Forum Replies Created
Can the user deside if he sign up just for the main blog or create a blog with the registration? can the fields be labeled? like “create your own page now” or “just sign up and dont ive me a site” that would be interesting as long as i want to use the pro version for users to register and create a blog. or just register as an affiliate…
with kind regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simplr Registration Form Plus+] TinyMICE Button is not workingIve tryed to do some work with the translation thing… my thought was i replace the hardcoded stuff with variables, but i cant get this to work. maybe its a problem with the filters…
but since i aleready done it maybe you can put this to use:
//this is the german translation to make it translatable you have to replace the hardcoded values after you initialised the translation hook // see: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/I18n_for_WordPress_Developers#Translating_Plugins $usernamelabel = "Benutzername:"; //replace with __( 'Your Username:', 'my-text-domain' ); $registerlabel = "Registrieren:"; //replace with __( 'Register', 'my-text-domain' ); $mustenterusername = "Bitte geben Sie einen Benutzernamen ein."; //replace with __( 'You must enter a username.', 'my-text-domain' ); $mustenteremail = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre Emailadresse ein"; //replace with __( 'You must enter an email.', 'my-text-domain' ); $isarequiredfield = " wird ben?tigt, bitte füllen Sie das Feld aus"; //replace with __( 'is a required field. Please enter a value.', 'my-text-domain' ); $emailadress = "Emailadresse"; //replace with __( 'Email Address:', 'my-text-domain' ); $emailaddressconfirm = "Emailadresse wiederholen"; //replace with __( 'Confirm Email:', 'my-text-domain' ); $emaildontmatch = "Die eingegebenen Emailadressen stimmen nicht überein."; //replace with __( 'The emails you entered do not match.', 'my-text-domain' );
a nother thing is that the mails should be editable. i stay with it, the best thing with the least work for you would be if you make the labels + the mails editable. would be a realy great benefit and it would make good use of the potential this plugin has.
with kind regards…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simplr Registration Form Plus+] TinyMICE Button is not workingHi mpvanwinkle77,
It might be tinyMCE but other Plugins with costomfields work.
I am fine with the shortcode for now ?? thanks for that!3) I don’t know how this works, I just know most plugins have it so everyone can edit it.
What I can do is to give you a translation into German if you like, as I am not a programmer :/
But I think it would be a smarter solution to let the people label the fields themselves? At least it seems to make sense ?? as a workaround I would like to hardcode it :). Can you give me a hint in which file I can find the labels?4) it would be a great benefit if there was an option for that ?? just a checkbox in the options ->
<?php if ($showalways == “true”) {insert form here}
else if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) { insert form here } ?>As a workaround I will use if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) { echo “[register role=\”subscriber\” fields=\”firstname,test\”]” }
with shortcoderForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simplr Registration Form Plus+] TinyMICE Button is not workingok, i found out that [Register role=”subscriber” password=”yes”] insert a standard registration form, i have 2 problems with this:
1st the other fields like “firstname” or “test” wont show up even if i had them set up as required. they show up on the profile page.
i need the user to fill them out right at the registration.the other thing is. is it possible to translate or setup the labels for “your username” into another language? i would gladly provide a po file, but i cant find this plugin in the CodeStyling Localization ??
another thing would be to hide the registration form for loged in users ?? but i think i can hack this my self.
besides of that i like your plugin ?? if we ould fix the first 2 issues i would gladly invite you to a coffee ??
with kind regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simplr Registration Form Plus+] TinyMICE Button is not workingHi, i have the newest version installed, but when i click on the insert button nothing happens…
If you tell me how i would gladly provide more detailed informations ??
with kind regards
joschiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] [Plugin: Cachify] Multisite: Globale EinstellungenHi,
Ich würde mich dieser Anfrage gerne anschlie?en. Die DAUs die sich bei mir ne Seite bauen sollen vorgefertigte einstellungen bekommen :D.
Macht schon sinn (wenn das cachingplugin gut funktioniert) dass es dann auch alle blogs verwenden um meinen Server zu entlasten. Von alleine aktiviert das da keiner ;(Trotz finanzieller mangelerscheinungen würde ich dir für die Funktion nen gro?en Kaffee sponsorn ??
Ansonsten keep up the good work!
j0schiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Finance] | Added by dont shows upIts a plain install… the site is still under development.
Hi, i have a similar request:
I just love this plugin, how it works! my problem is: I need one Loginscreen for all sites in my network. right now every site dadmin in the network can make his own loginpage.
that doesnt makes so much sence in this case. is there a option to make only one login screen for all sites in the network?
with kind regards from berlin
joschiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Finance] | Added by dont shows upWordPress is the newest version, plugin is version 1.3.5
it is a multi site install, pretty basic so far, not much custom configurated. it doesnt matter if i add the expense with the network admin or a normal user.here you have a screenshot:
https://gyazo.com/1a3e171f486435732e3b1af5eccd3941so ive added my first income just to test a little more and suddenly the name apears:
https://gyazo.com/5a275f93a2af86c70804b79a33998fbesame with the e3ntrys from the other user.
i hope that hepls.
with kind regards
joschiedit: after deleting the income from my user “test” and added a income from my user “patrick” the name of the expense changes to “patrick, if you click on it it is still added by “test” and the other entrys have no name again…
Stealing = I have 5$, you take it then you have 5$ and I am not.
Copying = I have an idea, you copy it then we both have an idea.Learn the difference ??
Deactivated W3TC -> Problem solved… Is this normal behavior?
fix works! so it would be great to if we could list the milestones by time left. i think this would be essential to, right now its kind of confusing if we split a milestone up and it is in the order we added them instead of time left.
will this come in a further version?
btw, i found the donation button, keep up the good work!edit: it would be great if we could ad a otional priorety to tasks! just to give you a hint what might be needed ??
thank you for your reply. i will let you now if it works!
okey, this problem goes a little further: you can only ad a tasklist to the last 5 mile stones created, regarldes of the milestones are aleready done or not. a possible sullution is to sort the milestones ASC with the days left. but its better to see all milestones.
– sorting ASC days left (mile stones)
– adding tasklists to all milestones not only the last 5if someone have more than 5 milestones he cant use this plugin right now :/
with kind regards
i have the same problem with this plugin ?? we really like to use it, but we need round about 8-10 milestones! They should show up all on the same page and should sort by date, not creation id. this is really important fo us to use this plugin.
besides that great work and a big thank you! i would gladly donate $5 from my own pocket if you could prioretize this request ??