Forum Replies Created
I think I found the problem … check out the .htaccess file. Another plugin may have entered some information into the file that cause it to constantly start changing the site over to mobile. For me it was the W3 Cache plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post to Multiple WordPress Sites (separate installations)No solution from anyone else.
So I paid someone to create a plugin that allows users to submit a post on a main site … and it then posts to multiple sites on the same server (the sites it posts to are determined in the plugin settings).
Well, I tried deactivating the plugin, so the mobile site wouldn’t appear (when we view the site from a desktop) … after 12 hours, the mobile site was STILL coming up. I tried renaming the mobile theme FOLDER on the server … and that worked for a little while … but then the site started pulling up the mobile site AGAIN. It wasn’t until I completely removed the mobile site theme from the server that the regular site went up again.
Not sure if I can put much faith in this plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Terms of Use] [Plugin: Terms of Use] 404 ErrorYou posted this 9 months ago and still no response? Ouch. Doesn’t give me much faith in this plugin. Anyway, I’ll give it a shot…
I am also getting a 404 error when I have this plugin installed. When I go to a page where the terms is supposed to show up, I get a 404 error…
404: Page not found
This error is generated when there was no web page with the name you specified at the web site.Obviously a redirection issue… The link looks like this…
https://www.mysitedomain.com/pagename/?redirected=trueForum: Plugins
In reply to: How to solve plugin conflictsI managed to find a temporary solution.
The problem was happening only when I edited a few pages of my website… The problem wasn’t just the ADD IMAGE button. The menu’s also weren’t expanding, nor was the SCREEN OPTIONS expanding.
So, the problem seemed to be that the page wasn’t loading everything. It was probably not fully loading some javascript files that ran on the page. This could be do to the over 20 plugins that were running.
So, I downloaded the plugin called “Plugin Organizer”. Just installing and activating the plugin wont be enough – the plugin needs to be configured correctly. The plugin doesn’t provide any great instructions, so I had to play around with it a bit. The plugin lets you disable/enable plugins on certain pages of your site. So, if you have a page that runs a calendar plugin, then you can disable the plugin all over the site and enable it on a single page. Or, in my case, you can disable a bunch of plugins on a certain page.
So, once the plugin was activated, I went to the subnavigation “URL Admin” under “Plugin Organizer”. I then added the url for the admin page that I was editing (for example: https://www.somesite.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=18960&action=edit), and then checked all of the plugins I wanted to “disable” on that page.
While this solution works. It is still a work-around, and not a direct solution. I still see this issue as something that may occur again at a later date (as the site grows, and more plugins possibly get added).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Domain and index.php … showing something different…If I comment out the “is_plugin_active” reference … then it works. What is wrong with that line for https://ridgewood.tipsfromtown.com/ but not for https://ridgewood.tipsfromtown.com/index.php ?
And how do I fix it?<?php
// If Weather Plugin (Wunderground) is active …
// if (is_plugin_active(‘wunderground/wunderground.php’)) {
<div class=”right-banners”>
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[forecast]”); ?></div>
// }
?>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to solve plugin conflictsHad alot of errors like…
[16-May-2013 00:00:40 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /home/thewebsitename/public/wp-admin/includes/admin.php on line 29
I bumped up the memory for PHP to 384M per instance … which is 3x the amount. However, that didn’t seem to help. Still having a problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mingle Forum] Moderator Check Boxes … can't UNCHECKI already tried deleting the moderator and adding them again (and then updating their forums again). That didn’t work. Still not resolved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post to Multiple WordPress Sites (separate installations)That plugin hasn’t been updated since 2011 … and tons of posts on the support page saying there are major errors.
Anyone else have another solution?
Well, I didn’t find a resolution in the post you suggested… however I did find another fix.
Go to the EVENTS menu item and click SETTINGS. There are two text fields that are important to this issue. “Events URL Slug” and “Single Event URL slug” both had the value “Calendar” (which I assume was the default).
However, beneath “Single Event URL slug” is a warning (“You cannot use the same slug as above”). So, I kept “Events URL Slug” equal to “Calendar” and then changed the value for “Single Event URL slug” to “events”.
This fixed the problem for me.
I checked out two of the posts that it was occurring on. Adding -1 to those two slugs works for those two. Still have the others to figure out (and I’d hate to have to check each event I post every time)
Upgrade from 2.0? To 2.0.7? Not sure exactly. The site is only about 3 months old, so I don’t think it’s that old. Think I only upgraded it once a few weeks ago (and I wasnt even aware of this occurring before).
It is version 2.0.7. I’ll try reverting to the theme late tonight (dont want to bring down the site in the middle of the day)
Yup. Tried both of those. Didn’t fix the issue…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: On home page wp_link_pages LINK sends user back to homepage.I accidentally stumbled onto a solution. One solution works on the homepage, but not on other ‘pages’ of the site. The second solution below works on other pages, but not the homepage.
This did NOT work (on the homepage):
$paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; query_posts('posts_per_page='.$numposts.'&order=DESC&paged='.$paged);
This WORKED (but only from the homepage):
(you dont even need to call the $paged variable line)
Note: the only difference in the query is that the $paged variable is changed to $page. The value of $page is the page that you are currently on. $paged always outputted ‘1’ for some reason.
Alternatively, this also WORKED (only on the homepage):
$pagin = get_query_var('page'); query_posts('posts_per_page='.$numposts.'&order=DESC&paged='.$pagin);
However, if I go to another page (not the homepage) that also lists recent posts (www.mysite.com/findspage/) …
This WORKED on pages (NOT the homepage though)
$paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; query_posts('cat='.$categorynum.'&posts_per_page='.$numposts.'&order=DESC&paged='.$paged);
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: On home page wp_link_pages LINK sends user back to homepage.I tried the following…
$paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; echo $page; query_posts('order=DESC&paged='.$paged);
On my index page, I get a list of the 10 most recent posts (1-10). The output for $page is 1.
When I click the OLDER POSTS link, the output I get is 2 … but the page still shows the first 1-10 posts. It should be showing 11-20. So, for some reason the QUERY_POSTS isn’t recognizing the paged variable…
I’ve been checking the forums, and there are a TON of posts regarding this … but none have been solved in over a year. Is this just a drawback of using WordPress?