Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for a directory plugin or something closeI do not know of any plugins that would be come close to what you are talking about. Also dmoz is and entire project and not a plugin for a blogging platform. The entire structure of their site is a directory style with a huge database to cross reference everything
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 404404 error on wordpress is a fancy way of saying DOCUMENT/RESOURCE NOT FOUND.
here’s a site of all the codes used on web servers
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: cannot upload entry imagesthat is from your webhost, they enabled php safe mode and restrict file uploads to only the folder the script executed from.
Either you need to change ownership or they need to.
never had that problem with my blog, I used 2.0 ,2.1, 2.2 (now) and I have alwys been able to put URL, html, images etc in blog posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [urgent] URL not workingtalk to your webhost first. if wordpress was running and couldn’t find the page or document you should get the wordpress 404 page not the ISP/webhost error 404 page
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Word Wrap Issue – Text Spilling Off Pagewell whoever wrote this theme I would ask them .
, I looked at your css and html, the main area was named ‘storycontent’ I did not find any CSS for that class which could defined the width, wrap , text size etc.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem w/ default theme – related to WWWDo any of your themes contain shockwave flash? I have seem some themes behave like this if your blog URL includes www then the page wont load correctly if you remove www from the url and vice versa.
Also often the broswer cache is at fault, post your blog URL here it helps to see what you are talking about.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding HTMLWell wordpress supports html, at least when I installed it ?? I have HTML inside posts, widgets, header and footer.
when you add html, you do not need the HTML, HEAD, or BODY tags as those would be part of the theme/template
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Directory wp-content/gallery/ didn’t have the permissions 777!check the permission on gallery as well as wp-content and all the files inside gallery
also check the docs for gallery Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enablig hyperlink snapshotsIt doesn’t work on either, site.
You need to have the javascript code for snap inside your blog/theme so it provides the snapshot.
Unless you are talking about something else.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Pages redirectionuse .htacess on the web server
something like this should work
Redirect 301 /forums Fixing WordPress
In reply to: another sidebar questionI just looked at your blog I do not see your sidebar on the bottom. I am using firefox 2.0, if you use older versions of firefox (1.x) it will look like crud…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Feed Errorthose URLs redirect to a different host/site
also your feed for wordpress is URL/feed not URL/index.php/feed or alternates like
/?feed=atomeven with permalinks my feeds work, I use month/day permalink in my posts and they have yet to cause feed errors for me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: SQL file for instalattionits not a sql file, but take a look at wp-admin/install-helper.php
actaully all you need for mysql is:
database name
username (full control of database used by wordpress)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to change Template creator?Take a look at footer.php, although that data isn’t required.
something simular to this (from my k2 theme)
<?php if (function_exists(‘k2_style_info’)) { k2_style_info(); } ?>
// above line should show the style being used if k2_style_info function exists, if it doesnt exit it shows null
<?php printf(__(‘RSS Entries and RSS Comments‘,’k2_domain’), get_bloginfo(‘rss2_url’), get_bloginfo(‘comments_rss2_url’)) ?>
<br/> <?php printf(__(‘%d queries. %.4f seconds.’,’k2_domain’), $wpdb->num_queries , timer_stop()) ?>
</small></p>hope that helps