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Thanks! I goofed and put it in the title, and typo’d it at that.
The issue is indeed resolved, for me anyway. I try to post solutions and workarounds as they are discovered.
The OCD in me requires that the code be made a little neater. (Remove spaces) So here it is. Note there is no difference between this code and the original above. It’s just neater.
// BEGIN CUSTOM FIELD MODIFICATION // THIS CODE LOOKS FOR THE CUSTOM FIELD stb_displaybox WITH A VALUE OF false // AND IF IT FINDS IT WILL STOP THE SCROLL BOX FROM DISPLAYING $showme = get_post_meta($postID, 'stb_displaybox', true); if ( ( ! empty($showme) ) && ( $showme == 'false' )) return false; // END CUSTOM FIELD MODIFICATION
Thanks for all the responses and input.
I’m considering this issue resolved (see previous comment with link to S2Member support site.)
KTS915 – Thanks for that tip. I checked and that plugin hasn’t been updated in several months, albeit several hundred thousand downloads. Also, it appears to be written by and presumably supported by one developer.
For a revenue generating site I’d definitely want something current, backed by an established company, and in this case not cause support issues with S2member.
That said I plan to buy the pro version of S2.
I found a specific answer on S2’s support site (prior to switching here) and S2 will indeed handle non-hierchical member roles using Custom Capabilities.
Here is the article:!!
Thank you for reaching out.
I took a look a that video where you indicated and that is the Custom Capabilities functionality being described.
Custom Capabilities “may” be able to handle the “a la carte” style membership, but I’m not sure.
The three videos I’ve watched on it never actually show an end result (i.e. a functioning example from the member’s perspective) and therefore it is a bit difficult to grasp whether he’s talking about multiple ways to create access to the same content OR if he’s referring to different content areas (e.g. card tricks, guitar lessons, baby sitting tips) all on the same website.
Plus, there is a fair amount of coding involved which circumvents the ease of the WordPress administrative area.
However, in the Custom Capabilities videos he specifically mentioned they were considering ways to bring this functionality in to the WordPress backend so it is menu driven. Since the videos were uploaded in 2011, I would think they’ve either dropped that idea or haven’t figured out an understandable way to handle it.
Bottom line, I’m stuck. ??
I think that Custom Configurations may do what I need.
Would still appreciate some feedback from S2Member staffer if possible.
Another possible solution would be to use an “answer file” we could tweak to install the plugin from.
Thank you! That would be a great addition as the hotlinking issue seems to keep growing. Google is especially bad and employs measures that don’t typically get caught by http_referer based rules.
So, if I add the code by hand to the htaccess file, the All In One plugin is going to leave that code untouched, correct?
Funny. I must be a Facebook addict because I kept looking for the LIKE link on your comment. Dang. I need to get out more.
Once your site is hacked, it’s time to restore from a known good backup and THEN add a security plugin. Adding a security plugin on a site that has been hacked is not the best course of action.
Add a backup plugin that runs on a daily schedule and sends the backup offsite (Amazon S3, DropBox, etc.)
At the very least, install Duplicator and download a copy of your site weekly.
My money, though, is on Backup Buddy. It’s not free, but it is totally worth it.
I have this problem with v3.0.12 (free) as well.
It started with a previous version last week breaking the front end and back end of my site. NOT COOL.
Removing the folder backwpup from the plugins directory using the cPanel file manager fixes it immediately.
After the first occurence, I updated to 3.0.12 and changed WP-CRON to manual thinking that would solve it.
Now several days later it’s happened again. Broke my site altogether.
I’m done.
Backup Buddy, here I come. They are having a 30 percent off sale until June 28.
I simply cannot afford sites to go down completely. And I have a lot of client sites.
Sorry, BackWPup, but it’s time to try something else.