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  • Thread Starter ivalegre


    I answer myself. I’ve tried to modify a little bit the plugin to make it work in my hosting (1and1).

    The url request was made using simplexml_load_file, but I don’t know why it’s not working in my site. To avoid this problem, the only thing necessary is change the line 110 of the plugin:

    $xml = simplexml_load_file( '' . $sUrls );


    $juliUrl = '' . $sUrls ;
    		$ch = curl_init();
    		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $juliUrl);
    		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
    		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    		$xml = curl_exec($ch);
    		$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);

    With this it works in my site ??

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    I’m sorry to say this, but it doesn’t work for me. I use a Desktop program to post every content of my blog.In the new version, it doesn’t schedule posts with XML-RPC. You have to publish the post via Admin Panel (This didn’t happen with 0.9)

    Thank you for the improvements but I really need XML-RPC. Even with the previous “bugs”.

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    Thank you so much!!! Now this plugin is perfect.

    Thank you!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: WXR File Splitter

    1o- Paste in a file and save it as “” file.

    In a Terminal put this
    python <name_of_your_wxr_file> <desired_number_of_slices>

    Be sure that the path of the name_of_your_wxr_file is right. If you are not sure of this, just put the wxr file in the same directory that

    It should work

    This instructions are the same for Linux

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    Nono, this is only a suggestion.

    If there are no queued posts you take care of the last published post. In this way it will overlook manually scheduled posts.

    For example This a possible original case:
    Max and Min = 1 hour.
    Last published post: 30 minutes ago.
    Two post scheduled: One month later and three moths later.

    If I post something. I will be published in 30 minutes, and If I post another thing, in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    First of all, I don’t know anything about wordpress plugins, so this could be impossible to do it, but I’ve looked the plugin code.

    It could be possible to automatic schedule post in this way?
    Taking care of the last queued post, instead of the furthest post. So you shouldn’t mind if you put a post to be published in two months. Because the next posts you publish, will be published according to the last queued post, not the furthest.

    Possibly this is insane, because you can’t mark a post as queued, but I don’t know, just in case. Ask is free. ??

    This apart from the “not future posts” and the “editing a post” cases.

    Thank you so much. I hope this doesn’t disturb you.

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    Ohhh. Awesome ipstenu. Now my db is only 3.7 MB. I don’t know how to say THANK YOU.

    I tried disabling post revisions, and my database stop growing (in a bad way), but the plugin is so unstable that is impossible to keep it in a public blog.

    I’ve discovered what was wrong in the second plugin:

    And there is somethings to fix, but for now is working!. This only changes the publishing date on new/edited posts. To make it work i had to has something waiting to be published.

    Request no longer needed.
    Thank you Ipstenu!!

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    I’ve discovered what was wrong. You need to have a programed post. Without that it doesn’t work

    Another thing is that with this plugin you cannot edit a post conserving publishing date. It publishes like a new post. And you can’t program a post to the past. I think that the only way to do it is disable the plugin.

    And the last. I takes care of the most future post. For example, If I want to program a post to July, every post after that will go to July (or after).

    But finally works. Thank you, that’s what I’ve been searching.

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    Thank you so much.
    I’m going to try it now.

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    The first is this:

    That is who make my db grows 400% ??

    The second is:

    That actually to me, doesn’t work

    Thank you Ipstenu for the help

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    Thank you for answering. It solved almost all my questions.

    I don’t know if I’m retarded, but it doesn’t work for me. The first time i didn’t care about, but now, I’ve given a second chance to the plugin but it didn’t work for me.

    My blog is:

    My settings are Min=15 min, max=1 hour. And now, I’ve posted three post at 21:22, 21:24 and at 21:31. And every one has been published without delay or re-scheduling.

    I use xml-rpc, if this helps.

    Thank you tetele.

    Thread Starter ivalegre


    Auto-scheduling posts

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: WXR File Splitter

    For the exporter in Python. For me it doesn’t work (gives 0 items) in 3.0.3.
    This is a corrected version (for me, it works):

    # This script is designed to take a wordpress xml export file and split it into some
    # number of chunks (2 by default). The number of lines per chunk is determined by counting
    # the number of occurences of a particular line, '<item>\n' by default, and breaking up the
    # such that each chunk has an equal number occurences of that line. The appropriate header
    # and footer is added to each chunk.
    import os
    import sys
    import math
    if len(sys.argv) < 2 :
    	print 'Please specify the name of wordpress export file you would like to split'
    try :
    	input_file = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
    	lines = input_file.readlines()
    	(input_file_path, input_file_string) = os.path.split(sys.argv[1])
    	(input_file_name, input_file_extension) = os.path.splitext(input_file_string)
    except IOError :
    	print 'Could not open file "%s".' % sys.argv[1]
    number_of_chunks = max(int(sys.argv[2]), 2) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 2
    line_delimiter = '\t\t<item>\n'
    delimiter_count = 0
    for line in lines :
    	if line == line_delimiter :
    		delimiter_count += 1
    print ''
    print 'File "%s" contains %s items' % (input_file_string, delimiter_count)
    delimiter_count = 1.0*delimiter_count
    delimiters_per_chunk = int(math.ceil(delimiter_count/number_of_chunks))
    print 'Creating %s files with at most %s items each:' % (number_of_chunks, delimiters_per_chunk)
    header = ""
    footer = "\n</channel>\n</rss>\n"
    chunk_number = 1
    output_file_name = "%s_%s%s" % (input_file_name, chunk_number, input_file_extension)
    output_file = open(output_file_name, 'w')
    print '   Writing chunk %s to file %s...' % (chunk_number, output_file_name)
    delimiter_count = 0
    for line in lines :
    	if line == line_delimiter : delimiter_count += 1
    	if chunk_number is 1 and delimiter_count is 0 : header += line
    	if delimiter_count > delimiters_per_chunk :
    		chunk_number += 1
    		delimiter_count = 1
    		output_file_name = "%s_%s%s" % (input_file_name, chunk_number, input_file_extension)
    		output_file = open(output_file_name, 'w')
    		print '   Writing chunk %s to file %s...' % (chunk_number, output_file_name)
    print 'Done!\n'

    I’ve just added a \t\t to the item variable.

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