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  • hello,

    I experience the same problem as upon.

    Once I click submit, the newsletter form responses with an error “action failed” but i receive a subscription confirmation.

    I integrated with mailchimp.

    Furthermore the only data keept by mailchimp is the email also if in the module there are others fields
    I attached the error.

    component: “Plugin: elementor-addon-widgets”
    file: “wp-content/plugins/elementor-addon-widgets/vendor/codeinwp/themeisle-content-forms/class-themeisle-content-forms-newsletter.php”
    line: 173
    message: “Trying to get property of non-object”
    stack: Array(11)
    0: “ThemeIsle\C\NewsletterForm->_subscribe_mail()”
    1: “ThemeIsle\C\NewsletterForm->rest_submit_form()”
    2: “apply_filters(‘content_forms_submit_newsletter’)”
    3: “ThemeIsle\C\RestServer->submit_form()”
    4: “WP_REST_Server->dispatch()”
    5: “WP_REST_Server->serve_request()”
    6: “rest_api_loaded()”
    7: “do_action_ref_array(‘parse_request’)”
    8: “WP->parse_request()”
    9: “WP->main()”
    10: “wp()”
    length: 11
    __proto__: Array(0)
    concat: ? concat()
    constructor: ? Array()
    copyWithin: ? copyWithin()
    entries: ? entries()
    every: ? every()
    fill: ? fill()
    filter: ? filter()
    find: ? find()
    findIndex: ? findIndex()
    flat: ? flat()
    flatMap: ? flatMap()
    forEach: ? forEach()
    includes: ? includes()
    indexOf: ? indexOf()
    join: ? join()
    keys: ? keys()
    lastIndexOf: ? lastIndexOf()
    length: 0
    map: ? map()
    pop: ? pop()
    push: ? push()
    reduce: ? reduce()
    reduceRight: ? reduceRight()
    reverse: ? reverse()
    shift: ? shift()
    slice: ? slice()
    some: ? some()
    sort: ? sort()
    splice: ? splice()
    toLocaleString: ? toLocaleString()
    toString: ? toString()
    unshift: ? unshift()
    values: ? values()
    Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ? values()
    Symbol(Symbol.unscopables): {copyWithin: true, entries: true, fill: true, find: true, findIndex: true, …}
    __proto__: Object
    type: “notice”
    constructor: ? Object()
    hasOwnProperty: ? hasOwnProperty()
    isPrototypeOf: ? isPrototypeOf()
    propertyIsEnumerable: ? propertyIsEnumerable()
    toLocaleString: ? toLocaleString()
    toString: ? toString()
    valueOf: ? valueOf()
    __defineGetter__: ? __defineGetter__()
    __defineSetter__: ? __defineSetter__()
    __lookupGetter__: ? __lookupGetter__()
    __lookupSetter__: ? __lookupSetter__()
    get __proto__: ? __proto__()
    set __proto__: ? __proto__()

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