Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Archived Links@moshu: ooooh, I didn’t know that I could use archive.php to handle this. I thought I could only use archives.php as a template. The answer is so simple ?? Thanks a lot!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My Sidebar is not on the right but down…try making the width of your sidebar smaller.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: renet@web reboot re-design – Please comment.When hovering on some links in the sidebar, the pop-up is too wide and creates a temporary horizontal scroll. I would work on that. Otherwise, I really like it! Good work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Dagon Design Form Mailer Plugin – Version 4!I have not tried the plugin, but I looked over the PHP, and it looks great on your site! Keep up the good work ??
–jackoshForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How Do I Make Entire Sidebar Appear?can you give a link to the site?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How Do I Make Entire Sidebar Appear?check your sidebat.php file to make sure you dont close any div’s too early. This sounds like a problem with your code… Does it validate?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: newbie – where to install WordPress?Definitely go with the root. I struggled with this question for a while, switching back and forth. The root is always best…
Hope this helps,
jackoshForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Allow students to post commentsGo to your dashboard, and click “Options”. Scroll down to “Membership”, and you now have two options. You can a) Check “Allow anyone to register”, or b) uncheck “user must be logged in to comment”. I think choice b is easier!
If you go with option a, your students must go to https://yoursite.com/wp-admin . Then, when they register and login, they can comment on your site.
Hope this helps,
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I make a “Contact” mailto form?do a google search for “PHP mail form”. i’ve looked into it before and found some great stuff. you’ll just have to incorporate it all into your site!
hope this helps
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Feedback on my site“In Firefox I keep getting this white bar between the header image and the navigation bar.”
This is probably due to a margin or padding in your css document that is applied to the header, or the navigation links.
“And, there’s a very irritating horizontal scroll I can’t get rid of.”
Your page width is probably set to 100%. Change it to 98% and it the bar is still there, try 97%, and so on.
“How do I get my posts to appear in search engines? As in, the permalink page…”
I can’t answer this one, but my educated guess would be increasing your traffic.
Hope this helps,
jackoshForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Basic: Finding my API KeyI use Spam Karma 2, and it’s great. I suggest you give it a shot if you continue to have problems.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking for some feedbackShamis: No prob!
Samboll: Thanks! I prefer my archives to be seperate from the content. I don’t know why, maybe I just enjoy having another section to the site!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking for some feedbackwhat7: How does it look now, without the image in a post? I thought it looked very structured, but if people think it’s messy, then ill change it!
Shamis: Yeah, I used a little CSS. It’s really easy, actually. For that particular div, images have an opacity of 25%, and on img:hover, their opacity changes to 100%.
Here is what it looks like:
#flickr img{ opacity:.25;}
* html #flickr img{ filter:alpha(opacity=25);}#flickr img:hover{ border:2px solid #ffffff; opacity:1;}
* html #flickr a:hover img{ border:2px solid #ffffff; filter:alpha(opacity=100);}Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Boring layout?I would definitely move those ads out of the way. I didn’t even realize that you had a sidebar beause it blends right in with the ads!
Try changing your font/font sizes/color around. I would also make the links/hover a bit more fun…
Two links to take the user home is also a bit overkill!
Hope this helps,
jackoshForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking for some feedbackOk, so I changed the theme [in a few minor ways] about a week ago, and I am finally at a point where I love the way it looks.
However, among the few changes that I made, I added some JavaScript [lightbox picture thing] and a small script that I wrote for the ‘random’ images to appear. Does anyone think the page loads too slowly? I’m on a T1 connection and don’t notice a difference, but I’m interested in slower connection time abnormalities.
Also, how do you feel about the way the content is displayed? Good or bad?
Constructive criticism, please!