Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Gmail with mediatemple?i contacted them about it. it’s not possible. it’s only possible to import [email protected] email into a [email protected] account.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: don't create alternate image sizesactually i just want to prevent wordpress from creating ANY additional files. i make my own thumbnails and i have no need for wordpress to create additional scaled images.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: show full loop within the single post?thanks! i was able to get the loop working properly. i am also now valid xhtml 1.0 strict. although i still have a lot of work to do, it’s nice to know that i have a solid base.
still have to figure out that bug. tends to happen in safari as well, and i think it might have to do with objects not loading fast enough.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: show full loop within the single post?also, if you load it and the boxes appear on top of eachother, click the page title. there is a glitch where either they load too soon, or too late, and don’t stack properly.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change the MORE link behavior?thanks stvwlf! marked as resolved!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Administrative annoucementsmichael: that looks like it might work for me. thanks very much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Administrator-only category?ah, i think i mis-explained.
i want everyone to see it on the site, but i’d like nobody to be able to POST into the SITENEWS category. thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Float problem: breaking up the loop?solved it myself, and completely from scratch! i thought, “hey, if only there was a way to do something every 3 posts.” so i wrote this:
<?php $counterface = $counterface + 1; if ($counterface =="3") { ?> </div><div class="section"> <?php $counterface = 0; } else { } ?>
each time through the loop, $counterface gets upped by 1. when it hits 3, it resets and opens and closes a div. hooray!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: show posts from Category A here and Category B there.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Please Help… “Thank You Page” ?!?!?see bottom right contact page. it’s not contact form 7, it’s from scratch, but it does SORT OF what you want, only without inline error messages. if you want i can give you code, but it’s not as easy as a plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-to put a contact form on the main index?that one still didn’t want to play nicely in my index page, and i wasnt able to remove the phone number, are you human, or cc box without breaking it, nor was i able to change the subject selector without breaking it.
i ended up going with an external php file. there’s a visible redirect, but it’s smooth enough, and i did it myself, which feels good.
would be nice to do it without a redirect, but i’m not sure it’s possible.
nevermind! i googled around and found this:
it shows how to use custom fields. it’s for an older version of WP, but it mostly translates.