Forum Replies Created
Hello @studioviv. On my website, the registrations are working. Subscribers receive the confirmation email and are correctly added to the lists if they confirm their registration.
I only use the mailpoetsignup shortcode, and it’s primarily this part of the code that I’ve tested. There may still be bugs, particularly with the custom fields.Hello,
While waiting for a new official version, I have modified the plugin code to fix the error on a site I manage.
You can find the code here: https://github.com/ixesse/add-on-contact-form-7-mailpoet-3Hi Jarno,
Thanks for your reply and sorry for the late reply. I haven’t had time to deal with this problem since last week.
I put the snippet code in the mu-plugins directory but unfortunately it doesn’t work any better.
Hi @webtoffee,
Thanks for your help in solving this issue.
Hi @webtoffee,
We have this piece of code in the functions.php of th child theme to disable shipping cost on the cart page.
function disable_shipping_calc_on_cart( $show_shipping ) { if( is_cart() ) { return false; } return $show_shipping; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_ready_to_calc_shipping', 'disable_shipping_calc_on_cart', 99 );
I did a test, and indeed the shipping costs are correctly sent to paypal when this piece of code is disabled.
Hi @webtoffee ,
Here is the log
2022-05-10T08:34:51+00:00 DEBUG <------------------- WebToffee PayPal Express Payment ( Create Order API ) -------------------> { "intent": "CAPTURE", "application_context": { "brand_name": "Emma\u00fcs Toulouse", "locale": "fr-FR", "landing_page": "BILLING", "shipping_preference": "GET_FROM_FILE", "user_action": "PAY_NOW", "return_url": "https:\/\/emmaus.ixesse.fr\/wc-api\/Eh_PayPal_Express_Payment\/?c=order_details&p=https:\/\/emmaus.ixesse.fr\/e-boutique\/commander\/&intent=CAPTURE", "cancel_url": "https:\/\/emmaus.ixesse.fr\/e-boutique\/panier\/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_Ie0HTdSiHCIzi&order_id=13671&redirect=https%3A%2F%2Femmaus.ixesse.fr%2Fe-boutique%2Fcommander%2F&_wpnonce=41ca1b7a05&cancel_express_checkout=cancel" }, "purchase_units": [ { "invoice_id": "EM31_13671", "items": [ { "name": "Le petit vintage", "description": "", "unit_amount": { "currency_code": "EUR", "value": 10 }, "quantity": 1 } ], "amount": { "currency_code": "EUR", "value": 10, "breakdown": { "item_total": { "currency_code": "EUR", "value": 10 }, "shipping": { "currency_code": "EUR", "value": 0 }, "tax_total": { "currency_code": "EUR", "value": 0 }, "shipping_discount": { "currency_code": "EUR", "value": 0 }, "discount": { "currency_code": "EUR", "value": 0 } } }, "shipping": { "name": { "full_name": "Alan webtoffee" }, "address": { "address_line_1": "testing11, testing11", "address_line_2": "testing11", "admin_area_2": "testing11", "admin_area_1": "", "postal_code": "91183", "country_code": "FR" } } } ] } 2022-05-10T08:34:52+00:00 DEBUG <------------------- WebToffee PayPal Express Payment ( Response on Create Order API ) -------------------> { "id": "9SJ9913324052522U", "status": "CREATED", "links": [ { "href": "https:\/\/api.sandbox.paypal.com\/v2\/checkout\/orders\/9SJ9913324052522U", "rel": "self", "method": "GET" }, { "href": "https:\/\/www.sandbox.paypal.com\/checkoutnow?token=9SJ9913324052522U", "rel": "approve", "method": "GET" }, { "href": "https:\/\/api.sandbox.paypal.com\/v2\/checkout\/orders\/9SJ9913324052522U", "rel": "update", "method": "PATCH" }, { "href": "https:\/\/api.sandbox.paypal.com\/v2\/checkout\/orders\/9SJ9913324052522U\/capture", "rel": "capture", "method": "POST" } ] }