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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Pins don't display popup Info, More Info broken as well1000 thanks @tijmen Smit, fix works perfectly !
Hi @vinod,
Thank you very much for your solution. I believe it’s working fine, and it’s working for me now.
It wasn’t, but something has changed that and now it works… I activated WP Super Cache, then populate some options in iTheme Security, then came back to the website… And it worked. The popup was juste there, opened !
Too bad I don’t precisely know what made it work, but I will try to look further.
The strange thing is that I tried, before posting there, to disable every plugin, and that didn’t work. But I hadn’t applied your css patch at this time then…This problem is resolved !
I will create a new topic if I discover a mysterious option in iTheme that kills the popup…Best regards to WPMU !
Hello @vinod,
Great thanks for your answer and for a future update !
Unfortunately, when I add the CSS you wrote, nothing happens and the problems remains.
I checked the console and the css are appearing, but they don’t help the popup to display.
Tried also with .wpdu-msg-inner {top : 160px !important), idem.When I deactivate custom sidebars, the popup works. If it is activated, the popup doesn’t work.
I can give you a link to the website by MP if you want to check (preproduction website, not public at this time).
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce DBC Discount] Nothing happenedSame here too. Screen refreshes after I click save, then module settings fields are refreshed empty. No change in the shop.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] Can't get out installation processHey thank you jscher2000 !
Yes, the problem may not be related at all to this particular plugin. I never worked on this website before, installing backuopwordpress was just the first thing I did and that showed me a general problem…
Thanks for the well choosen links that will help me to resolve it !backupwordpress plugin is not a part of the problem, then this is a resolved question here.
I have the same problem. I tried to bypass the cache, as WPML and YARPP seems to work well in all languages when cache has just been flushed.
Finally I “resolved” the problem by editing the class-core.php file to clear cache before every display (see : ).
I have only a few related posts then it will be good enough, temporarily.Then this is my question :
Could the problem just rely on the cache save process in custom table mode ?It seems like WPML is well implemented and the problem occurs only at a time of the cache process. If only Yarpp is concerned, maybe someone could help find a solution even if WPML team doesn’t answers ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] How to bypass the cache ?I mark as resolved, initial question is resolved in my case (bypass cache). I add my other question in an already existing post about WPML : Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] How to bypass the cache ?Well,
I managed to test bypass method.
(line 29 of class-core.php changed to : $this->cache = new YARPP_Cache_Bypass( $this ); )Bad. Every articles of all post types are displayed as related items. The same result can be obtained by using the “postmeta” cache method.
In default language : no problem, never.Flushing the cache before displaying the items seems to resolve the display problem.
In the file class-core.php, just after line 919 :
function display_related($reference_ID = null, $args = array(), $echo = true) {
add :
Then everything is ok with cache flushed. If the cache has already been saved in the database for the post, it breaks.
Then YARPP works well with WPML, with cache-table method only, and only if cache is empty at the start of the process.Could the problem just rely on the table-cache save process ? Maybe a “simple” solution could be found, but without a good knowledge of YARPP nothing is simple…