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  • Thread Starter Israpil


    Found the solution/fix myself. If anyone is trying to fix this bug, add the following code to functions.php (in your child theme):

    function replace_twitter_social_icon($icons) {
    $icons['twitter'] = '<svg class="ss-svg-icon" fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 50 50" width="24px" height="24px"><path d="M 5.9199219 6 L 20.582031 27.375 L 6.2304688 44 L 9.4101562 44 L 21.986328 29.421875 L 31.986328 44 L 44 44 L 28.681641 21.669922 L 42.199219 6 L 39.029297 6 L 27.275391 19.617188 L 17.933594 6 L 5.9199219 6 z M 9.7167969 8 L 16.880859 8 L 40.203125 42 L 33.039062 42 L 9.7167969 8 z"/></svg>';
    return $icons;
    add_filter( 'socialsnap_icons_svg', "replace_twitter_social_icon" );

    This will replace the current Twitter (X) logo with a smaller version which solves this issue.

    Plugin Author Israpil



    Thank you for your message. We have replied to your support ticket. Please check your inbox.

    Closing this topic.

    Plugin Author Israpil


    Hi Kim,

    An update has been released for this issue.

    Closing this ticket.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil


    Hi Kim,

    Thank you reporting the issue.

    We’re currently working on fixing it.
    This was caused by the new WordPress (v5.5) update.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil



    In general, users with the contributor role should not have access to the Textmetrics settings page(s). It’s only available to admins. Contributors should only have access to the dashboard/login page. That’s because users have to login separately in order to use the plugin.

    You can make sure this doesn’t happen by overwriting this functionality. Use this code in your (theme’s) functions.php file:

    function update_tm_capability() {
    	return "manage_options";
    add_action('wtt_manage_options_capability', 'update_tm_capability');

    The “manage_options” capability means that only administrators have access to the Textmetrics dashboard / settings page.

    Unfortunately, we don’t have a quick and easy way to show or hide Textmetrics for specific role. This is something we’ll have to develop in order to support it.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil



    An update has been released that includes Rank Math SEO data import.

    I’ll mark this topic as solved.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil


    Hi Marcus,

    Thank you for the question.

    We’ll try to include this feature in the upcoming update.

    You can use the plugins side by side. But it’s also recommended to disable certain SEO settings in Textmetrics if you already use Rank Math SEO plugin (in order to avoid meta data conflicts).

    You can find the various meta data settings under wp dashboard > Textmetrics > Social. This includes things like meta description and SEO title.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil



    I understand what you mean. You can still use patterns in the meta description field on the page/post itself. The patterns will be converted automatically.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil


    Hi taxumi,

    Thank you for the suggestions. I’ve added it to the feature list.

    Quick note: could you specify what you mean with suggestion 1? Are you referring to same patterns like used in SEO Title?

    Thanks in advance,

    Plugin Author Israpil


    Hi taxumi,

    Yes, however that depends on your current subscription/plan. Not all the subscriptions/plans allow for sub-accounts.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil


    Hi taxumi,

    Thank you for your question.

    Technically every wordpress user should have their own TM login, especially if it’s a sub domain. So you’ll have to login in each sub domain in order to share the credits from the main account.

    I hope that answered question?

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil


    Hi there,

    Yes, you can use the Textmetrics (formerly webtexttool) plugin alongside Yoast.

    I’d recommend disabling the meta tags setting in the TM plugin if you’re already using Yoast to handle that. If you select Textmetrics -> Social settings screen, you’ll find all the various settings. Disabling these functions means that the plugin will not place the SEO title or meta description in the source of the page, however you’ll still see the Google snippet preview in the edit post page (because we use that to determine the SEO score).

    I hope that answered your question.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil


    No further replies. Marking as solved.

    Plugin Author Israpil



    You can disable the specific wtt column (WTT Score) by going into the Screen Options (top right corner of the overview page) and see if that resolves the issue.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Israpil


    Hi there,

    Thank you for the kind words. We appreciate it.

    Webtexttool will not place the meta description in the header if it detects the Yoast description. However, Yoast will probably generate meta description based on post excerpt or content. You can still disable the meta description in the header completely using wtt settings. If you visit Webtexttool > Social menu, you’ll find an option to disable meta description in the header. It’s currently the third option from the top.

    If you’d like to disable the facebook/twitter meta data you can do that on the same screen.

    I hope that answered your question.

    Best regards,

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