I believe the point and purpose of a second column within a page is to customize each page –
I am using SG-Window
So I have the settings as follows
Customize Sidebars
These two options are CHECKED
Per page sidebars for the page [Baby Food]
Uncheck this mark to remove section and custom sidebars for the page [Baby Food]
First column
Now when I look at the page I see what would indicate a column (sidebar) on the right but not option for me to edit content.
However when I go to the Page attributes these are the settings
(no parent)
right sidebar
And last of all on the widget page
I have the corresponding [39] First column, baby food
and within this i have inserted a text widget with the content I wish to appear – it is a twitter feed for this page.
BUT this last item is not appearing.
The customize page layout settings are as follow
Page layout Left Column (I had right column but it made no difference)
Checked: Display Featured Image
Checked:Display Title
Checked: Override default sidebars by custom sidebars on Pages (must be checked). Please, choose sidebars which you want to use on this page.
Checked: First column
NOT checked: Second column
Checked:First Top Sidebar
Checked: Before Footer Sidebar