Ivan Privalov
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [ACF: Google Map Extended] The must-have of the ACF Google Maps Fieldp.s. It would also be great to have an option to ‘Clear’ the specified earlier Zoom and Map center coords…
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [ACF: Google Map Extended] The must-have of the ACF Google Maps FieldЭто вам спасибо!
p.s. Two features I am missing in the plugin – the option to have the ‘Map Data’ field open at all the time and have the zoom + centered location auto-Update…
Bug: One other thing – when the Google Map Extended is used in the ACF Options [ https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/options-page/ ] – the attempt to open the ‘Map Data’ closes whole ACF Option group ??
I do confirm every word. jack replied to my questions very quickly too!
Thank you, Jack.
You’ve made a great plugin that must be an initial part of the WordPress.
Thank you.Jack, in order not to send a ‘User role changed email‘ to the non-confirmed freshly registered users [with default WordPress role assigned] we have to simply add one line of code in send_user_role_chnaged_email() function in /wp-content/plugins/bnfw/includes/engine/class-bnfw-engine.php lines ~155:
$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id ); wp_mail( $user->user_email, stripslashes( $subject ), $message, $headers );
Replace with:
$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id ); if ( $user->user_activation_key == '' ) wp_mail( $user->user_email, stripslashes( $subject ), $message, $headers );
p.s. There is a typo in send_user_role_chnaged_email() function name.
Jack, perhaps you can also differentiate the ‘Welcome Email’ and the ‘New User Registration – For User’ notifications.
And send one of those at the moment user sign-ups and the other one when the user account password is set [user’s email gets confirmed]?
Thank you.
IvanSure, Jack. I do appreciate your work over this wonderful plugin.
Thank you. Will wait for the updates.
Thank you.Jack, I’ve just installed fresh WordPress 4.4 installation.
The WordPress email verification works like this:
1. If ‘Anyone can register’ enabled in Admin > Settings > General a user sees ‘Register | Lost your password?’ links bellow the login form at /wp-login/2. When a user registers he inputs ‘username’ and ’email’ only. stating ‘Registration confirmation will be emailed to you.’
3. If the username and email are unique, WordPress registers a user in the ‘wp_users’ table of the WP database and outputs “Registration complete. Please check your email.”
3.1. The user DB record at this moment have non-empty ‘user_pass’ and ‘user_activation_key’ fields and looks like this:
INSERT INTO 'wpr_users' ('user_login', 'user_pass', 'user_nicename', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_registered', 'user_activation_key', 'user_status', 'display_name') VALUES ('username', '$P$BXn0XEf8P9bqEHsdObA.7d3B.aztkY0', 'username', '[email protected]', '', '2016-01-13 16:00:45', '1452700845:$P$BNeklCCqrPZx2dnxpPICvIiAFAv/tm0', 0, 'username');
4. The administrator gets a notification that states “New user registration on your site…”
5. The user gets an email that states:
Username: username To set your password, visit the following address: <https://domain.com/wp-login.php?action=rp&key=MnGyoNglnLEQW6cJx9l7&login=username> https://domain.com/wp-login.php
6. The link gets the user to the one-input form that requests: “Enter your new password below.”
7. On password change the WordPress outputs: “Your password has been reset. Log in”.
7.1 The user DB record at this moment have modified ‘user_pass’ field. But EMPTY ‘user_activation_key’ field and looks like this:
INSERT INTO 'wp_users' ('user_login', 'user_pass', 'user_nicename', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_registered', 'user_activation_key', 'user_status', 'display_name') VALUES ('username', '$P$BaYtLPQZGXi5n1Ed5EoaZI/58eRznK.', 'username', '[email protected]', '', '2016-01-13 16:00:45', '', 0, 'username');
8. The user can finally login to WordPress with the username and password.
The Notification Plugin, therefore simply have to check if the user has ‘user_activation_key’ empty before sending a ‘Role Changed’ notification.
As a feature, it would be great if ‘User role change’ notifications could be specified to the specific role appointments.
For example, a user gets notification with editing details only if his appointed role is ‘editor’. ‘Authors’ at the same time. receive a different instructions – this would make your plugin an extra required WordPress feature, Jack.
Thank you, Jack.
By speaking about ‘user activation’ I meant the ’email verification’, – seeing a user as inactive since the user can not login to WordPress until his email is verified.
Is there a way to send a notification only after an email is verified?
p.s. Thank you for explanation about the ‘Welcome Email’ notification purpose. It sounds though that the ‘Welcome Email’ and ‘New User Registration – For User’ notifications are triggered at the same time [even with the different content]…
Jack, I’ve just sent you a link via https://www.voltronik.co.uk/contact/
Thank you.No, Jack. Plain WordPress 4.4.1 running X Theme.
Hello Jack, thank you for replying.
I’ve just checked it both of the ways. Here is what I have:
1.1 The user fills the standard Registration Form [desired username and email only].1.2 A standard WordPress ‘Verify your account’ email is sent to the user requesting an email to be verified.
1.3 Together with ‘activation’ request a user also gets two notifications set in the ‘BNforWP’ plugin: ‘User Role Changed’ & ‘New User – Welcome Email’ notifications. Those notifications are sent before a user verifies his email. Both of the BNforWP emails have empty [user_firstname] and [user_lastname] shortcodes [since the user did not filled his name and surname yet].
I assume that the ‘User Role Changed’ notification is sent because a user is assigned as ‘Subscriber’ by WordPress.
Second variant of registration [at the same site]:
2.1 The user fills the Gravity Form [with, username, name, surname, email, passwords…]
2.2 The user gets registered after filling the Gravity Form with the help of “Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On”. The user is registered as a non-veryfied user – the ‘User Activation’ feature of the GF plugin is set to not ‘Enable user activation’.
2.3 The same issue occurs as described in 1.2 and 1.3
In this case the [user_firstname] and [user_lastname] shortcodes are also blank even though the Gravity Form plugin passed the name and surname values into the user profile.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My question is:
– can the plugin be limited to not send the notifications to the users who did not verified their email yet?p.s. This should be the default behaviour, I think… receiving ‘New User – Welcome Email’ notification before the email is verified is really confusing… as if the email was auto-verified…
I just can not change it. Every time I save a page the Custom Field value is reset.
This is more of a report, not a question.
Try creating a Custom Field with a key = ?location? and the EM will allow you to do so. Try editing/deleting this Custom Field…