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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Language switcher

    not nonsense for translator plugins that pump the blog through an outside site.

    I see this plugin requiring more than just install! Including which can be over most people heads, then again I don’t know how much this person knows about PHP or wordpress.
    Also you then run a translation tool, to create the localized files that are then place in your languages directory.

    ok I should run over to the plugin page and read more, you got me on that…

    I would like to have a Moderator have less of the EGO come out in a free support forum.


    I don’t need or use registration and haven’t had a spam/bot attempt to register yet, but I also upgrade wordpress when a security fix comes out.

    Even my comment section I locked down and I let the antispam plugins do their job and I have’nt had to delete a spam comment for 6 months! I don’t even seem them waiting approval which is a good indication that the antispam is working..

    get away from thinking ORACLE where you set the tablespace size.

    from mysql standpoint it should be simular to this

    mysql> create database blog;

    All mysql needs is DATABASE NAME, USERNAME, AND PASSWORD. nothing else. The database is empty at that point and the wordpress install php scripts create the indexes, tables, inside the database itself.

    Head on over to for more information on create database and user access. When you create the database for your wordpress install, whatever user you want to have full access to that database needs to be granted permission, but all that is in the mysql documentation.

    So again its a simple as it sounds you do not need to specify size,or location of tablespaces, mysql takes care of everything when you issue a create database command, you then create a mysql user, then grant privileges to that mysql user to the new database you created.

    I hope that doesn’t confuse you more.
    I used Oracle for years, and I too got lost when I jumped into mysql a few years ago. Frankly MYSQL is easier to deal with ??

    take care

    umm what do you mean view the blog but not the content?

    The blog content is the blog (sounds funny to say that).

    I did a quick google of ‘protect wordpress content’ and came up with several creative ways and plugins that may do the job.

    It’s a bit more than just a line of code to prevent viewing of posts , pages etc. As you can see under options, reading their is not an option for user access.

    actually that is IE6, look at it in Ie7 and it should look fine. You must be using a K2 based theme ?? ?

    IE6 doesn’t support div tags correctly and frankly you would have to write a css just for IE6 then change the php code to detect if the browser is IE6 and display accordingly.

    I had the same problem, but I didn’t fix it since the only browser that looks funny was IE6 and based on my logs most user had FF, Opera, or IE7

    best of luck

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Language switcher

    well there are a few plugins that translate, but all they do is send your url to google or babble fish translation site, so that site is actually doing the work and the blog is no longer involved. Look at it as a proxy the read your page, then translated it to another language, then sent the output to the browser.

    You can’t control portions to NOT translate,or translate ONLY this text since what is diplayed in the blog or any website is sent to the translation website and it does the work.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Tag Help

    Well there is an easy way ?? get the ultimate TAG warrior plugin, what this does is adds and addition text box where you add your tags to each post.

    Let’s say you have a post about racing cars, well you put tags like cars, racing, nascars, fast, burnout etc in the tag fields.

    Also if you want to get listed on yahoo, google etc a xml sitemap would be useful, this type of sitemap tells the search engines what files, post, pages got updated and the search engines will read that post and add it to their index, again a plugin will help you with that, either SEO or google sitemap plugin.

    best of luck.

    Ya I understand that you still have an issue.
    A matter of face I don’t see technorati on my dashboard, but there have been incoming links based on my apache logs, hmm. I found on my site that I had a link called TEST almost 5 months old and the post was deleted and it showed up in my dashboard as an incoming link, it has since been removed from technor… I wonder what the deal is if other sites have incoming links and the dashboard shows that?


    Sure you can define it inside header.php since that is called on every post, page etc. Then you can read the session varible in the sidebar and change the adsense id based on what is in the header.

    Problem is what happens if you have 2 or more authors and wordpress by default shows all posts regardless of who wrote it? Based on this that most recent author would be the one who’s adsense ID would be set in the session variable, so adsense credit wouldn’t be given to the other author.

    You would have to devise a way to only show posts by author X then adsense would display ads for author X only. Make sense?

    I use adsense myself, but the entire blog associate ID is for the site not multiple authors, that works perfect for my site, but trying to drive ads based on the author is going to put a bit of overhead on you programing in php and also determine the fairest way of showing ads based on author.

    I guess you could have each author have its own category and make the blog only show category X for author X, category Y for author Y and so on?

    wordpress uses PHP, so you need to write the code that stores your neded information in a session varible , then the sidebar php code needs to refer to that session varble, its going to take some php know-how, and some trial and error on your part to make the modifications.

    sorry to say its not as easy as hey type

    blah=something, it does take some coding to get it done and I would suggest working with the plugin author if they will help you out at all.

    why are you renaming index.php to something else?

    You need to then change all the references inside wordpress from index.php to domain.php, but .htaccess will do that for you and it will work, but I don’t understand why you would want to do that.

    how are you backing it up? its never caused problems for me on any of the blogs I have setup.

    I used mysqldump (via ssh), or wp-backup and they both worked perfect. is the best resource for that type of coding, look at isset, and session varibles…

    refresh the browser ?? twice?? if you deleted the wp-content/theme/almost boxes directory, then the theme is total gone…

    can you switch to default or classic , then view site (refresh) and see that your blog is not default ?

    contact the theme author first, thats always a good start to see if they can help you code with their changes they made

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