Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: upgrading with fantastico (blue host)it all depending on what scripts bluehost has to install wordpress for you, it could delete all the files, then install only the wordpress core files. you better talk to them first.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Written by:”ryan .. slow down lol
anyway the php function that shows the author is this:
<?php the_author() ?>just look in index.php for that text or add it where you want in theloop, singpost, or index.php, it all depend on the theme , but it should’nt be too hard to figure out where things are in the them and add that php code and viola
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please help- Header Link- have tried everythingI wouldnt use the onclick, it will break RSS for your blog, or it can.
Something like this works ?? at least for me
<div id=”header”>
<div class=”top”>
<img src=”logo.gif” alt=”image” border=”0″ />
</div>if you make logo.gif an blank gif 1 pixel X 1 pixel, you can then change the width and height to overlay another logo or graphic and make it clickable, just add the width/height to the img tag.
of course my css tells the browser where header and top appear on the blog so you need to also edit your css..
good luck
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Lighthouse/similar scripts don’t work with layout?umm talk to the author of the script ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: plugn code in posts and unwanted < p > tags.well those tags should not break anything, the CDATA script has a problem! look at line 24, it should have have &qt for greater than, its should have > to close the CDATA stuture correctly.
Have you taking this up with the WORDTUBE author??
Also without the P tags you would fail XHTML , but I think the problem is the fact that the greater than that closes the CDATA is at fault.
If you pasted this from somewhere else, paste it into notepad (not a replacement editor) to stript out any nulls, then edit select all, copy from notepad and paste into the editor.
best of luck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My Blog Dissapeared, please helpthat is an error on the webhost! your webserver cant connect to the wordpress database using mysql, so contact your webhost.
A regular website doesn’t need a database, but wordpress does.
It has nothing to do with where you are US or China, its the webserver that you blog is on not being able to connect to the database.
Contact your webhost.
Also take note: this forum is NOT your blog and does NOT control anything related to your website blog..
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: The sidebar doesnt change right…don’t bump! this isn’t a chat board. you get people pissed off doing that..
now onto the real fun:
i would contact the THEME author if you have issues with a theme and also make sure the widget is compatible with that theme (several aren’t) .It also helps to tell use what THEME and widget you are using and even what BLOG URL you are using. I hope you tested with more than just IE6 (yuk) I had a few themes I just could not use because of uses that still insisted of using IE6,
best of luck.
/bump ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Incoming Links” hasn’t been updated despite new incoming linkstamar!
there is no need to keep posting over and over, all you do is get ignored and get people mad. this is a forum not a live chat..
incoming links will only show up if someone clicks a link that points to your blog, so with the technorati link you gave up if no one click the links to your posts, it will not show as incoming posts, make sense?
my blog shows incoming links from other blogs all the time, but technorati not very often.
best of luck.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: what file contains posts?it not in a file, its in the wordpress database.
everything for wordpress related to posts, authors etc are inside the mysql database if you did not back up the database and only have the php scripts you do not have your posts
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML code in Text WidgetYou can put in html but you must follow XHTML or HTML 4.01 strict and tags, divs etc that are not closed correctly will make the blog go to heck in a handbasket.
wordpress isnt a CMS ?? its a blogging tool , Matt and team don’t beat me up for saying that ..
FYI I have several text widgest with html, javascript in them and they work just great using any theme that supports widgets.
I am wonder what HTML you put into a widget that broke your blog or made it turn to total crap ? I wouldnt post the html here, but point me to your site
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Entries RSS Not workingflorabrown.
what does your issue have to do with the post? you should start your own posts!
look under wp-admin, then options reading and see if you are only showing summary for RSS for the full article.
also what the heck is a chicklet ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Automatic posting of data in my blogI haven’t seen a plugin that does exactly that yet, however you can setup your blog to do posts via email and whatever email is sent to the special address with the correct username and password would be added as a post.
This is under options -> Writing…
Also there are a ton of RSS plugins that are designed to put news on sidebars , in posts etc. If your latest news was in XML/RSS format that would be easy to deal with from a wordpress and blog standpoint. It your NEWS is propritary and you arent a programmer is just going to be time consuming.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Help – Transferring blogdo you have a copy of your database from the old blog? you need to import this into the new database and then make a few adjustment inside wp-admin and it should look exactly the same if all the plugins and themes you used before have also been uploaded onto the new host.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackback URL same as permalinkas far as I know they are the same URL, the /?p=27 just means post ID 27, permalinks can make your URL longer but easier to read like /year/month/post tile/etc
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: IE Error Message<meta name=”description” content=” ” /> <!– enter site src=”” type=”text/javascript”>
like I said I bet the THEME is to blame.
also remove the shortcut icon reference, its not RSS freindly! if you did this with .htaccess or the apache config, remove those settings and don’t have wordpress try to display a favicon.