :

    [text* Nom] Prénom*
    [text* Prenom] Email*
    [email* Email] Téléphone
    [tel tel-252] Merci de sélectionner le motif de votre contact!*
    [select* Motif "Sélectionner" "1. J'ai une question générale sur les formations " "2. Je souhaite faire une demande d'intra" "3. Je souhaite devenir formateur pour Mérieux Université" "4. Je souhaite envoyer un bulletin d'inscription papier" "5. Je souhaite demander la suppression de toutes les données me concernant (RGPD)" "6. J'ai une autre demande"]
    [group group-formateur]
    <label>Merci de nous fournir les informations suivantes pour proposer votre candidature de formateur ponctuel :</label>

    <label for="">Département de résidence*</label>[select* menu-dpartement "Sélectionner" "1|Ain" "2|Aisne" "3|Allier" "4|Alpes-de-Haute-Provence" "5|Hautes-Alpes" "6|Alpes-Maritimes" "7|Ardèche" "8|Ardennes" "9|Ariège" "10|Aube" "11|Aude" "12|Aveyron" "13|Bouches-du-Rh?ne" "14|Calvados" "15|Cantal" "16|Charente" "17|Charente-Maritime" "18|Cher" "19|Corrèze" "2A|Corse-du-Sud" "2B|Haute-Corse" "21|C?te-d'Or" "22|C?tes d'Armor" "23|Creuse" "24|Dordogne" "25|Doubs" "26|Dr?me" "27|Eure" "28|Eure-et-Loir" "29|Finistère" "30|Gard" "31|Haute-Garonne" "32|Gers" "33|Gironde" "34|Hérault" "35|Ille-et-Vilaine" "36|Indre" "37|Indre-et-Loire" "38|Isère" "39|Jura" "40|Landes" "41|Loir-et-Cher" "42|Loire" "43|Haute-Loire" "44|Loire-Atlantique" "45|Loiret" "46|Lot" "47|Lot-et-Garonne" "48|Lozère" "49|Maine-et-Loire" "50|Manche" "51|Marne" "52|Haute-Marne" "53|Mayenne" "54|Meurthe-et-Moselle" "55|Meuse" "56|Morbihan" "57|Moselle" "58|Nièvre" "59|Nord" "60|Oise" "61|Orne" "62|Pas-de-Calais" "63|Puy-de-D?me" "64|Pyrénées-Atlantiques" "65|Hautes-Pyrénées" "66|Pyrénées-Orientales" "67|Bas-Rhin" "68|Haut-Rhin" "69|Rh?ne" "70|Haute-Sa?ne" "71|Sa?ne-et-Loire" "72|Sarthe" "73|Savoie" "74|Haute-Savoie" "75|Paris" "76|Seine-Maritime" "77|Seine-et-Marne" "78|Yvelines" "79|Deux-Sèvres" "80|Somme" "81|Tarn" "82|Tarn-et-Garonne" "83|Var" "84|Vaucluse" "85|Vendée" "86|Vienne" "87|Haute-Vienne" "88|Vosges" "89|Yonne" "90|Territoire de Belfort" "91|Essonne" "92|Hauts-de-Seine" "93|Seine-St-Denis" "94|Val-de-Marne" "95|Val-D'Oise" "971|Guadeloupe" "972|Martinique" "973|Guyane" "974|La Réunion" "976|Mayotte" "Ne réside pas en France"]

    <label for="">Avez vous déjà été formateur ?*</label>[checkbox* checkbox-dejaformateur use_label_element include_blank "Oui" "Non"]

    <label>Disponibilité annuelle (jours)*</label>[number* number-joursdispo min:1 max:250]

    <label for="">Format de la formation</label>[select menu-format " " "Présentiel" "Distanciel" "Présentiel et Distanciel" "Création d'e-learning"]

    [/group] [group group-intra]
    [/group] [group group-RGPD]
    <label for="">Vous pouvez à tout moment consulter et modifier les données dont nous disposons vous concernant ou encore supprimer totalement votre compte en vous connectant et en allant sur la page :
    Pour tout autre demande associée à votre compte et vos données, veuillez saisir votre demande dans votre message ci-dessous :</label>

    [/group] [group group-inscriptionmanuelle]
    <label for="">Après avoir téléchargé le bulletin d'inscription ICI et l'avoir rempli, merci de le joindre ci-dessous pour nous le faire parvenir :*</label>[file* file-383]

    [/group] Merci d'accepter nos règles RGPD pour que nous puissions utiliser ces informations pour vous répondre :* [checkbox* checkbox-535 use_label_element "."] Votre Message : [textarea x3 textarea-message] ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- [submit "envoyer"]
    Thread Starter irwinrouch


    “I assume these are post archive pages, with each slug representing a taxonomy term. Is this correct?”

    I am not sure this is the case. Those pages are created dynamically based on a backoffice tool linked to WordPress with an API. WP Migal is the name of the plugins that does this. It collects the list of training categories in the backoffice and displays it here.

    “In which case, are these the original terms that being translated into a different slug by a plugin?”

    this is the weird part, I do not use any translation plugins, although one was installed some time ago (Polylang).

    Thread Starter irwinrouch


    Thank you so much for looking into this !

    Thread Starter irwinrouch


    “However, all your URLs are still pointing to?, none of them are pointing to?, so I assume this is a result of your hardcoded fix.”

    Yes this is all correct !

    Here is a sandbox page : with no hard code where you will see the actual “learning-catalogue-XXXXXX” being displayed “naturally”.

    Thread Starter irwinrouch


    There is a contact buttons on the top left of the page. It is a modal box button from Elementor button in which there is the shortcode from cf7

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by irwinrouch.
    Thread Starter irwinrouch


    Hello Aswin,

    Thank you for taking the time to answer.

    The only fear I have with using text box is that the data stored in the database will be as text and therefore ranking based on text field difficult to calculate, especially as it will not be a whole number (1:30; 2:50 how will the system figure out without the proper format).

    For the ranking itself, the result I would like is that when you go to the members directory page :
    -users are by default displayed in descending order of this time mm:ss -> this I have achieved easely if the time is a whole number in seconds)
    – Have this time displayed -> this is ok using standard UM member directory possibilities
    – Have displayed the ranking of the user. This ranking would change automatically when new users update their time ; clearly changing the fields manually for each user is not an option.
    I was hoping to find a solution with a custom field with a calculated formula but this is not the right way maybe? Also looked for gamification plugins but scoring and ranking of members is based on points calculated on the actions they do on the web site, not on a field on their profile…

    I hope this clarifies

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by irwinrouch.
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